Final Fantasy Wiki

Behemoth is an enemy in Final Fantasy VIII. It is a powerful monster that begins to roam the Esthar region after the Lunar Cry. Devouring it can grant a permanent stat boost to Magic. Quistis can learn its Mighty Guard as a Blue Magic from the Barrier item the monster yields.


In the Japanese version Behemoth's HP formula is .


Behemoth uses Meteor from FFVIII Remastered


Behemoth uses powerful attacks and spells, such as Meteor, as well as the Blue Magic spell Mighty Guard, which is used one time after falling below 30% HP. At level 40+, Behemoths can counter physical attacks with Meteor, and can cast Meteor or Flare as a final attack. It is one of two normal enemies that are immune to Gravity, the other being Elnoyle.

Devouring a level 40+ Behemoth will raise the devourer's Magic stat by one.


Behemoths can be easily defeated by junctioning 100 units of Death magic to Status Attack, or by casting Blind and Silence on it, which will render it useless. Doomtrain also works well against one.

Triple Triad[]

Behemoth is a Level 5 Monster Card used for playing Triple Triad and for turning into Barrier with Quezacotl's Card Mod, though it takes a high 10 cards to make one Barrier. If the player is tenacious enough, this is regardless a way to get Quistis's Mighty Guard Limit Break early.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Behemoth from Final Fantasy VIII appears as an enemy in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.

Final Fantasy VIII[]

Behemoth FFVIII-FFIX from FFBE enemy sprite

The Behemoth appears as an enemy encountered during the "Lunatic Pandora - Exploration" event. Notably, the Behemoth from Final Fantasy IX uses the same sprite when it appears during the "Memoria - Exploration" event.

Final Fantasy Portal App[]

Behemoth from Final Fantasy VIII appears as a Triple Triad card.



Behemoth is a beast mentioned in Job 40:15–24. In addition to mythological creatures, it is likened to dinosaurs, especially sauropods, as well as elephants, hippos, rhinos, and bison. Metaphorically, the term behemoth denotes "an extremely large or powerful entity".

Related enemies[]
