Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Poison is an element in Final Fantasy VIII. It is a rare element, opposed to Holy element, with only few abilities associated with it. Poison status does not deal Poison-elemental damage in Final Fantasy VIII though both Bio and Doomtrain also inflict the status. Human enemies are typically weak to it.


Spell Bio (Magic, Slot, Angel Wing)
Summon Doomtrain
Support ability Elem-Atk-J with Bio spells junctioned (1 spell = 1%)

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Bio Inflicts Poison damage and Poison to one target. Blue Dragon, Funguar, Left Orb, Torama, Ultimecia (1st)


The player can protect against Poison damage with Elem-Def-J by junctioning some of the following spells: Ultima, Full-life, Shell, Life, and Bio. Out of these, Bio gives the best protection (1.5% per spell) and Shell gives the lowest (0.2%). The maximum protection is 100% absorption (200% of an element in Elem-Def-J).


200% Esthar Soldier, G-Soldier, Gesper, Guard, Paratrooper, SAM08G, Minotaur, Sacred, Ultimecia (1st)
150% Base Leader, Elite Soldier, Fujin, Raijin, Seifer
50% Blood Soul, Imp, T-Rexaur, Bahamut, Helix
20% Cactuar
0% Chimera, Cockatrice, Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Elastoid, Forbidden, GIM47N, GIM52A, Iron Giant, BGH251F2, Elvoret, Gerogero, Iguion, Left Orb, NORG, NORG Pod, Right Orb, Ultimecia (Griever form), Wedge (Dollet), X-ATM092
-50% Anacondaur
-100% Blue Dragon, Hexadragon, Malboro, Tri-Face, Griever, Omega Weapon
Varies Blobra