Final Fantasy Wiki

Confuse is a status in Final Fantasy VIII. The afflicted performs random actions against random targets. For the party, these actions include the Attack/Mug, Magic, and Item commands. The effect remains indefinitely until the end of battle, and can be cured with a physical attack. It is an especially hazardous status that may end up wasting some of the party's rare items.


The actions that the confused units takes are determined as follows:

  • Step 1:
Randomly select one of the four commands a character has. If selected command is not "Attack", "Mug", "Magic", or "Item", the selection defaults to "Attack"/"Mug".
  • Step 2:
If either "Magic" or "Item" are selected, the game randomly selects a spell/item from the list of available spells/items.
  • Step 3:
The game decides which target group (allies or enemies) should be selected with both groups having a 50% chance.
  • Step 4:
A random target from the target group is selected if the attack is single-target.


Limit Bad Breath (Blue Magic)
Spell Confuse (Magic, Slot, Angel Wing)
Summon Doomtrain


Spell Rating Status Effects
Confuse 100% Confuse

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Bad Breath Inflicts Darkness, Confuse, Berserk, Poison, Sleep, Silence, Curse, Petrifying, and Slow on the entire party. Can be learned as a Blue Magic. Malboro
Confuse Inflicts Confuse to one target. Abadon, Base Leader, Belhelmel, Chimera, Fujin (2nd), Funguar, Gesper, Imp, Torama
Poison Gas Inflicts non-elemental magic damage as well as Poison and Confuse to the party. Tri-Face
Stare Inflicts non-elemental magic damage as well as Poison, Confuse, Darkness, and Silence to one target. Vysage
Ultrasonic Waves Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Confuse to one target. Red Bat (Lv20+)


Support ability Ribbon
Status Invincible, Angel Wing


Spell Rating Status Effects
Confuse 100% Confuse
Holy 40% Death, Poison, Berserk, Zombie, Sleep, Curse, Confuse, Drain
Esuna 20% Poison, Petrify, Petrifying, Darkness, Silence, Berserk, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Curse, Confuse
Reflect 25% Poison, Petrify, Petrifying, Darkness, Silence, Berserk, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Confuse


Ability Treatment, Any physical attack
Item Elixir, Megalixir, Remedy, Remedy+
Limit Break Full-cure
Spell Esuna


Enemies in Final Fantasy VIII have variable resistance to statuses.

Immune Abyss Worm, Armadodo, Base Leader, Base Soldier, Behemoth, Belhelmel, Blitz, Cactuar, Chimera, Creeps, Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Elastoid, Elnoyle, Forbidden, Gayla, Hexadragon, Imp, Iron Giant, Jelleye, Lefty, Malboro, Ochu, Oilboyle, Paratrooper, PuPu, Raldo, Righty, Ruby Dragon, SAM08G, Tonberry, Torama, Tri-Face, UFO?, Vysage, All bosses except Biggs (D-District Prison), Elvoret, and Wedge (D-District Prison)
10% Elvoret
30% Cockatrice, Grat
40% Adamantoise, Bite Bug, Blood Soul, Blue Dragon, Bomb, Buel, Caterchipillar, Death Claw, Esthar Soldier, Fastitocalon, Fastitocalon-F, Funguar, G-Soldier, Geezard, Gesper, GIM47N, Glacial Eye, Grand Mantis, Grendel, Guard, Mesmerize, Red Bat, Slapper, Snow Lion, Turtapod, Wendigo, Biggs (D-District Prison), Wedge (D-District Prison)
60% Anacondaur, Blobra, T-Rexaur, Thrustaevis
80% Elite Soldier

Behind the scenes[]

Inflicting Biggs and Wedge with Confuse in D-District Prison leads to a humorous scene where the two berate one another for acting erratically.
