Zombie is a status in Final Fantasy V, inflicted by several enemy attacks and unable to be used on enemies. The player loses control of zombified party members who automatically attack any random target. The game ends if all party members are zombies. Zombified character's will still gain EXP and AP at the end of battle. In the discontinued 2014 version, party members afflicted with zombie can have their equipment modified outside of battle. Characters inflicted with the zombie status have green skin, solid white eyes, and zero HP.
Zombie is not to be mistaken for the "undead" status, which can be obtained by using certain equipment or using the Necromancer job.
Zombies are immune to most damage, and equipping a zombified character with the Healing Staff will make them randomly heal party members.
If the status is inflicted to a hidden character, it will result in the Hidden zombies bug in the SNES and PS versions of Final Fantasy V. If zombie is inflicted on a singing character, they will continue to sing. A zombified party member with Cover will not protect allies.
Zombie characters are immune to the darkness, poison, float, mini, toad, petrify, and sudden death statuses.
Zombie persists after battle but is not removed with Tent or Cottage; the player should use a Holy Water to be rid of it.
The player does not have access to any abilities that inflict zombie.
Enemy abilities[]
Ability | Description | Enemy |
Danse Macabre | Inflicts Zombie to one target. | Cherie, Cursed Being, Mummy, Sword Dancer, Enuo |
Grand Cross | Inflicts Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Old, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Doom, and Sap to the entire party. | Enuo, Neo Exdeath |
Paraclete | Revives one KO'd party member as a Zombie. | Fairy Orc, Grand Aevis |
Zombie Breath | Inflicts non-elemental damage and Zombie to anyone whose HP hits 0. | Archeosaur, Bahamut, Neo Shinryu, Shield Dragon, Shinryu, Grand Aevis |
Zombie Powder | Inflicts Zombie to one target. | Dragon Flower, Exoray, Grand Aevis, Necromancer, Rukh, Neo Shinryu |
Accessory | Angel Ring |
Mix | Holy Water, Remedy |
Item | Holy Water |
Though zombie status persists outside of battle, it is not removed with using a Tent or Cottage. The player needs to use an inn or other full-heal service, instead.
The following enemies have immunity to zombie despite the player having no access to abilities that inflict the status:
- ???
- Abductor (2nd)
- Adamantite Golem
- Alchymia
- Aquagel
- Archeosaur
- Aspis
- Bandercoeurl (Phoenix Tower)
- Bio Soldier
- Black Warlock
- Bone Dragon (Non-Zephyrus version)
- Crew Dust
- Crystal Dragon
- Crystelle
- Death Claw
- Dhorme Chimera
- Elm Gigas
- Exdeath's Soul
- Galajelly
- Ghidra
- Grand Mummy
- Headstone
- Imp
- Iron Fist
- Iron Giant
- Jackanapes
- Kuza Beast (Phoenix Tower)
- Landcrawler
- Lesser Lopros
- Little Chariot
- Magic Pot
- Mecha Head
- Metamorph
- Mindflusher
- Mini Dragon
- Moss Fungus
- Motor Trap
- Mover
- Mummy
- Objet d'Art
- Page 32
- Page 64
- Page 128
- Page 256
- Poison Eagle
- Poltergeist
- Ronkan Knight
- Skeleton
- Stone Golem
- Stone Mask
- Strapparer
- The Damned
- Tot Aevis
- Unknown (Blob & Slime & Worm & Skeleton)
- Ushabti
- White Flame
- Yellow Dragon
- Zombie Dragon
All bosses are immune to zombie except Adamantoise, Alte Roite, Archeodemon, Byblos, Calofisteri, Carbuncle (Healing), Chimera Brain, Cray Claw, Dragon Flower, Forza, Gargoyle, Golem, Guardian, Grand Aevis, Ifrit, Ice Commander, Iron Claw, Jura Aevis, Launcher (Guardian), Magissa, Nereid, Neo Exdeath (Back), Pantera, Phobos, Purobolos, Shiva, Siren, Triton, Wave Cannon, and Wing Raptor.