Zile is a character and summonable vision from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
His Trust Master reward is the Bombardier's Bicorne.
4★ - No. 0946:A bombardier who serves as a knight of the Kingdom of Grandshelt. Zile is a merry man who opens himself up to everyone he meets. He had no reservations about approaching his new fellow knights Raegen and Loren to chat them up, although the rest of the fresh recruits considered him brave for doing so. Despite his affinity to stand out from the crowd he doesn't enjoy giving out orders, and thus is extremely grateful for the presence of his talented peers.
5★ - No. 0947:A bombardier who serves as a knight of Grandshelt. Zile yearned to be a knight from infancy and thus learned the art of the sword, but eventually learned that blowing up his enemies with a huge bang was more suited to his style. The accuracy of his hits depend greatly on meticulous calculations requiring great focus and a very experienced hand.
6★ - No. 0948:A famed bombardier who serves as a knight of Grandshelt. Zile's sociable personality coupled with his flashy style of combat made him popular amongst the masses. While enlisted as a knight, he apparently managed to woo a childhood friend older than him into marriage after years of longing for her. Later he came to be known as the "legendary bombardier" in Grandshelt, but that is a story for another time.
Entries for different versions of Zile.
Zile's stats at his highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:
Zile can equip the following weapons: Sword, Gun.
He can equip the following armor:Light Shield, Heavy Shield, Hat, Helm, Light Armor, Heavy Armor.
He can equip accessories.