Final Fantasy Wiki

Zefer (ゼファー, Zefā) was a Sorceress's Knight who aided his Sorceress in standing up for the people of a collapsed country in ancient times in Final Fantasy VIII.

In more modern times, Zefer and his partner have become a part of Sorceress history and, more specifically, his partner is regarded as one of the three Sorceresses of historical importance. A movie was made about their adventures with Laguna Loire playing the part of a Sorceress's Knight, though it is unknown whether this Knight was actually Zefer or some other Knight.

After the movie's release, Seifer Almasy became enchanted with the story of Zefer and his Sorceress and became enthralled with the idea of becoming a Sorceress's Knight himself, calling it his "Romantic Dream".

Other Appearances

Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy

The costume worn in the movie Zefer appears as an optional outfit for Laguna Loire in Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy.


"Zefer" is most likely derived from "Zephyr", meaning "strength". It is also the name of the Greek god of wind.


  • During filming Scene 12: "Death of the Sorceress" of the movie in the Vienne Mountains, the cast was attacked by a Ruby Dragon, forcing the filming to stop until the monsters were driven away by Laguna and his friends.
  • The Queen of Cards wears a garb similar to the one worn by the actress who played the Sorceress in the aforementioned scene.

