Zaltys Ω could be a threat for unprepared players due to its high HP and Strength. Zaltys rarely uses Blaze Burst for major damage, so it may be wise to equip Lightning with fire-proof accessories to mitigate the damage. If Lightning is too close, Zaltys Ω may start to use Swipe, Tail Hammer and Bite randomly. It often uses Stampede when Lightning is recoiled.
Zaltys is the only fire-based enemy that is immune to fire; the others absorb it.
Tail Hammer.
Lightning should be equipped with Debrave and Deshell to reduce Zaltys Ω's Strength and Magic resistance. Poison can deplete Zaltys Ω's HP in a short time.
Lightning should have at least Lv.2–Lv.3 Froststrike or Lv.2–Lv.3 Blizzara. The player should sever Zaltys Ω's tail to make it lose access to Tail Hammer and Swipe. After the attempt, Lightning should focus on staggering the Zaltys Ω with Blizzara and use Froststrike on its head when it is staggered, or take the chance to heal if needed.
[view·edit·purge]Žaltys (literally: grass snake) is a household spirit in Lithuanian mythology.