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Yubel is a character and summonable vision from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.

Yubel's Trust Master reward is the Reaper of the Dust Storm.



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4★ - No. 1210:

A young man from the small village of Olde who rides a black chocobo. He fights off monsters in the vicinity of the village together with his childhood friend, Ichor. A steadfast follower of the Priestess of the Land, he believes that her word is absolute, going as far as to wear all black in accordance with her prophecies.

5★ - No. 1211:

A young man who rode a black chocobo named Kihana's Praise. Having been claimed to be a rare breed, he was tricked into paying an exorbitant price for a disobedient chocobo no one wanted. Although it doesn't listen to him, Yubel believes the chocobo to be a bringer of good fortune.

6★ - No. 1212:

A knight who rode a black chocobo. He continued to believe in the Priestess of the Land, even while watching over the growth of the second Priestess of the Water after Folka disappeared from Olde. Completely clueless to his own feelings, Ichor had to intervene, unable to stand back while his friend's relationship wasn't going anywhere.

Entries for different versions of Yubel.



Yubel's stats at his highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:



Yubel can equip the following weapons: Dagger, Sword, Katana, Bow, Throwing, Gun, Fist.

He can equip the following armor: Light Shield, Hat, Clothes, Light Armor.

He can equip accessories.

Limit Bursts[]

Awakening Materials[]


