Final Fantasy Wiki

Yeti is a giant/behemoth-type enemy in Final Fantasy XII found in the Paramina Rift. It rarely drops the Demonsbane sword.

Bestiary entry[]

Page 1: Observations[]

A thick coat of fur is the perfect protection against the cold in the snow-covered mountain ranges where these creatures reside. In olden times it was said that mountain gods lived in the snowy crags, and villagers would offer them sacrifices for their good favor. Now it is widely believed that these 'gods' were, in fact, yeti who had succeeded in cowing superstitious local residents.

Page 2: A Curious Treasure[]

Now, it is a well-known fact among researchers of arctic monstrosities that the yeti possesses lungs of particular fascination, operating as they do at a temperature colder than ice, making them well-suited to the breathing of frigid air. Unique structures within the yeti's lungs cause atmospheric moisture to form icy tubes, with openings on either side which permit the flow of air. Over time, these tubular structures grow ever more intricate, and when they are later forcibly removed from the yeti's chest cavity, they become the curious objects known as arctic winds, and are highly collectible.



There are only a few Yetis towards the end of Paramina Rift but they give good Experience and the two License Points. Its Blizzara attack is its weakest attack; its physical attacks can lead to a quick death, especially if they attack in groups of two. Using lightning damage and/or Thundara, is a good way to take them on.



The Yeti or Abominable Snowman is an ape-like cryptid taller than an average human that is said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Nepal and Tibet.

Related enemies[]
