Following the Admiral's reformation of this guild and the purging of its pirate influences, I was invited to don the mantle of "Axemaster." It is an honor I accepted with a gratitude I continue to feel. Thanks to the Admiral's offer, I can now share my combat experience and skills with a new generation of marauders, instead of sitting in an alehouse and bemoaning the injury that removed me from the front lines of battle.
Wyrnzoen Saelsmyndsyn is a non-playable character from Final Fantasy XIV. He is the Guildmaster for marauders at the Coral Tower in Limsa Lominsa.
Early life[]
Axemaster Wyrnzoen was a captain of the Yellowjackets with many victories to his name. A wound to the knee in a skirmish with the kobolds, however, forced him to abandon the front lines. Nonetheless, the Wyrnzoen's skill with the axe and stalwart character did not go unnoticed. After the Marauders' Guild was restructured at at Admiral Merlwyb's behest, he was appointed master.[1]
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn[]
On many training tasks, his sister Solkwyb Saelsmyndsyn provides on-field healing support for the Warrior of Light as part of the training.
Much of the marauder's training is focused on preparing to take down a rampaging aurochs called Kujata, on behalf of a young boy from Red Rooster Stead who lost most of his family to the beast. Though normally the training is done by officials at the guild, Wyrnzoen sometimes poses as a masked marauder to conduct surprise tests of the Warrior of Light's mettle.
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood[]
Due to the reputation that Broken Mountain and Curious Gorge acquire with the Maelstrom, Wyrnzoen decides to test their abilities and challenges them anonymously. After the battle, Dorgono, one of Wyrnzoen's marauders, is possessed by her inner beast and easily throws Wyrnzoen, Broenbhar, and Curious Gorge into the waters of the pier.
Wyrnzoen is a Sea Wolf Roegadyn with dark green skin and silvery hair.

In the Roegadyn language, his name seems to translates to "Snake Tongue, son of Salt Mouth," although with some alternate spelling (zoen rather than zoeng and saels rather than saelz).