This is a list of status effects that can be triggered in World of Final Fantasy.

List of Positive statuses[]
These effects count toward the "Use magical enhancements" prismunity.
Reduces damage taken from Physical attacks by 50%.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Protect | Active Ability | Bestows Protect to a single target. |
Mighty Guard | Active Ability | User gains Protect/Shell. |
Ethereal Pulse | Active Ability | Bestows Protect/Shell to all targets. |
Auto-Protect | Passive Ability | Continually bestows Protect to the user. |
Protect Stone | Item | Bestows Protect to a single target. |
Protect Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Protect. |
Protect Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Protect. |
Reduces damage taken from Magical attacks by 50%.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Shell | Active Ability | Bestows Shell to a single target. |
Mighty Guard | Active Ability | User gains Protect/Shell. |
Ethereal Pulse | Active Ability | Bestows Protect/Shell to all targets. |
Auto-Shell | Passive Ability | Continually bestows Shell to the user. |
Shell Stone | Item | Bestows Shell to a single target. |
Shell Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Shell. |
Shell Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Shell. |
Reflects most magic used against the affected back at the user.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Reflect | Active Ability | Bestows Reflect to a single target. |
Ruby Light | Active Ability | Bestows Reflect to all targets. |
Bypass Reflect | Passive Ability | Allows one to bypass reflect when casting magic. |
Star Curtain | Item | Bestows Reflect to a single target. |
Reflect Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Reflect. |
Reflect Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Reflect. |
Restores some of the affected's HP once per turn.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Regen | Active Ability | Bestows Regen to a single target. |
Topaz Light | Active Ability | Bestows Regen to all targets. |
Bask | Active Ability | User recovers HP and gains Regen. |
Gentle Mist | Active Ability | Restores HP and bestows Regen to all targets. |
Walnut Frenzy | Active Ability | User recovers HP and gains Regen/Berserk. |
Ailment Regen | Passive Ability | Bestows Regen to the user while afflicted by a status ailment. |
Photosynthesis | Passive Ability | Sometimes bestows Regen at start of battle to the user. |
SOS Regen | Passive Ability | Bestows Regen to the user while HP is low. |
Healing Spring | Item | Bestows Regen to a single target. |
Regen Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Regen. |
Initial Regen Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Grants Lann or Reynn Regen at the beginning of battles. |
Regen Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Regen. |
Ragnarok | Champion Ability | Inflict light-elemental magical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Bestows Regen to all allies. (No longer available) |
Decreases the affected's wait time until the next turn.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Haste | Active Ability | Bestows Haste to a single target. |
Refueling | Active Ability | User gains Haste. |
Destroyer | Active Ability | User gains Berserk/Haste. |
Stretch Legs | Active Ability | User gains Haste/Evasion ↑. |
Howling Moon | Active Ability | User gains Berserk/Haste/Evasion ↑. |
Upshift | Active Ability | User gains Haste/Evasion ↑ but incurs Defense ↓. |
Initiative | Passive Ability | Sometimes bestows Haste at start of battle to the user. |
SOS Haste | Passive Ability | Bestows Haste to the user when HP is low. |
Unstacked Haste | Passive Ability | Bestows Haste to the user while unstacked. |
Haste Stone | Item | Bestows Haste to a single target. |
Haste Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Haste. |
Initial Haste Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Grants Lann or Reynn Haste at the beginning of battles. |
Haste Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Haste. |
Raises the affected's Physical damage.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Bravery | Active Ability | Bestows Bravery to a single target. |
Hyper Mode | Passive Ability | Gives user chance of gaining Bravery/Faith when attacking when HP is full. |
Bravery Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Bravery. |
Bravery Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Bravery. |
Raises the affected's Magical damage.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Faith | Active Ability | Bestows Faith to a single target. |
Hyper Mode | Passive Ability | Gives user chance of gaining Bravery/Faith when attacking when HP is full. |
Faith Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Faith. |
Faith Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Faith. |
Strength ↑[]
Increases the affected's Strength stat.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Triumphant Shout | Active Ability | Bestows Strength ↑ to all targets. |
Cheer | Active Ability | Bestows Strength ↑ / Magic ↑ to all allies. |
Choco Surge | Active Ability | Bestows Strength ↑ / Magic ↑ to all allies. |
Absorb-PHY | Active Ability | Inflicts Strength ↓ / Defense ↓ on a single target while user gains Strength ↑ / Defense ↑. |
Reteethe | Passive Ability | Bestows Strength ↑ to the user upon landing a critical hit. |
Top Gear | Passive Ability | Bestows Strength ↑ to the user as a bonus if one reaches the third tier of Evasion ↑. |
Final Heaven | Champion Ability | Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Strength ↑ to all allies. |
Gestalt Drive | Champion Ability | Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Strength ↑ to all allies. |
Omnislash | Champion Ability | Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Strength ↑ to all allies. |
Supernova | Champion Ability | Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Strength ↑ to all allies. |
Defense ↑[]
Increases the affected's Defense stat.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Shining Ruby | Active Ability | Bestows Defense ↑ / Magic Defense ↑ to all targets. |
Shining Topaz | Active Ability | Bestows Defense ↑ / Magic Defense ↑ to all targets. |
Guardian Glow | Active Ability | Bestows Defense ↑ / Magic Defense ↑ to all targets. |
Love Serenade | Active Ability | Bestows Defense ↑ / Magic Defense ↑ to random target. Takes effect multiple times. |
Upgrade | Active Ability | User gains Defense ↑ / Magic Defense ↑ / Evasion ↑. |
Absorb-PHY | Active Ability | Inflicts Strength ↓ / Defense ↓ on a single target while user gains Strength ↑ / Defense ↑. |
Induration | Passive Ability | Sometimes bestows Defense ↑ to the user upon taking a hit. |
Magic ↑[]
Increases the affected's Magic stat.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Ultimate Focus | Active Ability | User gains Magic ↑. |
Mana's Paean | Active Ability | Bestows Magic ↑ to all targets. |
Cheer | Active Ability | Bestows Strength ↑ / Magic ↑ to all allies. |
Choco Surge | Active Ability | Bestows Strength ↑ / Magic ↑ to all allies. |
Absorb-MAG | Active Ability | Inflicts Magic ↓ / Magic Defense ↓ to a single target while user gains Magic ↑ / Magic Defense ↑. |
SOS Magic Boost | Passive Ability | Raises user's Magical damage while HP is low. |
Magic Burst! | Champion Ability | Inflict magical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Magic ↑ to all allies. |
Magitek Laser | Champion Ability | Inflict neutral magical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Magic ↑ to all allies. |
Magic Defense ↑[]
Increases the affected's Magic Defense stat.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Mind Madrigal | Active Ability | Bestows Magic Defense ↑ to all targets. |
Guardian Glow | Active Ability | Bestows Defense ↑ / Magic Defense ↑ to all targets. |
Shining Ruby | Active Ability | Bestows Defense ↑ / Magic Defense ↑ to all targets. |
Shining Topaz | Active Ability | Bestows Defense ↑ / Magic Defense ↑ to all targets. |
Love Serenade | Active Ability | Bestows Defense ↑ / Magic Defense ↑ to random target. Takes effect multiple times. |
Upgrade | Active Ability | User gains Defense ↑ / Magic Defense ↑ / Evasion ↑. |
Absorb-MAG | Active Ability | Inflicts Magic ↓ / Magic Defense ↓ to a single target while user gains Magic ↑ / Magic Defense ↑. |
Accuracy ↑[]
Increases the affected's Accuracy stat.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Auspicious Theme | Active Ability | Bestows Accuracy ↑ / Evasion ↑ to all targets. |
Howl | Active Ability | Bestows Accuracy ↑ / Evasion ↑ to all targets. |
Lion Heart | Champion Ability | Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Accuracy ↑ to all allies. |
Clash on Big Bridge | Champion Ability | Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Accuracy ↑ and Evasion ↑ to all allies. |
Evasion ↑[]
Increases the affected's Evasion stat.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Stretch Legs | Active Ability | User gains Haste/Evasion ↑. |
Auspicious Theme | Active Ability | Bestows Accuracy ↑ / Evasion ↑ to all targets. |
Howl | Active Ability | Bestows Accuracy ↑ / Evasion ↑ to all targets. |
Upgrade | Active Ability | User gains Defense ↑ / Magic Defense ↑ / Evasion ↑. |
Upshift | Active Ability | User gains Haste↑ / Evasion ↑ but incur Defense ↓. |
Pattern Analysis | Passive Ability | When user is hit, Evasion ↑ is sometimes bestows Evasion ↑ on all allies. |
Top Gear | Passive Ability | Bestows Strength ↑ as a bonus if one reaches the third tier of Evasion ↑. |
Clash on Big Bridge | Champion Ability | Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Accuracy ↑ and Evasion ↑ to all allies. |
Blitz Ace | Champion Ability | Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Evasion ↑ to all allies. |
Increases the stability of a stack.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Balance | Active Ability | Restores stability to a single target. |
Balancega | Active Ability | Restores stability to all targets. |
Stabilizer | Passive Ability | Sometimes halves stability loss to the user's stack. |
Equilibrium | Passive Ability | Halves stability loss to the user's stack while HP is full. |
Wobblestopper | Item | Restores stability to a single target. |
Balance Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Balance. |
Balancega Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Balancega. |
Balance Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Balance. |
Balancega Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Balancega. |
List of Negative statuses[]
These effects (with the exception of KO) count toward the "Inflict status ailments" prismunity.
Causes damage to the afflicted every turn.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Bad Breath | Active Ability | Inflicts Poison/Blindness/Oblivion/Slow/Confusion on a single target. |
Bloodfang | Active Ability | Absorbs a single target's HP and inflicts Poison. |
Poison Bite | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Poison on a single target. |
Poison Nails | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Poison on a single target. |
Venom Needle | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Poison on a single target. |
Bio | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Poison on a single target. |
Leaf Dagger | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Wind damage/Poison on a single target. |
Evil Mist | Active Ability | Inflicts Magical Dark damage/Poison to all targets. |
Death Beak | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Poison/Death on a single target. |
Incisors | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Poison/Magic Defense ↓ on a single target. |
Resist Poison | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Poison. |
Poisontouch | Passive Ability | Gives the user's "Attack" command a chance of inflicting Poison. |
Poison Counter | Passive Ability | When user is hit, Poison is sometimes inflicted on the assailant. |
Anaphylaxis | Passive Ability | Raises the user's critical chance on a poisoned target. |
Poison Fang | Item | Sometimes inflicts Poison to a single target. |
Antidote | Item | Removes Poison from a single target. |
Remedy | Item | Removes Poison, Confusion, Sleep, Blindness, and Oblivion from a single target. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Resist Poison Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Raises Lann or Reynn's Resistance to Poison to 100. |
Resist Poison Seed | Ability Seed | Raises a Mirage's Resistance to Poison to 100. |
Afflicted attacks and uses abilities uncontrollably and randomly on both enemies and allies. Clears if damage is taken.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Confuse | Active Ability | Inflicts confusion on a single target. |
Bewitching Whisper | Active Ability | Inflicts Confusion on random targets. Hits multiple times. |
Riddle | Active Ability | Inflicts Confusion/Doom on a single target. |
Bad Breath | Active Ability | Inflicts Poison/Blindness/Oblivion/Slow/Confusion on a single target. |
Possession Rush | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Confusion on a single target. |
Chaos Beak | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Confusion/Death on a single target. |
Gaze | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Confusion on a single target. |
Lunatic Voice | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Confusion on a single target. |
Mind Blast | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Confusion/Oblivion on a single target. |
Dread Gaze | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Confusion/Death on a single target. |
Resist Confusion | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Confusion. |
SND | Passive Ability | Sometimes causes the user's "Attack" command to inflict Confusion or Oblivion. |
Confusion Counter | Passive Ability | When user is hit, Confusion is sometimes inflicted on the assailant. |
Hex Eye | Stack Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Confusion/Oblivion/Death on a single target. |
Loco Weed | Item | Sometimes inflicts Confusion to a single target. |
Smelling Salts | Item | Removes Confusion from a single target. |
Remedy | Item | Removes Poison, Confusion, Sleep, Blindness, and Oblivion from a single target. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Resist Confusion Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Raises Lann or Reynn's Resistance to Confusion to 100. |
Resist Confusion Seed | Ability Seed | Raises a Mirage's Resistance to Confusion to 100. |
Afflicted is unable to take turn until woken up by attack or on their own.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Sleep | Active Ability | Inflicts Sleep on a single target. |
Hypnosis | Active Ability | Inflicts Sleep on a single target. |
Lullaby | Active Ability | Inflicts Sleep on all targets. |
Nightmare | Active Ability | Inflicts Sleep on all targets. |
Sweet Breath | Active Ability | Inflicts Sleep on all targets. |
Yawn | Active Ability | Inflicts Sleep on all targets. |
Cat Claw | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Sleep to a single target. |
Sleep Leaves | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Wind damage/Sleep to a single target. |
Resist Sleep | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Sleep. |
Nightmaretouch | Passive Ability | Causes the user's “Attack” command to inflict Sleep. |
Nightmarish Lore | Passive Ability | Raises the user's damage when attacking a target afflicted with Sleep. |
Sleep Chance+ | Passive Ability | Raises the user's chance of inflicting Sleep. |
Dream Powder | Item | Sometimes inflicts Sleep to a single target. |
Pick-Me-Up | Item | Removes Sleep from a single target. |
Remedy | Item | Removes Poison, Confusion, Sleep, Blindness, and Oblivion from a single target. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Resist Sleep Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Raises Lann or Reynn's Resistance to Sleep to 100. |
Resist Sleep Seed | Ability Seed | Raises a Mirage's Resistance to Sleep to 100. |
Reduces Accuracy, causing the afflicted's Physical attacks to miss most of the time. Other types of actions are unaffected.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Flash | Active Ability | Inflicts Blindness on all targets. |
Bad Breath | Active Ability | Inflicts Poison/Blindness/Oblivion/Slow/Confusion on a single target. |
Goblin Eye Gouge | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Blindness to a single target. |
Princess's Charm | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Blindness to a single target. |
Moomba/Moomba | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Blindness/chance of Death to a single target. |
Great Sandstorm | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Earth/Wind damage/Blindness to all targets. |
Sandstorm | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Earth/Wind damage/Blindness to all targets. |
Crystalline Flare | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Blindness to a single target. |
Dark | Active Ability | Inflicts Magical Dark damage/Blindness to a single target. |
Resist Blindness | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Blindness. |
Third Eye | Passive Ability | While Blind, raises the user's Evasion/Critical chances. |
Flash Bomb | Item | Sometimes inflicts Blindness on a single target. |
Eye Drops | Item | Removes Blindness from a single target. |
Remedy | Item | Removes Poison, Confusion, Sleep, Blindness, and Oblivion from a single target. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Resist Blindness Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Raises Lann or Reynn's Resistance to Blindness to 100. |
Resist Blindness Seed | Ability Seed | Raises a Mirage's Resistance to Blindness to 100. |
Prevents a character or stack from using any active abilities, Physical or Magical. If Lann or Reynn are afflicted, they will also be unable to use the Imprism command.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Ode of Oblivion | Active Ability | Inflicts Oblivion on all targets. |
Bad Breath | Active Ability | Inflicts Poison/Blindness/Oblivion/Slow/Confusion on a single target. |
Lethean Punch | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Oblivion. |
Lethean Gaze | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Oblivion. |
Mind Blast | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Confusion/Oblivion to a single target. |
Silent VoIce | Active Ability | Inflicts Magical Wind damage/Oblivion to all targets. |
Resist Oblivion | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Oblivion. |
SND | Passive Ability | Sometimes causes the user's "Attack" command to inflict confusion or Oblivion. |
Oblivion Counter | Passive Ability | When user is hit, Oblivion is sometimes inflicted on the assailant. |
Hex Eye | Stack Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Confusion/Oblivion/Death on a single target. |
Lethean Chime | Item | Sometimes inflicts Oblivion on a single target. |
Rememb Herbs | Item | Removes Oblivion from a single target. |
Remedy | Item | Removes Poison, Confusion, Sleep, Blindness, and Oblivion from a single target. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Resist Oblivion Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Raises Lann or Reynn's Resistance to Oblivion to 100. |
Resist Oblivion Seed | Ability Seed | Raises a Mirage's Resistance to Oblivion to 100. |
Runic | Champion Ability | Inflict Ice-elemental magic damage and Oblivion to one enemy, ignoring defense. Restores AP to all allies. |
Forces the afflicted to only use the "Attack" command on enemies uncontrollably but with increased damage.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Berserk | Active Ability | Inflicts Berserk on a single target. |
Dance with Me! | Active Ability | Inflicts Berserk on all targets. |
Moon Flute | Active Ability | Inflicts Berserk on all targets. |
Destroyer | Active Ability | User gains Berserk/Haste. |
Howling Moon | Active Ability | User gains Berserk/Haste/Evasion ↑. |
Walnut Frenzy | Active Ability | User recovers HP and gains Regen/Berserk. |
Kozuka | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Berserk to random targets. Hits three times. |
Kuparrr! | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Berserk to random targets. Hits multiple times. |
Resist Berserk | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Berserk. |
Overheat | Passive Ability | User will sometimes be bestowed Berserk upon taking Fire damage. |
Overclock | Passive Ability | While Berserk, user gains Agility ↑ but causes HP to drain. |
War Gong | Item | Sometimes inflicts Berserk to a single target. |
Tranquilizer | Item | Removes Berserk from a single target. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Berserk Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Berserk. |
Resist Berserk Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Raises Lann or Reynn's Resistance to Berserk to 100. |
Berserk Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Berserk. |
Resist Berserk Seed | Ability Seed | Raises a Mirage's Resistance to Poison to 100. |
Increases the afflicted's wait time until the next turn.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Slow | Active Ability | Inflicts Slow on a single target. |
Bad Breath | Active Ability | Inflicts Poison/Blindness/Oblivion/Slow/Confusion to a single target. |
Lust Dagger | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Fire damage/Slow to a single target. |
Accursed Gaze | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Slow to a single target. |
Blaster | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Slow/chance of Death to a single target. |
Mini Blaster | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Slow/chance of Death to a single target. |
Icicle Drift | Active Ability | Inflicts Magical Ice damage/Slow to a single target. |
Quicksand | Active Ability | Inflicts Magical Earth damage/Slow to a single target. |
Sonic Wings | Active Ability | Inflicts Magical Wind damage/Slow to a single target. |
Sticky Goo | Active Ability | Inflicts Magical Water damage/Slow to a single target. |
Whirlpool | Active Ability | Inflicts Magical Water damage/Slow to a single target. |
Resist Slow | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Slow. |
Spider Silk | Item | Sometimes inflicts the effects of Slow to a single target. |
Gold Hourglass | Item | Removes Slow from a single target. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Slow Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Slow. |
Resist Slow Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Raises Lann or Reynn's Resistance to Slow to 100. |
Slow Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Slow. |
Resist Slow Seed | Ability Seed | Raises a Mirage's Resistance to Slow to 100. |
Temporarily prevents any action from the afflicted. Affects all characters in a stack when it loses its stability and breaks apart.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Resist Stun | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Stun. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Resist Stun Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Raises Lann or Reynn's Resistance to Poison to 100. |
Resist Stun Seed | Ability Seed | Raises a Mirage's Resistance to Poison to 100. |
Causes a counter to appear above the inflicted that causes an instant KO after it drops to zero.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Doom | Active Ability | Inflicts Doom on a single target. |
Riddle | Active Ability | Inflicts Confusion/Doom on a single target. |
Death Cutter | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Dark damage/Doom to a single target. |
Pulverizing Blow | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Doom to a single target. |
Bewitching Gaze | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Doom to a single target. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Has a chance of inflicting an instant KO.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Death | Active Ability | Inflicts Death on a single target. |
Zantetsuken | Active Ability | Inflicts Death on all targets. Odds of success increase as the user's HP and AP decrease. |
Zanmato Iaigiri | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Death to a single target. |
Death Beak | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Poison/Death to a single target. |
Chaos Beak | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Confusion/Death to a single target. |
Moomba/Moomba | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Blindness/Death to a single target. |
Assassin's Dagger | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Fire damage/Death to a single target. |
Dread Gaze | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Confusion/Death to a single target. |
Blaster | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Slow/Death to a single target. |
Mini Blaster | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Slow/Death to a single target. |
Safety Bit | Passive Ability | Raises the user's resistance to Death while HP is low. |
Hex Eye | Stack Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage/Confusion/Oblivion/Death to a single target. |
Death Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Death. |
Safety Bit Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Raises Lann or Reynn's Resistance to Death when low on HP. |
Death Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Death. |
Safety Bit Seed | Ability Seed | Raises a Mirage's resistance to Death when low on HP. |
HP is zero and is no longer able to aid in battle. If all party members are KO'd, they will be returned to Nine Wood Hills unless they were in a threshold. If in a threshold, it's Game Over.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Raise | Active Ability | Revives KO'd allies and restores a little HP. |
Arise | Active Ability | Revives KO’d allies and restores a moderate amount of HP. |
Flames of Rebirth | Passive Ability | Inflicts Magical Fire damage to all enemies and revive all allies. |
Auto-Phoenix | Passive Ability | User automatically expends a Phoenix Down when an ally is KO'd. |
Reaper Lore | Passive Ability | Restores a little HP to the user whenever someone is KO'd. |
Phoenix Down | Item | Revives KO'd allies and restores 10% of Max HP. |
Phoenix Pinion | Item | Revives KO'd allies and restores 50% of Max HP. |
Mega Phoenix | Item | Revives KO'd allies and restores all HP. |
Raise Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Raise. |
Arise Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Allows Lann or Reynn to use Arise. |
Raise Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Raise. |
Arise Seed | Ability Seed | Allows a Mirage to use Arise. |
Sending | Champion Ability | Revive KO'd allies and fully restore HP. |
Strength ↓[]
Decreases the inflicted's Strength stat.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Ultimate Terror | Active Ability | Inflicts Strength/Magic/Defense/Magic Defense ↓ on all targets. |
Absorb-PHY | Active Ability | Inflicts Strength ↓ / Defense ↓ on a single target while user gains Strength ↑ / Defense ↑. |
Swordbreaker | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Fire damage/Strength ↓ to a single target. |
Slayer | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Strength ↓ / Defense ↓ to all targets. |
Crimson Cyclone | Active Ability | Inflicts Magical Fire damage/Strength ↓ to all targets. |
Resist Strength ↓ | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Strength ↓. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Resist Strength ↓ Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Protects Lann or Reynn against Strength ↓. |
Resist Strength ↓ Seed | Ability Seed | Protects Mirage against Strength ↓. |
Defense ↓[]
Decreases the inflicted's Defense stat.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Ultimate Terror | Active Ability | Inflicts Strength/Magic/Defense/Magic Defense ↓ on all targets. |
Upshift | Active Ability | User gains Haste/Evasion ↑ but incurs Defense ↓. |
Absorb-PHY | Active Ability | Inflicts Strength ↓ / Defense ↓ on a single target while user gains Strength ↑ / Defense ↑. |
Acid Fang | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Defense ↓ to a single target. |
Armor Piercer | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Defense ↓ to a single target. |
Sharpened Knife | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Defense ↓ to a single target. Bypasses defense. |
Slayer | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Strength ↓ / Defense ↓ to a single target. |
Bile | Active Ability | Inflicts Magical Water damage/Defense ↓ to a single target. |
Acid Mist | Active Ability | Inflicts Magical Water damage/Defense ↓ to all targets. |
Resist Defense ↓ | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Defense ↓. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Resist Defense ↓ Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Protects Lann or Reynn against Defense ↓. |
Resist Defense ↓ Seed | Ability Seed | Protects Mirage against Defense ↓. |
Oversoul | Champion Ability | Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Defense ↑ to all allies. |
Sovereign Fist | Champion Ability | Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage to all enemies. Grants Defense ↑ to all allies. |
Magic ↓[]
Decreases the inflicted's Magic stat.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Ultimate Terror | Active Ability | Inflicts Strength/Magic/Defense/Magic Defense ↓ on all targets. |
Absorb-MAG | Active Ability | Inflicts Magic ↓ / Magic Defense ↓ on a single target while user gains Magic ↑ / Magic Defense ↑. |
Mage Masher | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Fire damage/Magic ↓ to a single target. |
Resist Magic ↓ | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Magic ↓. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Resist Magic ↓ Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Protects Lann or Reynn against Magic ↓. |
Resist Magic ↓ Seed | Ability Seed | Protects Mirage against Magic ↓. |
Magic Defense ↓[]
Decreases the inflicted's Magic Defense stat.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Scream | Active Ability | Inflicts Magic Defense ↓ on all targets. |
Ultimate Terror | Active Ability | Inflicts Strength/Magic/Defense/Magic Defense ↓ on all targets. |
Absorb-MAG | Active Ability | Inflicts Magic ↓ / Magic Defense ↓ on a single target while user gains Magic ↑ / Magic Defense ↑. |
Resist Magic Defense ↓ | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Magic Defense ↓. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Resist Magic Defense ↓ Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Protects Lann or Reynn against Magic Defense ↓. |
Resist Magic Defense ↓ Seed | Ability Seed | Protects Mirage against Magic Defense ↓. |
Accuracy ↓[]
Decreases the inflicted's Accuracy stat.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Track | Active Ability | Inflicts accuracy ↓ on all targets. |
Resist Accuracy ↓ | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Accuracy ↓. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Resist Accuracy ↓ Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Protects Lann or Reynn against Accuracy ↓. |
Resist Accuracy ↓ Seed | Ability Seed | Protects Mirage against Accuracy ↓. |
Evasion ↓[]
Decreases the inflicted's Evasion stat.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Ultrasonics | Active Ability | Inflicts evasion ↓ on all targets. |
Deep Freeze | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Ice damage/Evasion ↓ to a single target. |
Resist Evasion ↓ | Passive Ability | Protects the user against Evasion ↓. |
Remedy+ | Item | Removes all status ailments from a single target. |
Resist Evasion ↓ Mirajewel | Mirajewel | Protects Lann or Reynn against Evasion ↓. |
Resist Evasion ↓ Seed | Ability Seed | Protects Mirage against Evasion ↓. |
Decrease the stability of a stack. Abilities with destabilizing effects have four degrees of effectiveness, refered to as "Topple Strength": Low, Medium, High, Very High.
Low | |||
Game Element | Type | Effect | |
Assassin's Dagger | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Fire damage/death to a single target. | |
Beat Rush | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Bloodfang | Active Ability | Absorb HP and inflict Poison on a single target. | |
Flourish of Steel | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Thunder damage to a single target. | |
Froststrike | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Ice damage to a single target. | |
Goblin Punch | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Hits multiple times. | |
Leaf Dagger | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical wind damage/Poison to a single target. | |
Left Claw | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Hits twice. | |
Lust Dagger | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Fire damage/Slow to a single target. | |
Mage Masher | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Fire damage/magic down to a single target. | |
Revenge Blast | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Power increases as the wielder’s HP decreases. | |
Right Claw | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Hits twice. | |
Rough Divide | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. High critical chance. | |
Shining Wave | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Light damage to a single target. | |
Slash Flurry | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage on a single target. | |
Slayer | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Strength ↓ / Defense ↓ to a single target. | |
Spinning Edge | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Power increases as the wielder's HP decreases. | |
Spiral Cut | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Water damage to a single target. | |
Swordbreaker | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Fire damage/Strength ↓ to a single target. | |
Venom Needle | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Poison to a single target. | |
Blades+ | Stack Ability | Inflicts neutral magical damage to a single target. | |
Channel Element: Dark | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Dark damage to a single target. | |
Channel Element: Earth | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Earth damage to a single target. | |
Channel Element: Fire | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Fire damage to a single target. | |
Channel Element: Ice | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Ice damage to a single target. | |
Channel Element: Light | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Light damage to a single target. | |
Channel Element: Thunder | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Thunder damage to a single target. | |
Channel Element: Water | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Water damage to a single target. | |
Channel Element: Wind | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Wind damage to a single target. | |
Cross Slash | Stack Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. High critical chance. | |
Helldiver | Stack Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. High critical chance. | |
Medium | |||
Acid Fang | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Defense ↓ to a single target. | |
Armor Piercer | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Defense ↓ to a single target. | |
Blade Dance | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. High critical chance. | |
Cat Claw | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Sleep to a single target. | |
Chaos Beak | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Confusion/Death to a single target. | |
Choco MAX | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Chocobo Kick | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Hits multiple times. | |
Death Beak | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Poison/Death to a single target. | |
Deep Freeze | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Ice damage/Evasion ↓ to a single target. | |
Double Attack | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Hits twice. | |
Double Cut | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Hits 4 times. | |
Double Smash | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a random target. Hits twice. | |
Draining Claw | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Dark damage to a single target and absorb HP. | |
Eclipse Bite | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Dark damage to a single target. High critical chance. | |
Gnaw | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Goblin Eye Gouge | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Blindness to a single target. | |
Horn | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Incisors | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Poison/Magic Defense ↓ to a single target. | |
Kick | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Knife | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Bypasses defense. | |
Kuparrr! | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Berserk to a random target. Hits multiple times. | |
Lambaste | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Hits multiple times. | |
Lethean Punch | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Oblivion to a single target. | |
Octentacle | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a random target. Hits 8 times. | |
Poison Bite | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Poison to a single target. | |
Poison Nails | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Poison to a single target. | |
Pressure | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Earth damage to a single target. | |
Pulverizing Blow | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Doom to a single target. | |
Punch | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Raigeki | Active Ability | Inflicts magical thunder damage to a single target. | |
Rake | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Reaper | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Water damage to a single target. | |
Red Fang | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Fire damage to a single target. | |
Riot Blow | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Sharpened Knife | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Defense ↓ to a single target. Bypasses defense. | |
Slash | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Sled Fang | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Sling | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Spinning Fin | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Stack Buster | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Highly effective against stacked enemies. | |
Tentacle | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Throw Stone | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Earth damage to a single target. | |
Vertical Cleave | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Highly effective against stacked enemies. | |
Wheel | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Enaero | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Wind damage to a single target. | |
Enblizzard | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Ice damage to a single target. | |
Endark | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Dark damage to a single target. | |
Enfire | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Fire damage to a single target. | |
Enlight | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Light damage to a single target. | |
Enstone | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Earth damage to a single target. | |
Enthunder | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Thunder damage to a single target. | |
Enwater | Stack Ability | Inflicts Physical Water damage to a single target. | |
Tremor | Active Ability | Inflicts Magical Earth damage to all targets. | |
High | |||
Atomic Impact | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Dark damage to all targets. | |
Blades | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Magical damage to a single target. | |
Body Slam | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Bulldozer | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Constrict | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Scales to HP. | |
Crusher | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Water damage to a single target. | |
Geocrush | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Earth damage to a single target. | |
Grand Sword | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Gungnir | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Heavenly Wrath | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Light damage to a single target. Hits 4 times. | |
Impact Claw | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Kishin | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Dark damage to a single target. | |
Kozuka | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Berserk to a random target. Hits three times. | |
Leg Sweep | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Metal Cutter | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Metal Salvo | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Miraculous Drill | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Possession Rush | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Confusion to a single target. | |
Shake | Active Ability | Inflicts magical Earth damage to a single target. | |
Sonic Fangs | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Soul of Chaos | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Dark damage to a single target. | |
Thunder Horn | Active Ability | Inflicts Physical Thunder damage to a single target. | |
Tickle | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral magical damage to a single target. | |
Touchdown | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to all targets. | |
Triple Attack | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Hits 3 times. | |
Wild Horn | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Very High | |||
Heave | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Shift Break | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Zanmato Iaigiri | Active Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage/Death to a single target. | |
Balancing Act | Stack Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Also topples the user's stack. | |
Lunge | Stack Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. Also destabilizes the user's stack. | |
Misdirection | Stack Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Throw | Stack Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. | |
Tower Jump | Stack Ability | Inflicts neutral Physical damage to a single target. |