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WoFF Mastery Bonus

Mirage mastery bonuses for a Searcher's immediate family.

The following is a list of mastery bonuses Master Mirages can learn by completing their Mirage Boards in World of Final Fantasy. Mirages (and their groups) are sorted by which they appear in the Mirage Manual.


List of mastery bonuses[]


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Abyss 5 Active Magical Dark Dark Single
Inflict magical dark damage.
Accuracy+++ Passive
Greatly raises accuracy.
Adrenaline Passive
Lessens the damage taken while HP is low.
Aerora 5 Active Magical Wind Wind Single
Inflict magical wind damage.
Ailment Regen Passive Regen Regen
Bestows regen while afflicted by a status ailment.
Antibodies Passive
Gradually raises resistance to all status ailments each time one is incurred.
Assassin's Dagger 6 Low Active Physical Fire Fire Death Death Single
Inflict physical fire damage / death.
Auto-Hi-Potion Passive
Automatically expends a hi-potion if an attack lowers HP below a certain amount.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Balance 4 Active Single
Restore stability.
Banishra 5 Active Magical Light Light Single
Inflict magical light damage.
Bio 3 Active Magical Neutral Poison Poison Single
Inflict neutral magical damage / poison.
Blaze 5 Active Magical Fire Fire All
Inflict magical fire damage.
Blizzara 5 Active Magical Ice Ice Single
Inflict magical ice damage.
Bravery 4 Active Bravery Bravery Single
Raise physical damage.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Celestriad Passive
Allows abilities to sometimes be used without expending AP.
Charge 0 Active Self
Recover AP.
Confuse 3 Active Confusion Confusion Single
Inflict confusion.
Confusion Counter Passive Physical Confusion Confusion
Allows one to sometimes counter with confusion.
Cornered Beast Passive
While HP is low, raises evasion chance/critical chance/accuracy.
Courage Under Fire Passive
Raises physical damage as HP gets lower.
Critical+++ Passive
Greatly raises critical chance.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Dark 4 Active Magical Dark Dark Blindness Blindness Single
Inflict magical dark damage / blindness.
Dark Resistance++ Passive
Raises dark resistance.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Dark Dark by 50.
Defense+++ Passive
Greatly raises defense.
Raises a Mirage's Strength by 50.
Dispel 2 Active Single
Remove positive status effects.
Doom 5 Active Doom Doom Single
Automatically KO a target when the countdown runs out.
Double Smash 4 Medium Active Physical Neutral Random
Inflict neutral physical damage. Hits twice.
Drain 4 Active Magical Dark Dark Single
Use dark power to absorb HP.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Earth Resistance++ Passive
Raises earth resistance.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Earth Earth by 50.
Earthquake 6 Active Magical Earth Earth All
Inflict magical earth damage.
Endless Blessings Passive
Slightly increases the duration of abilities that grant positive effects.
Enhanced Attack Passive
Raises damage dealt by the "Attack" command.
Enhanced Cure Passive
Improves the effectiveness of HP recovery abilities.
Enhanced Thunder Passive
Raises thunder ability damage.
Entropy Passive
Randomly raises or lessens the topple strength of attacks.
Esuna 3 Active Single
Remove status ailments.
Evasion+++ Passive
Greatly raises evasion chance.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Faith 4 Active Faith Faith Single
Raise magical damage.
Fira 5 Active Magical Fire Fire Single
Inflict magical fire damage.
Fire Converter Passive
Restores AP upon taking fire damage.
Fire Resistance++ Passive
Raises fire resistance.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Fire Fire by 50.
First Strike Passive
Raises the odds of a preemptive strike.
Flash 3 Active Blindness Blindness All
Inflict blindness.
Focus 0 Active Self
Raise the damage dealt by one's next attack.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Holy 9 Active Magical Light Light Single
Inflict magical light damage.
HP+++ Passive
Greatly raises HP.
Hypnosis 4 Active Sleep Sleep Single
Inflict sleep.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Ice Resistance++ Passive
Raises ice resistance.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Ice Ice by 50.
Ice Storm 5 Active Magical Ice Ice All
Inflict magical ice damage.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Last Stand Passive
Once per battle, prevents HP from dropping to 0.
Light Resistance++ Passive
Raises light resistance.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Light Light by 50.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Magic+++ Passive
Greatly raises magic.
Raises a Mirage's Magic by 50.
Magic Defense+++ Passive
Greatly raises magic defense.
Raises a Mirage's Magic Defense by 50.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Oblivion Counter Passive
When hit, sometimes inflicts oblivion on the assailant.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Pharmacology Passive
Improves the effectiveness of HP recovery items.
Poison Counter Passive
When hit, sometimes inflicts poison on the assailant.
Protect 3 Active Protect Protect Single
Lessen physical damage taken.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Raise 4 Active All
Revive KO'd allies and restore a little HP.
Reaper Lore Passive
Restores a little HP whenever someone is KO'd.
Rebound Passive
Once per battle, prevents a stack from toppling.
Recycle Passive
Sometimes prevents items from being consumed on use.
*Goblin, Goblin Guard, Princess Goblin / Red Cap, Red Captain
Regen 4 Active Regen Regen Single
Gradually restore HP.
Resist Berserk Passive
Protects against berserk.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Berserk Berserk to 100.
Resist Blindness Passive
Protects against blindness.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Blindness Blindness to 100.
Resist Confusion Passive
Protects against confusion.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Confusion Confusion to 100.
Resist Oblivion Passive
Protects against oblivion.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Oblivion Oblivion to 100.
Resist Poison Passive
Protects against poison.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Poison Poison to 100.
Resist Sleep Passive
Protects against sleep.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Sleep Sleep to 100.
Resist Slow Passive
Protects against slow.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Slow Slow to 100.
Revivify Passive
Gradually restores HP.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Safety Bit Passive
Raises resistance to death while HP is low.
Shake 3 High Active Magical Earth Earth Single
Inflict magical earth damage.
Shell 2 Active Shell Shell Single
Lessen magical damage taken.
Sleep 4 Active Sleep Sleep Single
Inflict sleep.
SOS Magic Boost Passive Magic ↑ Magic ↑
Raises magical damage while HP is low.
SOS Regen Passive Regen Regen
Bestows regen while HP is low.
Strategic AP Hike Passive
Restores AP upon exploiting an enemy's elemental weakness.
Strength+++ Passive
Greatly raises strength.
Raises a Mirage's Strength by 50.
Subdue 0 Active Neutral Single
Inflict nonlethal, neutral physical damage.
Cannot reduce target's HP below 1.
Syphon 0 Active Magical Dark Dark Single
Use dark power to absorb AP.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Throw Stone 3 Medium Active Physical Earth Earth Single
Inflict physical earth damage.
Thundara 5 Active Magical Thunder Thunder Single
Inflict magical thunder damage.
Thunder Resistance++ Passive
Raises thunder resistance.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Thunder Thunder by 50.
Thunderbolt 5 Active Magical Thunder Thunder All
Inflict magical thunder damage.
Tickle 3 High Active Magical Neutral Single
Inflict neutral magical damage.
Treasure Hunter Passive
Raises the chance that enemies will drop rare items.
Triumphant Shout 4 Active Strength ↑ Strength ↑ All
Bestow strength ↑.
Tsunami 5 Active Magical Water Water All
Inflict magical water damage.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Ultimate Focus 2 Active Magic ↑ Magic ↑ Self
Gain magic ↑.
Ultrasonics 2 Active Evasion ↓ Evasion ↓ All
Inflict evasion ↓.
Unstacked Evasion+ Passive
Raises evasion chance while unstacked.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Vertical Cleave 3 Medium Active Physical Neutral Single
Inflict neutral physical damage. Highly effective against stacked enemies.
Victory Charge Passive
Upon winning a battle, restores a little HP to all allies.


Ability AP Topple Strength Type Formula Element Status Target
Water Resistance++ Passive
Raises water resistance.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Water Water by 50.
Watera 5 Active Magical Water Water Single
Inflict magical water damage.
Whirlwind 5 Active Magical Wind Wind All
Inflict magical wind damage.
Wind Converter Passive
Restores AP upon taking wind damage.
Wind Resistance++ Passive
Raises wind resistance.
Raises a Mirage's resistance to Wind Wind by 50.

See also[]
