Final Fantasy Wiki

Begin casting Megaflare. Press Circle to execute The length of the casting determines the potency of the spell.


Wings of Light is Clive's Eikonic Feat ability in Final Fantasy XVI, used (default controller scheme) with Circle when Clive has Bahamut equipped in battle to manifest the Eikon's wings. Clive hovers while charging Megaflare; the higher the charge when Clive unleashes it, the longer Megaflare will be, battering the area around Clive with homing volleys of magic from above. Clive cannot attack during the charging phase (apart from with the magic execute button if he has Satellite active, or detonating a previously set up Impulse), but precision-dodging enemies' attacks in this state levels Megaflare up instantly. The highest charge level is initially three, but goes up to four when Wings of Light is mastered.

Landing 100 hits from Level 2 or higher Megaflare (excluding battles in Hall of Virtue) earns the trophy 100 Mfps. Precision-dodging thrice during the charge-up phase (dodges when the ability is maxed out do not count) earns the trophy Such Dodge, So Mega.

Wings of Light was improved in version 1.31.

Bahamut uses Megaflare during his boss battle, launching multiple light streams at Ifrit and Phoenix. Bahamut later makes use of Wings of Light when arriving at Origin to blast their way in, also eliminating various Origin-tied creatures in the process. Bahamut also makes use of attacks that resemble Megaflare during the cinematic battle against Ultima Prime. Clive later used Megaflare against Ultimalius during their Eikonic struggle, specifically to counter the latter's Light Undying attack.


Clive gains access to Bahamut's powers as part of the story, during "Fire in the Sky", usable in his loadout after the events in Twinside.


Clive can use Wings of Light in battle whenever he is equipping his light loadout, though the player can assign other elemental Eikons' mastered Eikonic Abilities as the rechargeable skills to use. Patch 1.31 made it so Clive will automatically dodge when initiating Wings of Light, and successfully dodging an enemy's attack this way counts as a "Megaflare Dodge", instantly leveling the charge up.

Using Wings of Light has Clive hover above the battlefield while charging up Megaflare, which can be unleashed with Circle when it has at least one level (initial maximum level is three, and the final maximum level is four after the ability is mastered). Clive can move in this state, but Megaflare charges faster if he remains stationary. Each level charges up quicker than the last.

If Clive is hit during the charge, Megaflare will be canceled. If the player swaps loadout or otherwise cancels the Wings of Light stance, the Megaflare charge level will deplete to the next gauge level; a quick-fingered player to use Wings of Light for dodging, and then resume other attacks and still sustain some of the charges.

Megaflare Dodge from FFXVI

Megaflare Dodge.

Precision-dodging (R1 default) enemies' attacks during the charge-up will level up Megaflare instantly. Precision-dodging four times maxes the charge up (when Wings of Light is mastered), and is fairly easily done against aggressive enemies. The gauge on the left side of the screen shows the current charge level. If Clive has Satellite active when he invokes Wings of Light, he can continue using magic attacks during the charging phase via the drones, and if Clive set up Impulse before invoking Wings of Light, he can still detonate the bombs, but he cannot otherwise attack during it; Clive can still use his taunt command (default control scheme: R2 + Touchpad), provoking enemies to attack him to rack up precision dodges faster.

When Clive unleashes LV1–4 Megaflare, the area around him will be battered with volleys of light. The light volleys are homing, and there is a continuous stream of them. Clive continues to act while Megaflare pummels all enemies indiscriminately. The higher the Megaflare's charge level, the longer the effect, however, contrary to the Triangle tooltip, each volley is not more potent, but in fact, each volley in Level 3 and 4 is weaker than in Level 2. The longer duration of Megaflare Level 3/4 should still outdamage Level 2 Megaflare, but Megaflare Level 2 is faster to initiate. All levels of Megaflare are still useful under this system, as if the charging phase would be long, a low level Megaflare would be preferable, whereas against a frequently-attacking enemy, the player can still get the high level longer lasting Megaflare without sacrificing too much DPS. Level 1 Megaflare lasts around 7 seconds, whereas a Level 4 Megaflare lasts around 16 seconds.

Megaflare can be mastered in the abilities menu by expending 750 AP to extend the charge all the way to Level 4, from the default maximum charge of Level 3.

Technique Effect
Megaflare Dodge Precision-dodge an enemy's attack during Wings of Light to level up Megaflare instantly.
Lv. 1 Megaflare Execute Level 1 Megaflare.
Lv. 2 Megaflare Execute Level 2 Megaflare.
Lv. 3 Megaflare Execute Level 3 Megaflare.
Lv. 4 Megaflare Execute Level 4 Megaflare.
Megaflare Hit the same enemy multiple times with Megaflare.


Clive using Megaflare Pt1 from FFXVI

Clive casts Megaflare.

Wings of Light is best used as a dodging ability as Clive cannot act much during it, and receiving damage cancels Megaflare; if the player is going to be dodging attacks anyway, using the dodges to charge Megaflare is a good use of them. The Ring of Timely Focus accessibility tool makes precision-dodging effortless, but takes up an accessory slot. The quickest use is to invoke Wings of Light and then not move before using Megaflare other than to precision-dodge.

Because Wings of Light is best activated right when Clive is about to dodge numerous hits, it is most useful in encounters against aggressive enemies, and not useful to invoke when enemies are staggered. Unleashing Megaflare right when a boss is about to be staggered is good to keep the damage coming when the enemy does stagger. Wings of Light is best invoked right when an enemy is about to unleash a flurry of attacks, allowing Clive to dodge them all in succession, leveling up Megaflare quickly. The feat has an opportunity cost; it is best to not keep Clive inactive and charging for long, as the damage from Megaflare may not make up the lost damage potential. It is usually better to unleash a low level Megaflare quickly over waiting for more attacks and thus dodging opportunities to come Clive's way.

The player can use the taunt command right before initiating Wings of Light, as well as during the charge phase, to get the enemies' attention, ready to dodge their attacks. The player can also use Satellite before using Wings of Light and continue to use magic attacks from the drones during the charging phase. Using Will-o'-the-Wykes before Wings of Light also protects Clive from being interrupted during the charge, in case the player misstimes a dodge. The player can also still give Torgal commands during the charge.

Wings of Light and thus Megaflare are more situational, rather than being generally useful. It is good in the battle against Svarog, for example, as the dragon's slow-moving fire orbs are numerous and easy to dodge, building Megaflare up quickly. It may be more useful in New Game Plus where enemies are generally attacking faster and more often.

Megaflare has some synergy with Odin's Zantetsuken; charging up Zantetsuken first (any level), then charging up a maximum Megaflare, then using Arm of Darkness will cause all the Megaflare volleys to descend on the enemy when the Zantetsuken animation ends.

Megaflare's upside is that Clive can continue acting during the passive barrage of magic volleys, and his visibility is not hampered like during Garuda's Aerial Blast that also adds a persistent damage field to the battleground. The downside is that it can have a very long charge, killing the player's momentum, unless the player can precision-dodge three or four times in quick succession immediately after invoking the ability; to do the latter, the player needs some intimate knowledge of the enemy's attack patterns. However, if the player can quickly dodge from Wings of Light, then Megaflare is a great ability to use that—being an Eikonic Feat—has no cooldown. Some foes have multi-part attacks that get easy three dodges in a row, and dragons' breath attacks deal persistent damage that can also be repeatedly dodged.

Wings of Light can also be good in boss battles where the enemy has phases where they retreat from Clive's range, leaving him no target to attack in the meantime. Late game bosses (such as Odin during Woden Worhte Weos) have map-wide attacks that need to be dodged regardless, and so using the dodges for charging Megaflare (even if not to maximum level) can be a good idea.

During the chronolith trial with Bahamut's abilities, Hand of Mimas, landing a fully charged Megaflare activates Megacharge battle technique and earns an 8-second time bonus. Landing 50 hits with Megaflare activates Multiflare and earns another 8-second time bonus.

Bahamut using Megaflare from FFXVI

Bahamut uses Megaflare.

Megaflare is also used by Bahamut in the boss battle against him in Twinside.


Megaflare is Bahamut's signature ability in the Final Fantasy series.

Mega is a unit prefix in the metric system denoting a factor of one million (106 or 1,000,000). It has the symbol M.

A flare is a pyrotechnical phenomenon that produces intense amounts of heat and energy that does not result in an explosion (an immediate release of energy).
