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Punch forward. Hold button to wind up attack, further increasing potency.


Windup is Titan's default Eikonic Ability in Final Fantasy XVI where Clive manifests the earth Eikon's colossal arm and delivers a mighty punch forward. Holding the execute button charges up a gauge; releasing on the red zone triggers the most powerful version of the ability.


Clive gains access to Titan's powers as part of the story, during "Bolts from the Blue", after fighting a semi-primed Hugo Kupka in the crypt below Rosalith Castle. Windup is already learned.


There are three versions of the ability. The player can simply select Windup to deliver a blow to the enemy Clive is facing. Holding the execute button fills a gauge to charge the ability up to make it deliver two blows to targets and nigh triple the damage; the best outcome (which activates the battle technique Precision Windup) is releasing on the red part of the gauge, which makes the Windup ~15% stronger still than the normal "charged" version and delivers numerous hits. It is possible to overcharge and shoot past the red zone; the correct timing is right before the gauge is full. Landing onto the yellow part of the gauge still makes the ability stronger, but not as strong as landing onto the red zone.

Clive can be interrupted by enemy attacks while he is charging. The player can also opt to cancel the charge and not attack; the default button for this is X. Version 1.31 increased Windup's area of effect.

Upgrading the ability extends the red "precision charge" part of the charging gauge.

After being used, the ability has a 30-second cooldown before being able to be used again. Upgrading/mastering the ability has no effect on its cooldown. The cooldown begins from the moment the player releases the charge.

AP cost Effect
Already learned Able to equip Windup to Clive's earth loadout.
660 (Upgrade) Extends precision charge window.
1000 (Master) Able to equip Windup to any loadout.


Upgrading the ability is likely not needed, as all it does is enlarge the red part of the charge gauge, making it easier to use the strongest Windup. However, the gauge fills at constant speed, and so the player should get the hang of it easily enough. Upgrading Windup allows the player to equip it onto another Eikon's loadout, however, and potentially lets the player slightly shorten the charge time.

Windup (especially with the precision charge) is a good strong damage-dealing move. It is less versatile than Titan's other chargeable Eikonic Ability, Upheaval, which is typically weaker but has an aerial version and hits all enemies around Clive. Windup is especially strong on a staggered enemy, and could be more useful than Upheaval against bosses and other formidable foes for its sheer strength. The player should be aware of their surroundings so that Clive will not be attacked and interrupted when he is about to start his Windup. Using Windup when Limit Break or Will-o'-the-Wykes are active, or as a follow up to Odin's Rift Slip during the slowdown of time, ensures it goes off uninterrupted.

During the chronolith trial with Titan, precision-charging the ability gives a 12-second time bonus.
