Wind Rhapsody's Sunbath in Final Fantasy VI.
Calls upon the power of the wind to attack enemies and heal allies.
Final Fantasy VI desccription
Wind Rhapsody (かぜのラプソディ? or 風のラプソディ, Kaze no Rapusodi?), also known as Wind Song, is a recurring ability in the Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy VI[]
Wind Rhapsody is a Dance ability usable by Mog, which gives Mog a 7/16 chance to use Wind Slash, 6/16 chance to use Sunbath, 2/16 chance to use Plasma, and a 1/16 chance to use Cockatrice. The dance is associated with twelve battle backgrounds and can be learned in the World of Balance/World of Ruin overworld, Veldt, Air Force, Phantom Train exterior, Dragon's Neck Coliseum, Thamasa's red background, Blackjack, Falcon, and Final Kefka.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]
Wind Rhapsody (Lv1) is an augment ability that adds Agility +20 and an additional Agility +40 during Field Music Sequences (FMS). It costs 5 CP to equip. It is learned by Warrior of Light (level 10), Onion Knight (default), Kain (level 5), Cloud (evel 10), Seifer (level 15), and Tidus (level 15).
Wind Rhapsody (Lv2) is an augment ability that adds Agility +30 and an additional Agility +45 during FMS. It costs 10 CP to equip. It is learned by Warrior of Light (level 30), Kain (level 40), Cloud (level 50), Seifer (level 35), and Tidus (level 45).
Wind Rhapsody (Lv3) is an augment ability that adds Agility +40 and an additional Agility +60 during FMS. It costs 15 CP to equip. It is learned by Warrior of Light (level 80), Faris (level 35), Cloud (level 80), Aerith (level 35), Seifer (level 80), and Tidus (level 65).
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]
Wind Rhapsody (Lv1) is a proactive ability that costs 5 CP to equip. It increases parameters while equipped. It adds 20 to Agility and then adds a further 40 to Agility during Field Music Sequences (FMS). It is learned by Onion Knight (default), Bartz (default), Vincent (level 15), Lilisette (default), Agrias (level 5), and Rikku (level 5).
Wind Rhapsody (Lv2) is a proactive ability that costs 10 CP to equip. It increases parameters while equipped. It adds 30 to Agility and then adds a further 45 to Agility during FMS. It is learned by Onion Knight (level 50), Bartz (level 50), Vincent (level 45), Tidus (level 30), Lilisette (level 35), Agrias (level 45), Rikku (level 45).
Wind Rhapsody (Lv3) is a proactive ability that costs 16 CP to equip. It increases parameters while equipped. It adds 40 to Agility and then adds a further 60 to Agility during FMS. It is learned by Onion Knight (level 90), Bartz (level 5), Aerith (level 60), Vincent (level 80), Tidus (level 60), Lilisette (level 70), Agrias (level 85), and Rikku (level 75).
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

World of Final Fantasy[]
Wind Rhapsody is an active, wind-elemental magic ability that inflicts magical wind damage on random targets for 4 AP. It hits multiple times. It can be used by Master Moogle★ and Moogle.

A rhapsody in music is a one-movement work that is episodic yet integrated, free-flowing in structure, featuring a range of highly contrasted moods, colour, and tonality.