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Cid Pollendina: Oh, shut up and help me remodel the Wicked Peaks page!
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Wicked Peaks is a location in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. An enchanted mountain that is home to the esper Diabolos, it is located on a desolate island northwest of the Dirnado continent.

It is an optional dungeon that can be unlocked by talking to two NPCs in Industrial City Dilmagia.

The player must defeat Diabolos at the stage 'Wicked Peaks - Where the Demons Laugh' and he will join the party. The stage 'Trial of the Demon' appears when Diabolos (1★) reaches level 30, while 'Trial of the Demon' appears when Diabolos (2★) reaches level 40.


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Long ago, Diabolos was sealed in Wicked Peaks. However, with the passage of time, the locals forgot that it is an esper, and began to fear him as they would a demon.

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