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Cloud Strife: No way! That thing's just a machine.
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Vipsania is worried for her beloved.

Quest description

Who Is Your Daddy Who Is Your Daddy is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.


  • Having successfully reunited Volusus with his mother, you turn your attention to locating his missing father. According to Vipsania, he is none other than the chief of Juturna Platform G, and colleague of Appius the engineer. As your group was planning to travel to Camp Broken Glass, this would be the perfect opportunity to glean information on the husband's whereabouts from your Garlean acquaintance.

※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level.

  • Appius confirms that Chief Frontinus and Vipsania's husband are one and the same, and that he and his identification key have yet to be located. Upon deducing that he most likely headed to the Enceladeum, Galla asks you to go with her and Rimelnaud to search for the missing engineer.
  • After arriving at the Enceladeum, Galla asks you to search within the perimeter walls for Frontinus, while she and Rimelnaud try the nearby buildings. With deadly magitek patrolling the vicinity, you would do well to avoid detection.
  • During your search, you hear a scream in the distance. Fearing the worst, you race off in the direction of the commotion, prepared to take down any drones that might bar your way.
  • You discover the injured Frontinus facing down an enormous magitek monstrosity, which you dispatch with little difficulty. The silver-haired Garlean, however, is gravely wounded, and you rush to his aid.
  • Frontinus catches his breath and thanks you for sparing him an untimely demise. Galla and Rimelnaud bid you go on ahead to deliver the good news, while they help Frontinus make the long journey to Camp Broken Glass.
  • After what must seem an eternity, Frontinus is reunited with his wife and son. He also reveals that he had planned to shut off the supply of ceruleum to the magitek drones using his identification key, thereby disabling them, only for his attempt to end in abject failure. Nevertheless, he lives to tell the tale, and his family could not be more delighted. The three of them will stay at Camp Broken Glass for the time being, where Frontinus will lend his unique talents to the restoration of the city.


  • Speak with Appius at Camp Broken Glass.
  • Speak with Galla near the Enceladeum.
  • Search for Frontinus.
  • Search the area and defeat any magitek drones.
  • Rescue Frontinus.
  • Speak with Volusus at Camp Broken Glass.


Who Is Your Daddy Who Is Your Daddy script
Volusus Are there warm beds at your camp? And hot food?
Galla Once we've made the journey to Camp Broken Glass, I'll help these three get settled in.
Praetorian04505 Do you think your comrades will have work for me to do? It's not in my nature to sit back and let people look after me.
Vipsania I hadn't had a moment's peace since we were forced to shelter inside Palatium Novum. But now, my son and I might finally find refuge from the madness that's swept through our city.
Vipsania For better or worse, we have no possessions to speak of, so we're ready to leave whenever you are. And rest assured, I'm well enough to make the journey─I swear I won't slow you down.
Volusus But what about Dad? He wanted us all to meet here if anything happened...
Vipsania Your father's a resourceful man─ I'm sure wherever he is, he's found a way to get by. And if he does make his way here, the others will tell him where we've gone.
Galla Oh, what was I thinking? I was so glad to have found you that I completely forgot about your husband!
Vipsania It's fine, really. He's the chief of Juturna Platform G, and the last I saw of him, he was on his way to work. I expect he's still there now, and if not, he may have found somewhere safer.
Galla Something on your mind, [Player Name]?
Vipsania Really!? I must speak with them!
Galla What a fortunate coincidence! But first things first, let's get you to Camp Broken Glass before we start making further inquiries.
Rimelnaud Ah, hello again! Since last we spoke, Appius and I have been holding regular meetings with the other machinists to discuss all manner of topics, mostly of a technical nature.
Appius Greetings, [Player Name]. You may be interested to know we've been kept rather busy, what with getting the platform up and running again.
Appius Why, yes, of course. I'd be happy to share what I know.
Vipsania Is it true you used to work on Juturna Platform G?
Appius I did indeed. And you must be Chief Frontinus's wife! It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm so sorry to hear you've been kept apart from your husband this entire time.
Appius Sadly, I've no clue where he is either, but I'll tell you what I know...
Vipsania He disappeared with the identification key? That doesn't sound like him at all.
Galla Useful information, to be sure, but we'll need more than that before we can go looking for him. Volusus, could you tell us anything else about your father?
Volusus He's ever so kind and he never breaks a promise! Good at making plans too. It was his idea for us to meet at the station.
Appius That sounds like the chief. All his ideas are firmly founded on logic─Tertium would act as an ideal underground shelter, and if the trains were still running, they would provide the perfect escape route.
Vipsania My husband is also a dyed-in-the-wool patriot. He made a point of hanging the imperial flag in front of our house for all the neighborhood to see, and often spoke of his devotion to the Empire.
Appius We have a lot in common, the chief and I. I'm certain he only took the key to stop others from misusing the platform.
Galla Speaking of the key, could you tell us a bit more about it?
Appius It grants access to the entire fuel supply network─a pipeline that connects countless facilities including the platforms and the Enceladeum.
Galla Hmm... I think we have all the pieces of the puzzle, but how do they fit together?
Galla I daresay you're right, but I don't see what role the key plays in all this. He must have a good reason for not going to the station...
Galla Yes, if the ceruleum pipeline is at the root of this, that's a distinct possibility.
Galla Let's suppose he went to the Enceladeum after collecting the identification key. What next?
Appius That's it! He could use the key to halt the supply of ceruleum to the magitek drones. Deprived of fuel, most of them would be rendered entirely inoperable!
Rimelnaud If he succeeded, and that's a big “if.” There's no telling what kind of danger he could be in now.
Galla Quite. [Player Name], Rimelnaud─there's no time to waste. To the Enceladeum!
Appius Rimelnaud's skill with a firearm should come in handy if you're forced to engage in combat.
Volusus Please be careful! I want to see my dad again, but I don't want anyone else to get hurt.
Vipsania Thank you all so much for agreeing to look for my husband. We'll be here awaiting your safe return.
Praetorian04505 My apologies for not going with you, but given my injuries I'd only hold you back. Best of luck in finding Vipsania's man.
Rimelnaud The architecture here certainly makes an impression... This is actually my first time to venture this far, you know.
Galla All right. Rimelnaud and I will search the interior, while you look around outside. He may yet be waiting for the right moment, in which case, he'd seek shelter from the cold.
Galla Vipsania said Frontinus has very distinctive long, white hair. Keep your wits about you: who knows what magitek foes lie in wait.
Frontinus Aaah!
Frontinus Unnngh... You saved me...but why?
Rimelnaud Is everything all right?
Galla Frontinus, yes? We've been looking for you!
Frontinus Heh... Must be my lucky day. Way things were going, if the drones hadn't finished me off, starvation surely would have.
Frontinus So much for my brilliant plan... After I barely escaped with my life, I holed up within the perimeter walls. When my supplies ran out, I decided to take one last crack at it...and look where that got me.
Rimelnaud Save your strength. We'll get you out of here.
Frontinus're not one of us...
Rimelnaud Correct. My comrades and I have come to Garlemald to lend what help we can. We've made camp in Laterum, and your family is there waiting for you.
Frontinus They're alive? Thank the heavens!
Galla We'll take care of Frontinus. Hurry back to camp and give his loved ones the good news.
Galla Leave this to us. We mustn't keep Vipsania and Volusus in suspense any longer!
Rimelnaud Poor sod really is on his last legs. We'd better get him something to eat, posthaste.
Frontinus Please...tell my wife and son I'm sorry...
Vipsania Did you manage to find him?
Appius Wait, where's Rimelnaud? Did something happen during the search?
Praetorian04505 Volusus and Vipsania have been on tenterhooks ever since you departed. I do hope you have good news for them.
Volusus You're back! So, umm...did you find my dad?
Volusus Dad!
Vipsania Frontinus...
Appius It's wonderful to have you back, Chief.
Frontinus It's wonderful to be back, believe me.
Frontinus I'd hoped to put a stop to those rampaging drones by cutting off their supply of ceruleum...only I bit off more than I could chew.
Appius You did your best, Chief, and that's all anyone could ask.
Frontinus I wouldn't be standing here now if you hadn't saved my bacon. Words can't express my gratitude for all you've done for me and my family.
Appius There was one other thing─we had to jury-rig the platform to get it working again, since you took the key. I know you must be angry but—
Frontinus Angry? Far from it. You were only trying to help the townsfolk return to a normal way of life. At any rate, I lost the identification key when I was set upon by the drones.
Appius Well, they won't be around for much longer if the contingent's got anything to do with it. You're going to love this camp too─it's full of gifted engineers. I'm sure there'll be all kinds of projects for you to busy yourself with once you're feeling better.
Appius And despite everything that's befallen Garlemald, our platform is set to play a starring role in the reconstruction efforts.
Frontinus Indeed. But more than that, I'm delighted to be with my family. I missed you two dearly.
Vipsania As did we. Now that we're together again, everything will be all right... I know it will. Thanks to our newfound friends, we've been given another chance at happiness.
Quest complete.