Final Fantasy Wiki

Restores each party member's HP by an amount equal to the caster's current HP.


White Wind, also known as WhiteWind, is a Blue Magic spell in Final Fantasy V. It heals each member of the party for an amount equal to the caster's HP. It ignores reflect and undead statuses.

White Wind can also be used by catching and releasing a Hellraiser, Parthenope, White Flame, or Necromancer.


Because White Wind targets the caster, enemies will never use it on the party normally. To learn it, the party can use the beastmaster ability control or confuse the enemy.

The earliest White Wind can be obtained is from Enchanted Fan inside the Ronka Ruins. It can later be learned from Dark Elemental (All), White Flame, Hellraiser, and Azulmagia. Enkidu uses it, but there is no way to make him use it on the player party.


White Wind can be useful if the caster is on full HP, at which point it can likely heal for more than Cure or Cura. However, its healing is unlikely to be significantly greater than Curaga, which only costs 1 less MP. White Wind's prohibitively high MP cost means it should be used as a last resort, rather than as a substitute for White Magic.

White Wind is one of the few ways of healing a party member equipped with the Reflect Ring or Bone Mail, as it ignores reflect and undead.

