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Barret: There's no gettin' off this train we on 'till we reach the end of the line.
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The following is a list of White Magic spells found in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Curaga (ケアルダ) was renamed to Curada, and Curaja (ケアルガ) was renamed to Curaga, because of Ayaka's Curaja (ケアルジャ).

List of White Magic abilities[]

Level 1[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Analyze Ability
1 - Yes - - LeahKrileFranLunaCecilCelesTreyAyakaLotus Mage FinaRileyRinoaRyukaMachinaCaterKarletteSoraMyra
Espers: Shiva, Ramuh, Lakshmi, Phoenix
Effect View info on one enemy.
Awakening -
FFBE Regen Ability
3 - Yes - - FinaLeahGimleeAnastasisMariaKrileClyneAnzelmLunaCecilTerraCelesLennaGarnetLudmilleAgriasVanilleIngusOveliaBeach Time FinaRaslerKupipiMoogleSaraErwinAidenRyukaJoachimWhite Witch Fina
Espers: Siren, Shiva, Carbuncle, Lakshmi
Effect Heal (150 HP, 3x) to one ally.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
3 - Yes - - FinaLeahMariaAnzelmLunaRoseliaLudmilleBeach Time FinaDark Knight LunethWhite Witch Fina
Espers: Ramuh
Effect Remove Blind from one ally.
Awakening -

Level 2[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Heal Ability
3 - Yes - - FinaLeahMariaAnzelmRoseliaLudmilleBeach Time FinaMimWhite Witch Fina
Espers: -
Effect Remove Silence from one ally.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
3 - Yes - Air Racket, White Staff FinaLeahGimleeMariaFranAnzelmLunaTerraRoseliaCelesBeach Time FinaAshterozeDark Knight LunethWhite Witch Fina
Espers: Golem
Effect Remove Poison from one ally.
Awakening -
FFBE Light Ability
3 1 No Trust: Leah - FinaRoseliaLennaBeach Time FinaSanta RoseliaWhite Witch FinaCheerleader Fina
Espers: Ramuh, Carbuncle, Lakshmi, Alexander
Effect Light magic damage (1.2x) that scales off SPR to one enemy.
Awakening -

Level 3[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Regen Ability
7 - Yes - Healing Staff, Recovery Rod FinaAnastasisMariaKrileFranClyneAnzelmCecilTerraRoseliaTellahLennaGarnetLudmilleLightningRamzaAgriasAlmaVanilleSevenRefiaIngusOveliaRemY'shtolaBeach Time FinaTrance TerraAmeliaRaslerPrisheMercenary RamzaOrranMoogleAriaSaraNyaluBeatrixErwinAidenJoachimSanta RoseliaDeuceDark Knight LunethWhite Witch FinaCheerleader Fina
Espers: Carbuncle, Lakshmi
Effect Heal (400 HP, 3x) to all allies.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
5 - Yes - - AnzelmRoseliaMim
Espers: -
Effect Remove Paralyze from one ally.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
5 - Yes - - AnastasisAnzelmRoseliaLudmilleRosaRefiaLukaOveliaMoogleKupolkanEikoMedienaMimSanta RoseliaOnion Knight RefiaSummertime Luka
Espers: Lakshmi
Effect Remove Petrify from one ally.
Awakening -

Level 4[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Revive Ability
12 - No Buy: Kappa Village - FinaMariaTerraWarrior of LightTellahGarnetHopeLukaOveliaRemY'shtolaBeach Time FinaKupipiMercenary RamzaVeritas of the WatersSandeeBeatrixEikoYunaPure Summoner RydiaRaegenVagrant Knight RainAwakened RainRavusBeowulfKarletteWhite Witch FinaCheerleader FinaSummertime Luka
Espers: Phoenix
Effect Revive one KO'd ally to 30% HP.
It instantly kills most Reaper (undead) monsters.
Awakening GarnetRemBeach Time FinaWhite Witch Fina
  • Raise+1 - Boosts recovery to 60% HP.
    • It requires White Alcryst x10, White Milcryst x5, White Heavicryst x1, 60,000 Gil
  • Raise+2 - Boosts recovery to 95% HP.
    • It requires White Alcryst x15, White Milcryst x8, White Heavicryst x2, 60,000 Gil
FFBE Heal Ability
8 - No Trust: Maria - FinaClyneLennaLudmilleAlmaVanilleHopeRosaRefiaIngusOveliaRemY'shtolaKupipiMoogleBeatrixYunaErwinVaynePure Summoner RydiaMedienaAidenJoachimSanta RoseliaOnion Knight Refia
Espers: Lakshmi
Effect Remove Poison, Blind, Sleep, Silence, Paralyze and Confuse from one ally.
Awakening -
FFBE Regen Ability
3 - No Trust: Anastasis - MariaAnzelmFirionRoseliaLennaGarnetLudmilleCedonaSanta Roselia
Espers: Lakshmi
Effect Heal (200 HP, 4x) split over 3 turns to one ally.
Regen and other abilities like it do not stack, only the strongest one is active, and using Regen again only refreshes the duration.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
8 - No - - Rosa
Espers: -
Effect Remove ATK reduction from one ally.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
8 - No - - Rosa
Espers: Golem
Effect Remove DEF reduction from one ally.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
8 - No - - Rosa
Espers: Ramuh
Effect Remove MAG reduction from one ally.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
8 - No - - Rosa
Espers: Shiva
Effect Remove SPR reduction from one ally.
Awakening -

Level 5[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Heal Ability
7 - Yes Chest: Mt. Nibel - Exploration Aura Staff, Aura Sword MariaKrileExdeathKujaCecilTerraLennaAlmaFangRefiaKupipiMysteaYunaMedienaShyltJoachimSanta RoseliaOnion Knight Refia
Espers: Siren, Ramuh, Carbuncle, Alexander
Effect Remove all status effects from one enemy.
It will clear stat reductions, elemental buffs/debuffs, Stop, Berserk and Reflect, but will not cure status aliments.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
5 - No Trust: Fran - FinaAnastasisRoseliaLudmilleRosaLukaBeach Time FinaMoogleAshterozeMimSanta RoseliaWhite Witch FinaSummertime Luka
Espers: Siren, Golem
Effect Remove Disease from one ally.
Awakening -
FFBE Regen Ability
5 (Enhanced)
- Yes - Bone Staff FinaMariaRoseliaGarnetVanilleSazhRosaRefiaIngusLukaOveliaBeach Time FinaKupipiVeritas of the WatersAyakaNyaluGrinfieldSanta RoseliaMachinaWhite Witch FinaCheerleader FinaSummertime Luka
Espers: Lakshmi
Effect Heal (800 HP, 3.4x) to one ally.
Awakening Fina
  • Curada+1 - Reduces MP cost to 5.
    • It requires White Alcryst x10, White Milcryst x8, White Heavicryst x3, 120,000 Gil
  • Curada+2 - Boosts base healing to 1000 HP.
    • It requires White Alcryst x15, White Milcryst x12, White Heavicryst x5, 120,000 Gil
FFBE Bless Ability
16 - No Buy: Mama Chocobo's Den - Mim
Espers: -
Effect Refresh (10 MP, 0.3x) split over 3 turns to one ally.
Awakening -

Level 6[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Regen Ability
15 - No Buy: Duggle Village - FinaMariaKrileKujaRoseliaCecilLennaGarnetAgriasAlmaRosaRefiaQueenOveliaRemY'shtolaBeach Time FinaTrance TerraAmeliaRaslerPrisheKupipiMercenary RamzaMoogleAriaVeritas of the WatersCroweAyakaSandeeEikoYunaDracePure Summoner RydiaMedienaSephirothRaegenRinoaJoachimSanta RoseliaIshilOnion Knight RefiaFolkaHigh Seraph UltimaBeowulfKarletteSoraChowPopstar Katy
Espers: -
Effect Heal (1000 HP, 3.4x) to all allies.
Awakening RoseliaGarnetRemMoogleAria
  • Curaga+1 - Reduces MP cost to 10. Boosts base healing to 1200 HP.
    • It requires White Alcryst x15, White Milcryst x8, White Heavicryst x5, 250,000 Gil
  • Curaga+2 - Boosts base healing to 1600 HP.
    • It requires White Alcryst x23, White Milcryst x15, White Heavicryst x8, White Giancryst x1, 250,000 Gil


  • Curaga+1 - Increases MP cost to 20. Boosts base healing/modifier to (1500 HP, 8x).
    • It requires White Alcryst x15, White Milcryst x10, White Heavicryst x8, White Giancryst x2, White Purecryst x1, 500,000 Gil
  • Curaga+2 - Increases MP cost to 25. Boosts base healing/modifier to (2200 HP, 15x).
    • It requires White Alcryst x23, White Milcryst x15, White Heavicryst x12, White Giancryst x4, White Purecryst x1, 500,000 Gil
FFBE Light Ability
20 1 No - - KupipiMeliadoulSandeeMedienaRavusAurora Fryevia
Espers: Alexander
Effect Light magic damage (1.8x) that scales off SPR to all enemies.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
16 - No - - EikoFolkaMyra
Espers: -
Effect Remove ATK reduction from all allies.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
16 - No - - EikoFolkaMyra
Espers: -
Effect Remove DEF reduction from all allies.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
16 - No - - EikoFolkaMyra
Espers: -
Effect Remove MAG reduction from all allies.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
16 - No - - EikoFolkaMyra
Espers: -
Effect Remove SPR reduction from all allies.
Awakening -

Level 7[]

Name MP Hits Craft Obtain Equip Learned by
FFBE Light Ability
35 1 No Trust: Exdeath Holy Wand KujaRosaY'shtolaTrance TerraLuneraKupipiVeritas of the LightBeatrixEikoVayneCitraUneiAurora Fryevia
Espers: -
Effect Light magic damage (2.3x) that scales off SPR to one enemy.
Awakening Y'shtola
  • Holy+1 - Changes target to all enemies.
    • It requires White Alcryst x15, White Milcryst x10, White Heavicryst x8, White Giancryst x2, White Purecryst x1, 500,000 Gil
  • Holy+2 - Increases MP cost to 40. Boosts modifier to (4x).
    • It requires White Alcryst x23, White Milcryst x15, White Heavicryst x12, White Giancryst x4, White Purecryst x2, 500,000 Gil
FFBE Heal Ability
18 - No - - MariaKujaTerraRosaAyakaEikoYunaLotus Mage FinaVayneHigh Seraph UltimaChow
Espers: -
Effect Remove all status effects from all enemies.
It will clear stat reductions, elemental buffs/debuffs, Stop, Berserk and Reflect, but will not cure status aliments.
Awakening -
FFBE Revive Ability
14 (Enhanced +1)/5 (Enhanced +2)
- No - - TerraRosaRefiaTrance TerraAyakaBeatrixEikoLotus Mage FinaSephirothRinoaSanta RoseliaOnion Knight RefiaFolkaHigh Seraph UltimaChow
Espers: -
Effect Revive one KO'd ally to 100% HP. Unlocked by Healer's Resolve (Santa Roselia only).
Awakening Refia
  • Full-Life+1 - Reduces MP cost to 14.
    • It requires White Alcryst x15, White Milcryst x10, White Heavicryst x8, White Giancryst x2, 500,000 Gil
  • Full-Life+2 - Reduces MP cost to 5.
    • It requires White Alcryst x23, White Milcryst x15, White Heavicryst x12, White Giancryst x4, White Purecryst x1, 500,000 Gil
FFBE Revive Ability
21 - No - - AyakaYunaLotus Mage FinaFolkaMyra
Espers: -
Effect Auto-revive to 80% HP for three turns to one ally.
Awakening -
FFBE Heal Ability
21 - No - - RosaRaslerLuneraMercenary RamzaVeritas of the WatersAyakaKupolkanEikoLotus Mage FinaFolkaChowMyra
Espers: -
Effect Remove Poison, Blind, Sleep, Silence, Paralyze and Confuse from all allies.
Awakening -
FFBE Regen Ability
30 - No - - RemAyakaYunaLotus Mage FinaFolkaChowMyra
Espers: -
Effect Heal (2500 HP, 18x) to all allies.
Awakening -



White magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for good and selfless purposes. With respect to the philosophy of left-hand path and right-hand path, white magic is the benevolent counterpart of malicious black magic. Because of its ties to traditional pagan nature worship, white magic is often also referred to as "natural magic".
