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Louisoix Leveilleur: Eorzea was destroyed by a force of unimaginable power raining down from the sky. It is the dawn of a new age!
The following article covers a subject from a previous version of White Mage Quests that has since been removed.

The following is a list of White Mage Quests from Final Fantasy XIV version 1.0.

Seeds of Initiative[]

  • Speaking with Soileine of Stillglade Fane, you learn that thieves have been making off with items left at Lifemend Stump. Before the Conjurers' Guild could act, however, Seedseer Raya-O-Senna took matters into her own hands and ventured into the Twelveswood. It is believed that she is presently within a cave situated beneath a lake west of Camp Emerald Moss. Soileine bids you make your way there to ascertain the Seedseer's present condition.

※ Up to three party members may accompany you. (Recommended)

  • Seedseer Raya-O-Senna tells you that the enchanted staff Nirvana, a priceless Gridanian relic, was among the items stolen from Lifemend Stump. The thieves are believed to be a family of vilekin, a diremite straggler and her miteling brood, who are ensconced within the Mun-Tuy Cellars, north of Camp Emerald Moss. Your task is to put down the creatures and reclaim Nirvana.

※ Up to three party members may accompany you. (Recommended)

  • The vilekin lie slain, and Nirvana is now safely in your hands. Hasten back to the lakeside cave and present the staff to Raya-O.

※ The next white mage quest will be available from Raya-O-Senna upon reaching level 35.

When Sheep Attack[]

  • You return to the cave to find Raya-O in conversation with Oha-Sok. The Seedseer attempts to justify the need for nations to shore up their military might, but the elemental is unconvinced and takes her leave. Regaining her composure, Raya-O relays to you Twin Adder-sourced intelligence concerning a sheep that has turned feral southwest of Camp Glory. The creature, known to the locals as Downy Dunstan, is suspected to be acting under elemental influence. Raya-O requires that you subdue Downy Dunstan using white magic.

※ It is recommended that three party members accompany you.

  • You have subdued Downy Dunstan. Hasten back to the cave where Raya-O awaits.

※ The next white mage quest will be available from Raya-O-Senna upon reaching level 40.

Lost in Rage[]

  • According to Raya-O, the elementals have begun to raise their voices in anger. She vows to do all in her power to quell their rage, and bids you assist her. You are told of Cactuar Jack, another creature suspected to have grown savage due to elemental influence. You must subdue the cactuar, who can be found east of Camp Horizon in western Thanalan.

※ It is recommended that three party members accompany you.

  • You have subdued Cactuar Jack. Hasten back to the cave where Raya-O awaits.

※ The next white mage quest will be available from Raya-O-Senna upon reaching level 45.

The Wheel of Disaster[]

  • Raya-O edifies you regarding the Fifth Astral Era, which ended when a great deluge came and cleansed the land of man's wickedness. Concerned that history may be about to repeat itself, the Seedseer is eager to do whatever she can to help set the world to rights. Reports have arrived that a bandit and his minions have taken to preying upon hapless travelers at the land bridge south of Camp Bearded Rock. Raya-O strongly suspects that they act under elemental influence, and bids you liberate the hapless souls.

※ Up to seven party members may accompany you. (Recommended)

  • You have triumphed over the bandits and freed them from their enthrallment. Yet all is not well. Disheartened by mankind's readiness to hurt one another, Oha-Sak give you an ominous warning before taking her leave. Hasten back to the cave and tell Raya-O all that has transpired.

※ The next white mage quest will be available from Raya-O-Senna upon reaching level 45.

In Search of Succor[]

  • Raya-O believes that Oha-Sok has been observing the children of the Sixth Astral Era, suggesting that she has yet to give up on mankind. Nevertheless, the presence of wrath incarnate alone is enough to impel the elementals to sustain their keening indefinitely, which will inevitably lead to catastrophe. In order to restore the enraged elementals to calm, Raya-O bids you acquire the garb of succor, the legendary artifacts worn by the white mages of old. Raya-O has marked the whereabouts of four pieces on your map.
    • Dzemael Darkhold, southwest of Camp Dragonhead in the Coerthas central highlands.
    • Zahar'ak, east of Camp Broken Water in southern Thanalan.
    • Turning Leaf, south of Camp Crimson Bark in the West Shroud.
    • Tiger Helm Island, southeast of Camp Bloodshore in eastern La Noscea.
  • Four pieces of the garb of succor are now in your possession. Make your way back to the cave where Raya-O awaits.

※ The next white mage quest will be available from Raya-O-Senna upon reaching level 50.

The Chorus of Cataclysm[]

  • Oha-Sok's return to the Twelveswood has prompted the elementals to intensify their keening; it is only a matter of time before catastrophe is unleashed upon Eorzea. Even though the fifth and final artifact eludes you still, you must act now lest the unthinkable come to pass. Raya-O senses the keening most strongly southwest of Camp Bentbranch, and bids you quell the elementals there.

※ Up to seven party members may accompany you. (Recommended)

  • Just when all seems lost, Oha-Sok arrives to save you from her kindred's wrath. In a touching turn of events, the elemental of nihility then offers to remain by your side, transforming into the final artifact of succor. Hasten back to the cave where Raya-O awaits.
