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- recurring enemy.
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White Dragon may refer to:
- The enemy from Final Fantasy.
- The boss from Final Fantasy II.
- The boss from Final Fantasy IV.
- The enemy from Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.
- The boss from Final Fantasy VI.
- The boss from Final Fantasy XVI.
- The enemy from Pictlogica Final Fantasy.
- The boss from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
- The summon from War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, which is featured in the myths of many cultures.
AChromatic dragon is a classification of dragon in the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons who are typically of evil alignment, in contrast to the metallic dragons, and their queen is Tiamat. White, black, green, blue and red dragons are the classic chromatic dragons. Final Fantasy has derived a lot of influence from D&D, especially the early series. White dragons are the weakest and the most feral of the classic chromatic dragons. They love to swim in cold water, lair in ice caves, and their icy breath can freeze a foe solid.