Oh, shut up and help me remodel the Where Darkness Gathers page!

I couldn't miss the chance to practice my drawing!
Pumpkin Fest: Where Darkness Gathers was a seasonal event in Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis. Coinciding with Halloween, this event takes place in a time-shifted Nibelheim warped by dark elements.
Shortly after Glenn and his team cleared out Rhadoran troops from the Logues Ruins, Shinra engineers begin work on building the reactor. The four SOLDIERs patrol the area, where Portal spawns in front of them. The team is initially wary, with Lucia considering the portal to be a potential Rhadoran weapon, before Matt recognizes it from the description in the Science Department's reports. Glenn curiously approaches to get a closer look but is sucked in.

Sephiroth arrives and quickly deduces what's going on. He assures Matt and Lucia that Glenn should be fine, since the spell is for simple teleportation. He enters after Glenn to ensure his safety and bring him back.
Sephiroth steps out of Portal into Nibelheim, which is decorated with string lights and pumpkins. He finds Glenn and scolds him for abandoning his duties. As he does so, Portal disappears behind him, leaving him and Glenn trapped at the festival. Glenn goes to ask a townsperson for help, but Sephiroth realizes that the being is a Dorky Face monster.
Upon defeating the monster, Sephiroth realizes that the festival is the Autumn Harvest, also known as the Pumkin Festival. In preparation for the arrival of the Dark Army, harbingers of the cold spell, people dress up as monsters in an effort to deceive them. People would commonly greet each other with "tussle or treat" to determine whether they were greeting a monster or a person.
Glenn and Sephiroth happen across a boy not wearing a costume. The boy tells them that in order to find the monster in charge, they would have to defeat every monster they came across. Despite weeding out most of the monsters, the two come no closer to finding the monster in charge. Glenn surmises that the leader is lying in wait and letting its underlings do the work. The boy suggests the two wear costumes to help them blend in, and Glenn heartily agrees. The boy leads them to Shinra Manor, telling them he had found costumes in the basement. Sephiroth is skeptical of how suspiciously well-informed the boy seems to be, but the three of them head to the mansion.
In the Archive in the basement, Glenn remarks how the place reminds him of Shinra. The boy quizzically asks about Shinra, but as Glenn responds, Sephiroth is overwhelmed by a memory of Hojo telling him to endure pain to unlock his true power. He brushes off Glenn's concern, but Glenn insists Sephiroth take it easy and not push himself. Sephiroth begins to explain that he'd always been told the opposite when a monster arrives in the basement. Sephiroth realizes the monster likely found them since it was drawn to his negative emotions.
The two find the costumes and put them on. Upon entering town, they find and eliminate the last monster. Suddenly, the boy rises into the air and transforms into the leader of the Dark Army. Sephiroth immediately leaps into action, explaining that he had his suspicions the whole time. The monster tries to escape through Portal, but Sephiroth strikes it down.

Upon defeating the leader of the Dark Army, Glenn waves goodbye and wishes the kid would make some friends. Sephiroth is baffled that Glenn would be kind to a monster, but Glenn insists that he's kind to everyone because he's a superhero. Before heading through Portal, Glenn suggests they slack off and enjoy the festival - including the food. Sephiroth agrees, but when Glenn strolls over to the food he gets too close to Portal and gets sucked in. Sephiroth laments not being able to try the pumpkin soup before following Glenn.
Back at Logues Ruins, Glenn and Sephiroth are shocked to find themselves in costume and confused as to why they're so hungry. Sephiroth realizes that the reason Hojo discontinued the research into Portal was because those who use it don't remember what happens on the other side. Matt assures the two of them that even if they don't remember their excursion, the events are etched in their heart and body. Sephiroth disagrees, stating that if your unconscious mind makes up who you are, you could avoid taking responsibility for your words and actions since you wouldn't be aware of them. Sephiroth insists he is conscious about every decision he makes.
Event Rewards[]
By participating in the Pumpkin Fest event, players would earn Dorky Lanterns which could be exchanged for Aerith's Chocobo Suit gear and Chocobo Staff, Pumpkin Candy, and Doltish Lanterns which could be exchanged for Lucia's Pumpkin Blaster weapon. Dorky Lanterns could also be exchanged for an event-exclusive wallpaper.
Featured draw[]
The event was also accompanied by two Stamp Card draws. The first featuring Cloud's Bandaged Sword and Bandaged Coat gear, and Sephiroth's Dark Heavens weapon and Dark Harbinger gear. The second featured Zack's Black Whiskers and Black Hound gear, and Glenn's Pumpkin Lamppost and Pumpkinmare gear.
External links[]
- Official notice (Japanese)
- Official notice (English)