What Rough Beast Slouches is a side quest in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII where the player must fell the game's superboss, Aeronite, as requested by Nolan inside the Temple Ruins. The player gains access to the ruins as part of the Dead Dunes main quest.
Aeronite appears on the Giant's Sandbox area as a roaming energy field from Day 7 onward, its location rotating counter-clockwise depending on the time of day. If not stalled by repeatedly staggering it, will flee the fight.
Quest log[]
- Entry 1 - Quest Begins
- Inside the southern entrance to the Temple Ruins, on the upper level of Scorched Earth, Lightning meets a man who presents Lightning with a perilous mission. He claims that a terrible beast has appeared to herald the end of the world, and he wants Lightning to find this beast, the Aeronite, hunt it down, and bring back a sample of its flesh.
- Entry 2 - Quest Complete
- Nolan has been harboring a dream to age like all humans once did. Perhaps it is too late now, but he has found a way at last—he believes he must eat the flesh of an extra-dimensional beast.
- He grins with wicked satisfaction at the putrid mound of flesh, to which leathery skin still clings. His mind is set now, and only one questions remains-should he grill the meat, or stew it?
The client is found within the fenced off bit when entering the Temple Ruins, from the southern ruins entrance (the door must be opened from the inside). To get to this bit, Lightning must go through the path leading east from the previous location that is guarded by an Earth Eater, south from the area's cactuar waystone. Upon accepting the quest, Lightning obtains Study of Despair notes.
To complete the quest, Lightning must defeat Aeronite that appears in Giant's Sandbox from Day 7 onward. Like the rare enemies in Final Fantasy XIII-2, it appears as a distortion. If struck first, it starts with 10% HP already lost, but preempting it for a 25% HP loss is impossible. Lightning must deal consistent damage and stagger it four times, otherwise it flies away and Lightning must find it again and start the battle from the beginning. When it is defeated, Lightning obtains Monster Flesh to bring to Nolan to complete the quest.
For battle strategy see Aeronite (Lightning Returns).
Completing the quest earns 8200 gil, Pro's Beret adornment, Max HP +160, Strength +12, and Magic +16. Completing the quest again in a New Game Plus earns 12300 gil, Max HP +90, Strength +6, and Magic +10.
Defeating the Aeronite yields a trophy/achievement. Upon defeat, Aeronite gives 50,000 gil, 9.00 EP, and drops the Falcon Charm accessory on the ground (increases ATB recovery speed by 70). It also has a chance to drop a variety of rare components, including both Holy Forgefire and Demonic Forgefire. Disaster is a guaranteed drop in Hard Mode.