The Whale Zombie is a flying, undead enemy from Final Fantasy IX. The party can find it on the beaches of the Outer Continent, Lost Continent, and Forgotten Continent accessed on the Blue Narciss, and the beaches of the Mist Continent in the endgame.
Whale Zombies are great sources of EXP once the player can access Lost Continent and Outer Continent beaches with the Blue Narciss. Its Zombie Powder and Venom Breath attacks inflict debilitating status effects. If its Zombie Powder attack turns someone into a Zombie, a Magic Tag (can be stolen from the Whale Zombie itself) will cure it.
Whale Zombie is a good enemy to eat with Quina to teach them LV5 Death, which is useful for leveling up against Grand Dragons.
A physical character with either the Undead Killer or Bird Killer ability can make short work of this cetacean. As the Whale Zombie is undead, casting Life or Full-Life on it will also defeat it instantly. The Whale Zombie can be reduced to 1 HP with a Phoenix Down, easily putting it in range to be eaten by Quina. Quina's LV4 Holy also works on it.
AI script[]
Function Whale_Zombie_Init
set attacklist = [ Fin ; Fin ; Fin ; Death ; Zombie Powder ; Ultra Sound Wave ; Venom Breath ]
Function Whale_Zombie_ATB
set selectedattack = RandomAttack( attacklist )
if ( selectedattack == Fin )
set SV_Target = SV_PlayerTeam
elseif ( selectedattack == Fin )
set SV_Target = SV_PlayerTeam
elseif ( selectedattack == Fin )
set SV_Target = SV_PlayerTeam
elseif ( selectedattack == Death )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam(SV_PlayerTeam)
elseif ( selectedattack == Zombie Powder )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam( NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | DEATH | JUMP | ZOMBIE) )
elseif ( selectedattack == Ultra Sound Wave )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam(SV_PlayerTeam)
elseif ( selectedattack == Venom Breath )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam( NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | DEATH | JUMP | VENOM) )
Attack( selectedattack )
Other appearances[]
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]
Two Whale Zombies appear as bosses in the final mission of the "Ballads and Rhapsodies" story arc. As is typical of such bosses, they also appeared in the event missions that accompanied the story's debut.
zombie is an animated corpse resurrected by mystical means, such as necromancy. Since the late 19th century, zombies have acquired popularity in North American and European folklore.
AWhale Zombies may find their inspiration by real world whale corpses, which tend to become buoyant by bloating from decomposition and can wash up on shore. Bloating corpses can potentially explode.