I couldn't finish 'em. Looks like this's gonna get complicated.
Weresoldier is a boss in Final Fantasy Dimensions. He is fought on the top of Mt. Rusalka.
This monster is not very difficult to deal with. There is not much to talk about his attack. Smash to Bits damage can vary quite a bit so be ready to heal when it hits hard. Thwack can damage every ally for 250-300 damage. Have the Red Mage or White Mage to cast Cura on the party when necessary while other members attack, use ability or cast strong spells to deal damage. The fight will end before you know it.
were- is often used as a prefix applied to an animal name to indicate a type of lycanthropy and/or shapeshifter (e.g. "were-boar"). Hyphenation used to be mandatory but is now commonly dropped, as in werecat and wererat. This usage can be seen as a back-formation from werewolf (literally, "man-wolf"), as there is no equivalent wifewolf.
In folklore and fantasy fiction,soldier is one who fights as part of an organized, land-based, sea-based or air-based armed force. A soldier can be an enlisted person, a non-commissioned officer, or an officer in the Army.