Final Fantasy Wiki

Though normally a human, this enemy changes to dragon-form during battle, spewing poisonous breath.

Final Fantasy VI PlayStation Bestiary entry

The Weredragon, also known as the Allosaurus or the Allosaur, is an enemy in Final Fantasy VI fought in Cyan Garamonde's Dreamscape in the World of Ruin.



Weredragon has a simple attack pattern, with a 33% chance of using Venom Claw or Venomist every turn. The former poisons a single party member, while the latter poisons the entire party.


Besides the nuisance of poison, the Weredragon is not dangerous and is easily slain with Fira and Firaga spells.

Coliseum setup[]

Weredragon is vulnerable to death attacks, so the player can equip the Zantetsuken or the Wing Edge for a quick victory. Equipping a Reflect Ring will also reflect the monster's Death spell back at it. Also, Gogo with three Sketch commands provides a chance for it to cast Death on it by itself.


Number Enemies Encounter flags Introduction flag Musical theme Magic AP
Normal Back Surrounded Side
314 Weredragon, Parasite x3 Y Y Y Y Sides, individual Battle 3
316 Weredragon Y Y N Y Sides, individual Battle 2

AI scripts[]

Normal script[]

Attack Turns:
1st Turn: Venom Claw (33%) or Nothing (33%) or Venomist (33%)

Coliseum script[]

Attack Turns:
1st Turn: Attack (33%) or Venom Claw (33%) or Death (33%)

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFRK Weredragon FFVI
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Other media[]

Bahamut Lagoon - Deboahan

Deboahan in Bahamut Lagoon.

The sprite that is shared between Weredragon, Chaos Dragon, Hexadragon, Tyrannosaur, and Earth Dragon was used and modified for some of the Salmando class dragons in Bahamut Lagoon, namely the Deboahan and Aspidredon.


In folklore and fantasy fiction, were- is often used as a prefix applied to an animal name to indicate a type of lycanthropy and/or shapeshifter (e.g. "were-boar"). Hyphenation used to be mandatory but is now commonly dropped, as in werecat and wererat. This usage can be seen as a back-formation from werewolf (literally, "man-wolf"), as there is no equivalent wifewolf.

A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, which is featured in the myths of many cultures.

The Allosaurus was a large dinosaur in the Late Jurassic period, and had very sharp and long teeth. They were very agile and deadly predators.

Related enemies[]
