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FFT Weapon Break

Rend Weapon in Final Fantasy Tactics.

A technique that destroys the target's equipped weapon.

Weapon Break (ウェポンブレイク, Wepon Bureiku?), also known as Rend Weapon or Dismantle, is a recurring ability in the Final Fantasy series. It generally either destroys the target's equipped weapon or lowers their attack power.


Final Fantasy XI[]

Weapon Break is a Great Axe weapon skill. It is a single-hit attack and lowers Attack. It provides a TP enhancement to ATK Down duration. It can skill chain into Impaction. It requires a combat skill of 175.

Final Fantasy XIV[]

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Final Fantasy Tactics[]

Weapon Break is part of the Knight's skillset, learned for 400 JP. In the original PlayStation version, it was useless against enemies that cannot equip weapons. In the War of the Lions remake, it instead deal damage to anything that does not have a weapon.

The success rate of Rend Weapon breaking the target's weapon is:

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]

Rend Weapon is an ability for the Defender, learned for 200 AP from the Claymore. It attempts to destroy the target's equipped weapon.

Final Fantasy Tactics S[]

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Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]

Weapon Break is a special ability usable by Cloud, Squall, Seifer, and Snow, and has three levels of strength. During BMS, Weapon Break reduces the attack power of the second monster to enter battle, higher levels cutting attack power by larger amounts.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]

Weapon Break (Lv1) is a reactive ability that costs 3 CP to equip. It is activated after second enemy appears in Battle Music Sequences (BMS). It reduces enemy's attack power and has low strength. it is learned by Kain (level 15), Faris (default), Edgar (level 5), Cloud (level 15), Tifa (level 15), Squall (default), Jecht (default), Auron #2 (level 5), Balthier (level 15), Lightning (level 5), Benjamin (level 10), Agrias (default), Cloud #2 (default), Noel (default), and Lightning #2 (level 10).

Weapon Break (Lv2) is a reactive ability that costs 6 to equip. It is activated after second enemy appears in BMS. It reduces enemy's attack power and has medium strength. It is learned by Kain (level 65), Faris (level 25), Edgar (level 35), Tifa (level 55), Sephiroth (level 30), Squall (level 35), Jecht (level 25), Auron #2 (level 40), Lilisette (level 90), Balthier (level 60), Lightning (level 55), Benjamin (level 50), Ramza (default), Agrias (level 30), Cloud #2 (level 45), Machina (level 15), Noel (level 35), and Lightning #2 (level 65).

Weapon Break (Lv3) is a reactive ability that costs 10 CP to equip. It is activated just once in BMS when a boss-class enemy appears. It reduces the enemy's attack power and has full strength. It is learned by Kain (level 95), Faris (level 65), Edgar (level 70), Tifa (level 90), Squall (level 70), Jecht (level 65), Auron #2 (level 80), Agrias (level 75), Cloud #2 (level 80), Chaos (level 20), Noel (level 70), and Lightning #2 (level 95).

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy All-Star Carnival[]

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Theatrhythm Final Bar Line[]

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Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Damage and reduce ATK for one enemy

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Mobius Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

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