Aqua Breath
Inflicts Water-elemental damage to the party.
Protochimera (Fiend Arena), Rhyos
Dragon Scale
Inflicts Water-elemental damage to one target.
Rikku, Ruffian
Fish Scale
Inflicts Water-elemental damage to one target. Only used if Confused.
Scum Spray
Inflicts Water-elemental damage and Darkness to one target.
Sahagin (Oversoul)
Sludge Spray
Inflicts Water-elemental damage as well as Darkness and Poison to one target.
Sahagin Prince (Oversoul)
Squirt Gun
Inflicts Water-elemental damage and Slow to one target.
Sahagin, Sahagin Prince
Deals eight water-elemental attacks against random party members.
Lulu (Fiend Arena), Violet Goon (Fiend Arena)
Inflicts Water-elemental damage to one target.
Ahriman (Oversoul), Bully Cap, Coeurl, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Fem-Goon, Flan Azul, Haizhe (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Precepts Guard (Oversoul), Stalwart (Oversoul)
Inflicts Water-elemental damage to one target.
Amorphous Gel, Bully Cap (Oversoul), Chocobo Eater, Coeurl (Oversoul), Creeper, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Elma (Chapter 5), Fem-Goon, Fly Eye (Oversoul), Great Haunt, Haizhe (Oversoul), Haunt, Hrimthurs (Oversoul), Iron Giant (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Jahi, Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), League Mage, League Master, Leblanc (Final), Mycotoxin (Oversoul), Stalwart (Oversoul), Taromaiti, Tria, Varan, Vertigo (Oversoul), Watcher A, Zarich Zurvan
Inflicts Water-elemental damage to one target.
Aka Manah, Anything Eater (Oversoul), Aranea (Oversoul), Arast, Big Bully Cap (Oversoul), Black Elemental (Oversoul), Blue Elemental, Cactuar (Oversoul), Chocobo Eater (Fiend Arena), Creeper (Oversoul), Critical Bug, Daeva, Dark Elemental, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Elder Zurvan, Flan Azabache (Oversoul), Gemini (Oversoul), Georapella, Gigas (Oversoul), Great Haunt, Grim Gaze (Oversoul), Gug (Oversoul), Haizhe (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), Lich, Mindy, Mushroom Cloud (Oversoul), Mycotoxin (Oversoul), Node A, Node B, Node C, Paragon (Oversoul), Protean Gel (Oversoul), Queen Coeurl, Stalwart (Oversoul), Vertigo (Fiend Arena), Watcher A, Wight, Zarich
Water Gem
Inflicts 6 hits of Water-elemental damage to random targets.