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Warriors are fierce fighters who can maintain their HP while assailing enemies.


The Warrior is an Advanced Job in Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin, and is available after unlocking the corresponding nodes in the Swordsman and Ronin Job Trees. Leveling this job is required unlock the Liberator and Dark Knight expert jobs.

Warrior is an all-out fighter job that specializes in versatility and survivability. Additionally, the job provides potent buffs for many of the weapons and damage mitigation passives, allowing for a more free-form playstyle.


Job Action[]

The Warrior's job action is "War Cry", which staggers any surrounding enemies and grants a temporary health regen to the player to ensure a method of keeping themselves alive whilst while attacking groups of enemies.


The Warrior has the most usable weapons among the Advanced Jobs and the second most out of all 35 jobs. It makes use of all bladed weapons with combo ability effects favoring the greatsword, sword, lance, katana, and axe. In addition, the knuckles, staves, and guns are also available to the Warrior without combo ability effects.


The Warrior gives a stat bonus to Stamina, giving the character increased physical defense and higher HP pool, thus helping them survive more enemy attacks.

Job Stat Rating and Growth by Level
Stat Rating Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 55 Lvl 80 Lvl 99 Lvl 120 Lvl 135 Lvl 150+
HP A 1469 1909 2081 2216 2327 2435 2565 2663
Strength B 17 20 32 32 32 32 32 32
Agility E 14 16 26 26 26 26 26 26
Stamina B 17 20 32 32 32 32 32 32
Intellect D 15 18 28 28 28 28 28 28
Spirit D 15 18 28 28 28 28 28 28
Luck C 16 19 30 30 30 30 30 30

Job Tree[]

These abilities can be bought by using Job Points which are accumulated by earning EXP and leveling up the Job:

Ability Icon Type Job Points MP Cost Required Ability to Unlock Description
War Cry War Cry SOPFFO Job Action 0 1 [Element: Non-elemental SOPFFONone]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
A fierce roar that damages nearby enemies, and gradually restores your HP for a period of time.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
HP +34 Passive SOPPFO Passive 1 War Cry Increases HP by 34
Warrior's Ward Greatsword Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 2 HP +34 [Weapon Type: Greatsword]
[2nd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability]

Decreases damage taken while the ability is active.
Warrior Affinity +15% Warrior Affinity SOPFFO Passive 2 HP +34 Increases warrior job affinity.
All Damage -2.4% Passive SOPPFO Passive 3 Warrior Affinity +15% Decreases damage taken.
Guardian Katana Katana Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 4 All Damage -2.4% [Weapon Type: Katana]
[2nd Link]


[Senshin Stance 2nd Link]

Enhances abilities set to During Senshin Stance: [Ability] > [Ability].

Decreases damage taken while the ability is active.
Mystic Spear Lance Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 3 Warrior Affinity +15% [Weapon Type: Axe]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Back] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability]

Refills break gauge based on physical damage dealt.
Mighty Strikes Mighty Strikes SOPFFO Command 5 1 Mystic Spear Boosts own attack type temporarily, allowing you to more easily pierce the enemy's resistance.
Warrior Affinity +25% Warrior Affinity SOPFFO Passive 7 Mighty Strikes Increases warrior job affinity.
Spinning Smash Spinning Smash SOPFFO Greatsword Combo 9 1 Warrior Affinity +25% [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
Attack enemies around you with a whirling slash. Hold Ability to increase the attack's power.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Arcane Axe Axe Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 6 Mighty Strikes [Weapon Type: Axe]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Forward] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability]

Refills break gauge based on physical damage dealt.
Damage Dealt at Max HP +4.3% Passive SOPPFO Passive 7 Mighty Strikes Increases damage dealt when HP is at max.
New Job: Dark Knight Dark Knight SOPFFO Job Unlock 0 Damage Dealt at Max HP +4.3% Partial unlock for the Dark Knight Job. Also requires a similar abilities in the Black Mage and Berserker Job Trees.
Warrior Affinity +10% Warrior Affinity SOPFFO Passive 1 War Cry Increases warrior job affinity.
Shielding Axe Axe Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 2 Warrior Affinity +10% [Weapon Type: Axe]
[2nd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability]

Decreases damage taken while the ability is active.
War Cry Mastery War Cry Mastery SOPFFO Passive 4 Shielding Axe Increases the duration of an active war cry with a successful soul burst.
HP +86 Passive SOPPFO Passive 4 Shielding Axe Increases HP by 86
Mystic Blade Katana Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 5 HP +86 [Weapon Type: Katana]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Forward] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability]

Refills break gauge based on physical damage dealt.
Damage Dealt at Max HP +3.9% Passive SOPPFO Passive 6 HP +86 Increases damage dealt when HP is at max.
Retribution Retribution SOPFFO Greatsword Combo 3 1 Shielding Axe [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash/Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina/Spirit Stat SOPFFOSpirit]
Assume a combat stance with your greatsword, then deliver a sweeping upward slash. Hold Ability to extend the duration of your stance. Being hit with while in this stance will increase attack's power.

[Link 1 Ability]
Can be set to [Attack]>[Ability].
Deflecting Spear Lance Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 4 Retribution [Weapon Type: Lance]
[2nd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability]

Decreases damage taken while the ability is active.
All Damage -4.8% Passive SOPPFO Passive 6 Deflecting Spear Decreases damage taken.
Mystic Greatsword Greatsword Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 7 All Damage -4.8% [Weapon Type: Greatsword]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Forward] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability]

Refills break gauge based on physical damage dealt.
New Job: Liberator Liberator SOPFFO Job Unlock 0 All Damage -4.8% Partial unlock for the Liberator Job. Also requires a similar ability in the Dragoon Job Tree.
New Class: Dawn Warrior Warrior Evocation SOPFFO Class Unlock All Warrior tree abilities Unlocks the Evocation Class for Warrior, Dawn Warrior . Only available in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC.
New Class: Gladiator Warrior Ultima SOPFFO Class Unlock All Warrior tree abilities Unlocks the Ultima Class for Warrior, Gladiator . Only available in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC.

Class Trees[]

Introduced in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC, These classes are unlocked after visiting Bahamut's Cave and completing the "A Token of Courage and Strength" conversation with Bahamut and the abilities thereof can be bought by using Rat Tails which are accumulated by completing missions on the Bahamut difficulty onward and purchasing them from the Bahamut Exchange Shop via Dragon Treasures:

Warrior Evocation SOPFFO
Dawn Warrior[]
Ability Icon Type Rat Tails Required Ability to Unlock Description
Invigorating Warcry War Cry SOPFFO Job Action All Warrior tree abilities War Cry
[Class Change Effect: Evocation]
Fills break gauge on activation.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Stamina +7 Stamina Up SOPFFO Passive 2 Invigorating Warcry Increases stamina.
HP +212 Passive SOPPFO Passive 6 Stamina +7 Increases HP by 212.
Luck +6 Luck Up SOPFFO Passive 8 HP +212 Increases luck.
Warrior Master Points +3 Master Points Up SOPFFO Passive 13 Luck +6 Increases warrior master points acquired.
Break +160 Passive SOPPFO Passive 10 HP +212 Increases break by 160.
Agility +4 Agility Up SOPFFO Passive 12 Break +160 Increases HP by 106.
Defensive Staff Staff Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 18 Agility +4 [Weapon Type: Staff]
[2nd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability].

Decreases damage taken while the ability is active.
Spirit +6 Spirit Up SOPFFO Passive 2 Invigorating Warcry Increases spirit.
Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 4 Spirit +6 Increases resistance to status ailments.
Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 6 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases magic vulnerability resistances.
Strength +7 Strength Up SOPFFO Passive 8 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases strength.
Penetrating Strike Greatsword Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 14 Strength +7 [Weapon Type: Greatsword]
[3rd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability].

Strengthens attack type, bypassing enemy resistances and making weaknesses easier to exploit.
Intellect +5 Intellect Up SOPFFO Passive 8 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases intellect.
Warrior Master Points +3 Master Points Up SOPFFO Passive 13 Intellect +5 Increases warrior master points acquired.
Artifice Staff Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 14 Intellect +5 [Weapon Type: Staff]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Forward] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability].

Refills break gauge based on physical damage dealt.
Warrior Ultima SOPFFO
Ability Icon Type Rat Tails Required Ability to Unlock Description
Warrior's Shout War Cry SOPFFO Job Action All Warrior tree abilities War Cry
[Class Change Effect: Ultima]
Trigger the ability set to the After Parry slot when pressing [Ability] after attacking.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Stamina +7 Stamina Up SOPFFO Passive 2 Warrior's Shout Increases stamina.
HP +212 Passive SOPPFO Passive 6 Stamina +7 Increases HP by 212.
Luck +6 Luck Up SOPFFO Passive 8 HP +212 Increases luck.
Warrior Master Points +3 Master Points Up SOPFFO Passive 13 Luck +6 Increases warrior master points acquired.
Break +160 Passive SOPPFO Passive 10 HP +212 Increases break by 160.
Agility +4 Agility Up SOPFFO Passive 12 Break +160 Increases HP by 106.
Defensive Staff Staff Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 18 Agility +4 [Weapon Type: Staff]
[2nd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack] >[Attack] >[Ability].

Decreases damage taken while the ability is active.
Spirit +6 Spirit Up SOPFFO Passive 2 Warrior's Shout Increases spirit.
Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 4 Spirit +6 Increases resistance to status ailments.
Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 6 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases magic vulnerability resistances.
Strength +7 Strength Up SOPFFO Passive 8 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases strength.
Penetrating Strike Greatsword Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 14 Strength +7 [Weapon Type: Greatsword]
[3rd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack] >[Attack] >[Attack] >[Ability].

Strengthens attack type, bypassing enemy resistances and making weaknesses easier to exploit.
Intellect +5 Intellect Up SOPFFO Passive 8 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases intellect.
Warrior Master Points +3 Master Points Up SOPFFO Passive 13 Intellect +5 Increases warrior master points acquired.
Artifice Staff Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 14 Intellect +5 [Weapon Type: Staff]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Forward] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability].

Refills break gauge based on physical damage dealt.

Job Affinity bonuses[]

Most weapons and items of clothing have a certain percentage of Job Affinity for a certain job. By combining them together and raising this percentage, the character may not only gain extra EXP to that Job, but also unlock abilities and bonuses to their stats. The bonuses for the Warrior Job Affinity are:

Name Job Ability Percentages Description
Warrior's Wisdom I 20% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Warrior's Wisdom II 30% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Wall Splat Bonus I 50% Increases break damage dealt when wall splatting an enemy by 22.5%
Warrior's Wisdom III 80% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Wall Splat Bonus II 120% Increases break damage dealt when wall splatting an enemy by 37.5%
Warrior's Wisdom IV 160% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Thirst for Battle 250% Reduces the MP cost of abilities affected by a combo ability activation.

(-20% Combo Ability MP cost)

Bloody Rage 400% Reduces the max break gauge when targeting enemy weakness.
Memories of a Steadfast Mercenary 600% When your HP is at max, enhance your physical attacks to pierce an enemy's resistance and strike their weak points more easily.
(+15% Physical Weakness Damage)
Also enhances the effects of Warrior's Wisdom.
Warrior's Essence 800% Enhances the effects of Warrior's Wisdom, and also boosts stats based on your affinity.



A Warcry or battle cry is a yell or chant taken up in battle, usually by members of the same military unit. Battle cries are not necessarily articulate, although they often aim to invoke patriotic or religious sentiment. Their purpose is a combination of arousing aggression and esprit de corps on one's own side and causing intimidation on the hostile side.
