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The art of the marauder was first born in the crucible of brutal ship-to-ship skirmishes. Found to be just as--if not more--effective on dry land, this fighting style relies on one's ability to properly direct the force generated by the axe's heavy blade. Thus the techniques employed by a marauder seek to maximize the destructive potential of our chosen weapons. The axe is used to rend, to cleave, and to destroy. It is not our way to simply outfight our adversaries; we seek to overwhelm them. A marauder must be the most powerful and enduring presence on the battlefield; we must account for the most enemies defeated. Our role in combat is that of a steel whirlwind, dealing death and destruction without equal.

The Warrior is a Job in Final Fantasy XIV, introduced as the Discipline of War Marauder in the original release. Players start as a Marauder, and then may upgrade to Warrior using the Soul Crystal obtained from the quest Pride and Duty (Will Take You from the Mountain) after Marauder reaches level 30.



Marauder Class Artwork ARR

The marauder is a combat specialist who wields the greataxe—a fearsome arm emblematic of Eorzea's pirates. Their approach to battle is one of brute force, relying on strength and steel to crush enemies and sunder weapons.

They are highly sought after for their ferocity and intimidating presence, and are often employed to hunt down monsters plaguing the land, or turning the tide of battle between warring nations. Throwing axes, such as the Francisca, supplement the marauders' arsenal, making them fearsome adversaries even at range.


Marauders attack with an axe and equip heavy armor. Their main role in battle is that of a Tank and many of their attacks have the added effect of increasing the enmity in enemies, forcing them to attack the Marauder instead of other party members.

Marauders generally have the highest HP pool of all classes. They possess abilities capable of restoring their own HP while damaging enemies. As such, Marauders are often seen as a more reactive tank, as opposed to the more proactive Gladiator class. Despite being a tank, Marauders have a high damage per second ratio.


On the northernmost edge of Abalathia's Spine exists a mountain tribe renowned for producing fearsome mercenaries. Wielding greataxes and known as warriors, these men and women learn to harness their inner-beasts and translate that power to unbridled savagery on the battlefield.

In former times which saw war waged ceaselessly in Eorzea, the warriors featured prominently on the frontlines of battle. With the arrival of peacetime their art has descended into the shadows of obscurity, where it remains to this day.


Warrior extends Marauder's tanking capabilities, as well as massively increasing their capacity for damage and self-healing. In the right circumstances or in late-game, a Warrior will deal burst-damage every bit as effectively as a melee DPS class, though their trade-off of defensive power for increased healing from attacks means they'll need to frequently use defense-increasing cooldown abilities. Also, their proficiency in self-healing means that in the event of their Healer down, they can force through dungeon bosses by themselves. In story, Ardbert is an important Warrior character.



The Marauders of Limsa Lominsa appeared out of both convenience and necessity. Both the lumbering and maintenance of the pirate's ships necessitated the use of dual-handed axes, naturally leading them becoming tools of war during both boarding at sea and disputes on land.

Manipulation of the Waraxe progressively led to the establishment of a school teaching those uses and the Marauders Guild was founded. With the Galadion Accord forbidding piracy, the Guild lost its secondary goal of utilitarian teachings to focus on the martial wielding of the axe and its membership changed to gloryhounds using their strength for the good of the new Lominsan society.

With the fusion of the Knights of the Barracuda and the Maelstrom, the Yellowjackets, the infantry of the former Navy, effectively became independent and established their new headquarters with the Marauders in the Coral Tower. This reflected in their training mainly comprised of axe-wielding and since recently, gun shooting.

The only text known to have recorded the history and techniques of the Warrior is thought to have been penned more than five centuries ago. No knowledge of Warriors previously to this time has ever been unearthed-the true origin of the clan's fighting style obscured beneath the dust of ages past. No matter their beginnings, however, in the era when the city-states traded in naught but discord and strife, the mountain tribes people who fought with the unbridled ferocity of wild beasts were highly valued as mercenary conscripts.

But despite the many victories warriors earned upon the battlefield, their esteem was tarnished by accounts of frothing berserkers lost to the red haze of carnage-tales of those who had slaughtered friend just as readily as foe. As hostilities between nations gradually shifted towards peace, the fearsome presence of a Warrior, once so welcome in times of war, became a thing to shun. And though it is said that some vestige lives on through a remote clan in Abalathia's Spine, the art of the Warrior has now all but faded from the world


The Warrior of Light applied as a Marauder to the Guildmaster, Wyrnzoen Saelsmyndsyn. The guild's mission, as of now, was to hunt a massive monster named Kujata that terrorized La Noscea. Thus, he sought many proficient fighters.

Kujata is capable of dealing wounds that cannot be healed so it claimed many victims. After chasing the beast's trace on La Noscea, the guild sent its most proficient fighters alongside the Warrior of Light and finally cornered it. With the guild's Marauders acting as meat shields, the Warrior of Light finally slay the beast.


The Marauder guild contacted the Warrior of Light, informing them of monsters rampaging in Costa del Sol. The monsters were afflicted by mysterious force, making them go berserk. When they were fighting the monsters, a Roegadyn wearing barbarian armor came to help them. The man introduced himself as Curious Gorge and he praised the Warrior of Light's battle prowess. Curious Gorge hailed from a village in Abalathia's Spine and sought proficient fighters to bestow his village's technique of the job Warrior. Although Curious Gorge warned them about the danger of Warrior's Inner Beast, the Warrior of Light accepted his proposition, and Curious Gorge gave them the Warrior soul crystal.

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward[]

FFV World Map SpriteThis section about a quest in Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood[]

Broken Mountain received a message from the Marauder Guild to do some sparring. Inviting the Warrior of Light and Curious Gorge, they arrived in Moraby Drydocks to face a force of masked Marauders. After defeating them, it appeared the masked Marauders were led by Wyrnzoen, the Marauder Guildmaster himself. Suddenly a lone Marauder was going berserk and attacking the guildmembers, even defeating Curious Gorge. The Warrior of Light was tasked to calm that Marauder, which revealed a Xaela Au Ra named Dorgono Qerel inside. Dorgono said that she was being overwhelmed by the Will of Qeresh-Inner Beast-and she was exiled from her clan. Thus, Broken Mountain decided to train Dorgono in the way of Warrior to tame her Inner Beast.

Broken Mountain, with Dorgono as a Warrior-in-training, called the Warrior of Light for help in subduing a force of rogue Mamool Ja. The group, alongside some Maelstrom soldiers, arrived in the Floating City of Nym and defeated the enemies. Curious Gorge appeared and criticized Dorgono, saying that she held herself too much in fear of her Inner Beast taking over. Dorgono rejected the criticism from a man weaker than herself, so they parted in anger.

At the news of Mamool Ja attacking Wineport, Broken Mountain asked the assistance of the Warrior of Light again. This time, Curious Gorge volunteered to help. They spread out, and while the Warrior of Light defeated their enemies easily, Broken Mountain stated that the Mamool Ja were stronger. Worried about Curious Gorge and Dorgono's group, the Warrior searched for them. Then they saw Dorgono losing control again as Curious Gorge failed to stop her, until ultimately she managed to retake control. Ashamed for losing twice to Dorgono, Curious Gorge fled. Dorgono asked the Warrior to come with her to Azim Steppe as she owed her newfound control of the Inner Beast to them, but the Warrior refused as they still had important duties in Eorzea. After seeing Dorgono depart to Azim Steppe, Broken Mountain revealed that Curious Gorge had fallen in love with her, thus he could not fight with all of his strength.

Broken Mountain worried about his brother, who was last seen boarding a ship to the Far East. He was certain that Curious Gorge was searching for Dorgono, so he asked the Warrior to find him. They found the Roegadyn on Azim Steppe, as he revealed that the Qerel settlement was under attack. Finding Dorgono, she explained that the Qerels were attacked by the Chaghan, people consumed by their Inner Beasts that were exiled from their clan. She was determined to avenge her people and earn back her clan's trust, asking help from the Warrior of Light and even Curious Gorge.

Before the battle, Curious Gorge helped merchants from Reunion. He revealed the vexing emotion that inhibited his true strength was the love he bore for Dorgono. To cast aside any lingering feelings, he planned to profess his love to her. The group arrived in the Chaghans' settlement and a fierce battle soon ensued. They found themselves victorious, but Curious Gorge was overcome by his Inner Beast. Though he seemed beyond reasoning, a confession of love from Dorgono brought him back to his senses. Dorgono asked Curious Gorge to return with her to start anew as part of the Qerel clan, but with a heavy heart he declined. He vowed to become the better Warrior, hoping to someday be worthy of her affection. Dorgono bid both Curious Gorge and the Warrior of Light farewell and departed to at last rejoin her people.

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers[]

The Warrior of Light met Curious Gorge in Apkallu Falls and recounted their adventure in the First, especially their encounter with the Cardinal Virtue Dikaiosyne. Realizing that his time with Dorgono might be cut short like Dikaiosyne with his princess, Curious Gorge departed immediately to Azim Steppe to find Dorgono.

But, Dorgono actually came to Eorzea with her father, Luvsan, who wanted to express his gratitude to everyone that helped Dorgono overcame her Inner Beast. Meeting with Broken Mountain, Luvsan revealed that he is a boo - a spiritual healer - and decided to heal Broken Mountain's psyche that prevented him to fight again. While hunting for some moss, Luvsan proposed that the Warrior of Light to marry Dorgono, but his daughter rejected it angrily while saying her heart has found another.

The ritual succeeded and Broken Mountain's ability as a Warrior is restored. Curious Gorge, that returned back from a port upon hearing that Dorgono is on Eorzea, saw the Warrior of Light and Dorgono are having a moment. Overcame with jealousy, he's overtaken by his Inner Beast... but Dorgono knocked some sense into him. Realizing his daughter's true feelings, Luvsan proposed that Dorgono stay in Eorzea to train until she's fit to wed. In the end, Dorgono stays with Curious Gorge to train and become the better Warrior.


ARR Warrior

A hyuran warrior with the Bravura and Fighter's artifact armor.

Marauders and warriors predominantly wield two-handed axes. Their armor is primarily made up of "Fending" gear that they share with other tanking disciplines, boasting the highest defenses among all armors. At lower levels they also have access to lighter armors used by DPS disciplines. While the these items' bonus attributes may be of use, it is important to weigh their benefits against the defenses lost.

The primary attributes for Marauders and Warriors are strength and vitality, which boost their attack power and HP respectively, and should be prioritized over other attributes. As tanking disciplines, they have access to the tank-exclusive tenacity attribute, which boosts their damage done and healing received, while also lowering damage taken.

Lists of marauder and warrior equipment

Marauder's Arms Marauder's Arms

Head Head
Body Body
Hands Hands
Waist Waist
Legs Legs
Feet Feet

Earrings Earrings
Necklaces Necklaces
Bracelets Bracelets
Rings Rings
Soul Crystal Soul Crystal

Job Gauge[]

FFXIV Warrior Beast Gauge Defiance

Defiance Gauge

The Job Gauge was introduced to players in 4.0 Stormblood. The Warrior uses the Beast Gauge.

The Beast Gauge indicates whether a Warrior is in a defensive stance (Defiance). When the Warrior is in Defiance, the symbol on the gauge will be a bronze, helmet-shaped design. Defiance increases Enmity from the enemies. The gauge itself will fill with Wrath when the Warrior uses certain weaponskills. Wrath is required to execute actions with devastating power, such as their iconic Fell Cleave (acquired at level 54).

In PvP, the gauge is used to fuel specific abilities and can be refilled by utilizing combo attacks.


Class and Job Actions[]

Action Level Type Cast Recast MP Cost Range Area
Heavy Swing
Heavy Swing from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder 1 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 150 (Melee Mastery 200, Melee Mastery II 220).
Maim from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder 4 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 (Melee Mastery 150, Melee Mastery II 190).
Combo Action: Heavy Swing
Combo Potency: 250 (Melee Mastery 300, Melee Mastery II 340)
The Beast Within Combo Bonus: Increases Beast Gauge by 10
Berserk from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder 6 Ability Instant 60s
Grants 3 stacks of Berserk, each stack guaranteeing weaponskill attacks are critical and direct hits.
Increases damage dealt when under an effect that raises critical hit rate or direct hit rate.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Extends Surging Tempest duration by 10s to a maximum of 60s

Berserk Mastery Upgrades to Inner Release.

Overpower from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder 10 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 5y radius
Delivers an attack with a potency of 110 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity
Defiance from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder 10 Ability Instant 2s
Significantly increases enmity generation.
Effect ends upon reuse.

Action changes to Release Defiance upon execution.

Release Defiance
File:Release Defiance from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Marauder 10 Ability Instant 1s
Cancels the effect of Defiance.
Tomahawk from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder 15 Complete quest "Brutal Strength" Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 20y
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 150.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity
Storm's Path
Storm's Path from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder 26 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 (Melee Mastery 160, Melee Mastery II 200).
Combo Action: Maim
Combo Potency: 380 (Melee Mastery 440, Melee Mastery II 480)
Combo Bonus: Restores own HP
Cure Potency: 250
The Beast Within Combo Bonus: Increases Beast Gauge by 20
Thrill of Battle
Thrill of Battle from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder 30 Complete quest "Bringing Down the Mountain" Ability Instant 90s
Increases maximum HP by 20% and restores the amount increased.
Enhanced Thrill of Battle Additional Effect: Increases HP recovery via healing actions on self by 20%
Duration: 10s
Inner Beast
Inner Beast from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 35 Complete quest "Embracing the Beast" Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 330.
Beast Gauge Cost: 50

Inner Beast Mastery Upgrades to Fell Cleave.

Vengeance from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder 38 Ability Instant 120s
Reduces damage taken by 30% and delivers an attack with a potency of 55 every time you suffer physical damage.
Duration: 15s

Vengeance Mastery Upgrades to Damnation.

Mythril Tempest
Mythril Tempest from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 40 Complete quest "Curious Gorge Goes to Wineport" Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 5y radius
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity
Combo Action: Overpower
Combo Potency: 140
Combo Bonus: Grants Surging Tempest, increasing damage dealt by 10%
Duration: 30s
Extends Surging Tempest duration by 30s to a maximum of 60s.
Mastering the Beast Combo Bonus: Increases Beast Gauge by 20
Holmgang from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder 42 Ability Instant 240s 6y
Brace yourself for an enemy onslaught, preventing most attacks from reducing your HP to less than 1.
Duration: 10s

When a target is selected, halts their movement with chains.

Steel Cyclone
Steel Cyclone from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 45 Complete quest "Proof Is the Pudding" Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 5y radius
Delivers an attack with a potency of 160 to all nearby enemies.
Beast Gauge Cost: 50

Steel Cyclone Mastery Upgrades to Decimate.

Storm's Eye
Storm's Eye from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder 50 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 (Melee Mastery 160, Melee Mastery II 200).
Combo Action: Maim
Combo Potency: 380 (Melee Mastery 440, Melee Mastery II 480)
Combo Bonus: Grants Surging Tempest, increasing damage dealt by 10%
Duration: 30s
Extends Surging Tempest duration by 30s to a maximum of 60s.
Combo Bonus: Increases Beast Gauge by 10
Infuriate from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 50 Complete quest "How to Quit You" Ability Instant 60s
Increases Beast Gauge by 50.
Nascent Chaos Additional Effect: Grants Nascent Chaos
Nascent Chaos Duration: 30s
Maximum Charges: 2

Can only be executed while in combat.

Fell Cleave
Fell Cleave from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 54 Complete quest "The Bear Necessity" Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 520 (Melee Mastery II 580).
Beast Gauge Cost: 50

Nascent Chaos Action changes to Inner Chaos while under the effect of Nascent Chaos with 50 Beast Gauge or greater.

Raw Intuition
Raw Intuition from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 56 Complete quest "Pirates of Shallow Water" Ability Instant 25s
Reduces damage taken by 10%.
Duration: 6s
Additional Effect: Restores HP with each weaponskill successfully delivered
Cure Potency: 400

Shares a recast timer with Nascent Flash.

Raw Intuition Mastery Upgrades to Bloodwhetting.

Equilibrium from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 58 Complete quest "Slap 'an Chop" Ability Instant 60s
Restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 1,200
Enhanced Equilibrium Additional Effect: Gradually restores HP
Enhanced Equilibrium Cure Potency: 200
Enhanced Equilibrium Duration: 15s
Decimate from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 60 Complete quest "And My Axe" Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 5y radius
Delivers an attack to all nearby enemies with a potency of 180.
Beast Gauge Cost: 50

Nascent Chaos Action changes to Chaotic Cyclone while under the effect of Nascent Chaos with 50 Beast Gauge or greater.

Onslaught from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 62 Ability Instant 30s 20y
Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 150.
Maximum Charges: 2 (Enhanced Onslaught 3)

Cannot be executed while bound.

Upheaval from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 64 Ability Instant 30s 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 400.
Shares a recast timer with Orogeny.
Shake It Off
Shake It Off from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 68 Ability Instant 90s 30y radius
Creates a barrier around self and all nearby party members that absorbs damage totaling 15% of maximum HP.
Dispels Thrill of Battle, Vengeance (Vengeance Mastery Damnation), and Bloodwhetting, increasing damage absorbed by 2% for each effect removed.
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Gradually restores HP
Cure Potency: 100
Duration: 15s
Enhanced Shake It Off Additional Effect: Restores target's HP
Enhanced Shake It Off Cure Potency: 300
Inner Release
Inner Release from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 70 Complete quest "The Heart of the Problem" Ability Instant 60s
Grants 3 stacks of Inner Release, each stack allowing the use of Fell Cleave or Decimate without cost and guaranteeing they are critical and direct hits.
Increases damage dealt when under an effect that raises critical hit rate or direct hit rate.
Additional Effect: Grants Inner Strength, nullifying Stun, Sleep, Bind, Heavy, and most knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Extends Surging Tempest duration by 10s to a maximum of 60s
Additional Effect: Grants Primal Rend Ready
Duration: 30s
Enhanced Inner Release Additional Effect: Grants a stack of Burgeoning Fury upon successfully landing Fell Cleave or Decimate, up to a maximum of 3

Enhanced Inner Release At maximum stacks, become Wrathful, changing Inner Release to Primal Wrath.

Chaotic Cyclone
Chaotic Cyclone from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 72 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 5y radius
Delivers a critical direct hit with a potency of 300 to all nearby enemies.
Damage dealt is increased when under an effect that raises critical hit rate or direct hit rate.
Additional Effect: Reduces the recast time of Infuriate by 5 seconds
Beast Gauge Cost: 50

Can only be executed while under the effect of Nascent Chaos. Effect fades upon execution.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Decimate changes to Chaotic Cyclone when requirements for execution are met.

Nascent Flash
Nascent Flash from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 76 Ability Instant 25s 30y
Grants Nascent Flash to self and Nascent Glint to target party member.
Nascent Flash Effect: Restores HP with each weaponskill successfully delivered
Cure Potency: 400
Nascent Glint Effect: Restores HP equaling 100% of that recovered by Nascent Flash while also reducing damage taken by 10%
Duration: 6s (Enhanced Nascent Flash 8s)
Enhanced Nascent Flash Additional Effect: Grants Stem the Flow to target, reducing damage taken by 10%
Enhanced Nascent Flash Duration: 4s
Enhanced Nascent Flash Additional Effect: Grants Stem the Tide to target, nullifying damage equivalent to a heal of 400 potency
Enhanced Nascent Flash Duration: 20s

Shares a recast timer with Raw Intuition (Raw Intuition Mastery Bloodwhetting).

Inner Chaos
Inner Chaos from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 80 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 3y
Delivers a critical direct hit with a potency of 660.
Damage dealt is increased when under an effect that raises critical hit rate or direct hit rate.
Additional Effect: Reduces the recast time of Infuriate by 5 seconds
Beast Gauge Cost: 50

Can only be executed while under the effect of Nascent Chaos. Effect fades upon execution.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Fell Cleave changes to Inner Chaos when requirements for execution are met.

Bloodwhetting from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 82 Ability Instant 25s
Reduces damage taken by 10%.
Duration: 8s
Additional Effect: Restores HP with each weaponskill successfully delivered
Cure Potency: 400
Additional Effect: Grants Stem the Flow
Stem the Flow Effect: Reduces damage taken by 10%
Duration: 4s
Additional Effect: Grants Stem the Tide
Stem the Tide Effect: Creates a barrier around self that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 400 potency
Duration: 20s

Shares a recast timer with Nascent Flash.

Orogeny from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 86 Ability Instant 30s 5y radius
Delivers an attack with a potency of 150 to all nearby enemies.
Shares a recast timer with Upheaval.
Primal Rend
Primal Rend from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 90 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 20y 5y radius
Jumps to the target and delivers a critical direct hit to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 700 for the first enemy, and 70% less for all remaining enemies.
Damage dealt is increased when under an effect that raises critical hit rate or direct hit rate.
Enhanced Primal Rend Additional Effect: Grants Primal Ruination Ready
Enhanced Primal Rend Duration: 20s

Can only be executed while under the effect of Primal Rend Ready, granted by Inner Release.
Cannot be executed while bound.

Enhanced Primal Rend Action changes to Primal Ruination upon execution.

File:Damnation from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Warrior 92 Ability Instant 120s
Reduces damage taken by 40% and delivers an attack with a potency of 55 every time you suffer physical damage.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants Primeval Impulse when the effect expires
Primeval Impulse Effect: Healing over time
Cure Potency: 400
Duration: 15s
Primal Wrath
File:Primal Wrath from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Warrior 96 Ability Instant 1s 5y radius
Delivers an attack to all nearby enemies with a potency of 700 for the first enemy, and 70% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed when Wrathful.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Inner Release changes to Primal Wrath when requirements for execution are met.
Primal Ruination
File:Primal Ruination from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Warrior 100 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s 3y 5y radius
Delivers a critical direct hit to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 780 for the first enemy, and 70% less for all remaining enemies.
Damage dealt is increased when under an effect that raises critical hit rate or direct hit rate.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Primal Ruination Ready.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Primal Rend changes to Primal Ruination when requirements for execution are met.

Role Actions[]

Action Level Type Cast Recast MP Cost Range Area
Rampart Role from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Tank 8 Ability Instant 90s
Reduces damage taken by 20%.
Duration: 20s
Enhanced Rampart Additional Effect: Increases HP recovery via healing actions on self by 15%
Low Blow
Low Blow Role from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Tank 12 Ability Instant 25s 3y
Stuns target.
Duration: 5s
Provoke Role from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Tank 15 Ability Instant 30s 25y
Gesture threateningly, placing yourself at the top of a target's enmity list while gaining additional enmity.
Interject from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Tank 18 Ability Instant 30s 3y
Interrupts the use of a target's action.
Reprisal Role from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Tank 22 Ability Instant 60s 5y radius
Reduces damage dealt by nearby enemies by 10%.
Duration: 10s (Enhanced Reprisal 15s)
Arm's Length
Arm's Length from Final Fantasy XIV icon
TankMelee DPSPhysical Ranged DPS 32 Ability Instant 120s
Creates a barrier nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 6s
Additional Effect: Slow +20% when barrier is struck
Duration: 15s
Shirk from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Tank 48 Ability Instant 120s 25y
Diverts 25% of enmity to target party member.


Name Level Description
Tank Mastery
Tank Mastery from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder 1 Reduces damage taken by 20%. Furthermore, grants a bonus to maximum HP based on your vitality attribute, and a bonus to damage dealt based on your strength attribute.
The Beast Within
The Beast Within from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 35 Complete quest "Embracing the Beast" Increases Beast Gauge when landing Maim or Storm's Path in a combo.
Inner Beast Mastery
Inner Beast Mastery from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 54 Complete quest "The Bear Necessity" Upgrades Inner Beast to Fell Cleave.
Steel Cyclone Mastery
Steel Cyclone Mastery from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 60 Complete quest "And My Axe" Upgrades Steel Cyclone to Decimate.
Enhanced Infuriate
Enhanced Infuriate from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 66 Reduces Infuriate recast time by 5 seconds upon landing Inner Beast, Steel Cyclone, Fell Cleave, or Decimate on most targets.
Berserk Mastery
Berserk Mastery from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 70 Complete quest "The Heart of the Problem" Upgrades Berserk to Inner Release.
Nascent Chaos
Nascent Chaos from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 72 Infuriate grants the effect of Nascent Chaos, upgrading Decimate to Chaotic Cyclone when the Beast Gauge is 50 or greater. Upon reaching level 80, Nascent Chaos will also upgrade Fell Cleave to Inner Chaos.
Mastering the Beast
Mastering the Beast from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 74 Increases Beast Gauge when landing Mythril Tempest in a combo.
Enhanced Shake It Off
Enhanced Shake It Off from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 76 Adds a healing effect to Shake It Off.
Cure Potency: 300
Enhanced Thrill of Battle
Enhanced Thrill of Battle from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 78 Adds an additional effect to Thrill of Battle that increases HP recovery via healing actions by 20%.
Raw Intuition Mastery
Raw Intuition Mastery from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 82 Upgrades Raw Intuition to Bloodwhetting.
Enhanced Nascent Flash
Enhanced Nascent Flash from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 82 Extends the duration of Nascent Flash and Nascent Glint to 8 seconds.
Grants Stem the Flow to target, reducing damage taken by 10%.
Duration: 4s

Grants Stem the Tide to target, nullifying damage equivalent to a heal of 400 potency

Duration: 20s
Enhanced Equilibrium
Enhanced Equilibrium from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 84 Grants healing over time to self.
Cure Potency: 200
Duration: 15s
Melee Mastery
Melee Mastery from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 84 Increases the potency of Heavy Swing to 200, Maim to 150, Storm's Path to 160, and Storm's Eye to 160.
Enhanced Onslaught
Enhanced Onslaught from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 88 Allows a third charge of Onslaught.
Vengeance Mastery
File:Vengeance Mastery from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Warrior 92 Upgrades Vengeance to Damnation.
Melee Mastery II
Melee Mastery II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior 94 Increases the potency of Heavy Swing to 220, Maim to 190, Storm's Path to 200, Storm's Eye to 160, and Fell Cleave to 580.
Enhanced Inner Release
File:Enhanced Inner Release from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Warrior 96 Grants a stack of Burgeoning Fury upon landing Fell Cleave or Decimate while under the effect of Inner Release.
Duration: 30s
Maximum Stacks: 3

At maximum stacks, become Wrathful, upgrading Inner Release to Primal Wrath.

Enhanced Primal Rend
File:Enhanced Primal Rend from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Warrior 100 Grants the effect of Primal Ruination Ready after executing Primal Rend.
Duration: 30s

Role Traits[]

Name Level Description
Enhanced Rampart
File:Enhanced Rampart Role from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Tank 94 Adds an additional effect to Rampart that increases HP recovery via healing actions on self by 15%.
Enhanced Reprisal
File:Enhanced Reprisal from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Tank 98 Extends the duration of Reprisal to 15 seconds.

PvP actions[]

Action Type Cast Recast MP Cost Range Area
Heavy Swing
Heavy Swing PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Weaponskill Instant 2.4s 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 5,000.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Maim PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Weaponskill Instant 2.4s 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 6,000.
Combo Action: Heavy Swing

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Storm's Path
Storm's Path PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Weaponskill Instant 2.4s 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 7,000.
Combo Action: Maim
Additional Effect: Absorbs 100% of damage dealt as HP

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Primal Rend
Primal Rend PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Weaponskill Instant 20s 20y 5y radius
Delivers a jumping physical attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 8,000.
Inner Release Potency: 12,000
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 2s
Additional Effect: Grants Primal Ruination Ready
Duration: 15s

Cannot be executed while bound.
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
※Action changes to Primal Ruination upon execution.

Onslaught PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 10s 20y
Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 500.
Potency increases up to 5,000 as HP nears maximum.
Consumes 10% of current HP when executed.
Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 10%
Duration: 10s

Cannot be executed while bound.

Orogeny PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 20s 5y radius
Delivers an attack with a potency of 1,000 to all nearby enemies.
Potency increases up to 10,000 as HP nears maximum.
Consumes 10% of current HP when executed.
Additional Effect: Reduces target's damage dealt by 10%
Duration: 10s
Blota PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 16s 15y
Instantly draws target to your side.
Additional Effect: Heavy +75%
Duration: 3s
Additional Effect: Grants Inner Chaos Ready
Duration: 15s

※Action changes to Inner Chaos upon execution.

Bloodwhetting PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 20s
Grants Bloodwhetting and Stem the Tide.
Bloodwhetting Effect: Converts 100% of weaponskill damage dealt into HP
Duration: 10s
Stem the Tide Effect: Creates a barrier around self that absorbs damage totaling 20% of your maximum HP
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Grants Chaotic Cyclone Ready
Duration: 15s

※Action changes to Chaotic Cyclone upon execution.

Fell Cleave
Fell Cleave PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Weaponskill Instant 2.4s 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 10,000.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Inner Release.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Primal Ruination
File:Primal Ruination PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Weaponskill Instant 2.4s 5y 5y radius
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 10,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Inner Release Potency: 14,000

Can only be executed while under the effect of Primal Ruination Ready.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Inner Chaos
Inner Chaos PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Weaponskill Instant 2.4s 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 12,000.
Inner Release Potency: 16,000

Can only be executed while under the effect of Inner Chaos Ready.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Chaotic Cyclone
Chaotic Cyclone PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Weaponskill Instant 2.4s 5y radius
Delivers an attack with a potency of 8,000 to all nearby enemies.
Inner Release Potency: 12,000

Can only be executed while under the effect of Chaotic Cyclone Ready.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Primal Wrath
File:Primal Wrath PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Ability Instant 1s 10y radius
Delivers an attack with a potency of 6,000 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Bind
Duration: 3s

Can only be executed while under the effect of Wrathful.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Primal Scream
Primal Scream PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Limit Break Instant 10s 12y 12y cone
Let out a bloodcurdling cry in a cone before you, rendering enemies unable to use Guard.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants Inner Release and Thrill of Battle
Inner Release Effect: Increases the potency of Primal Rend, Primal Ruination, Inner Chaos, and Chaotic Cyclone, while also increasing movement speed by 25%, and granting immunity to Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, and knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 15s

Cannot execute Guard while under the effect of Inner Release.

Thrill of Battle Effect: Increases maximum HP by 20% and restores the amount increased
Duration: 30s

Grants a stack of Burgeoning Fury upon executing weaponskills, up to a maximum of 3.

Duration: 15s

At maximum stacks, become Wrathful, changing Primal Scream to Primal Wrath.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

Gauge Charge Time: 90s

※Storm's Path Combo changes to Fell Cleave while under the effect of Inner Release.

Standard-issue Elixir
Standard-issue Elixir PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability 4.5s 5s
Restores your HP and MP to maximum.
Casting will be interrupted when damage is taken.
Recuperate PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 1s 2500 MP
Restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 15,000
Purify PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 24s
Removes Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Deep Freeze, and Miracle of Nature.
Additional Effect: Grants Resilience
Resilience Effect: Nullifies status afflictions that can be removed by Purify, as well as knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 3s

Can be used even when under the effect of certain status afflictions.

Guard PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 30s
Reduces damage taken by 90% and grants immunity to Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, and knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 5s

Movement speed is reduced by 50% for the duration of this effect.
Effect ends upon reuse, using another action, or when the effect duration expires.

Sprint PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 1.5s
Increases movement speed.
Effect ends upon reuse or execution of another action.

Removed actions[]

The following actions are no longer usable. Removed actions will still appear on a hotbar, their icon greyed out icon with a red strikethrough. They will have no effect and must be removed by the player. The given statistics represent their last form before their removal.

Action Level Type Cast Recast MP Cost Range Area
Foresight from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder2 Ability Instant 120s
Increases physical defense by 20%.
Duration: 20s

Marauder14 Enhanced Foresight: Shortens recast time to 90 seconds.

Removed in patch 4.0.

Skull Sunder
Skull Sunder from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder4 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s(Base value; the higher the character's Skill Speed stat, the lower the recast time will be) 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity
Combo Action: Heavy Swing
Combo Potency: 210
Defiance/Deliverance Combo Bonus: Increases Beast Gauge by 10

Removed in patch 5.0.

Fracture from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder6 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s(Base value; the higher the character's Skill Speed stat, the lower the recast time will be) 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Damage over time
Potency: 20
Duration: 18s

Marauder28 Enhanced Fracture: Extends duration to 30 seconds.

Removed in patch 4.0.

Bloodbath MRD from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder8 Ability Instant 90s
Converts 25% of physical damage dealt into HP.
Duration: 15s

Marauder20 Bloodshower: Extends duration to 30 seconds.

Replaced by Bloodbath Role Action in patch 4.0.

Brutal Swing
Brutal Swing from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder10 Ability Instant 20s 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s (PvP 3s)

Marauder32 Enhanced Brutal Swing: Extends duration to 5 seconds.

Removed in patch 4.0.

Mercy Stroke
Mercy Stroke from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder26 Ability Instant 90s 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 200.
Can only be executed when target's HP is below 20%.
If delivered as the killing blow, up to 20% of your maximum HP will be restored.

Marauder40 Enhanced Mercy Stroke: Shortens recast time to 40 seconds.

Removed in patch 4.0.

Butcher's Block
Butcher's Block from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Marauder30 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s(Base value; the higher the character's Skill Speed stat, the lower the recast time will be) 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity
Combo Action: Skull Sunder
Combo Potency: 300
Defiance/Deliverance Combo Bonus: Increases Beast Gauge by 10

Removed in patch 5.0.

Unchained from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior40 Ability Instant 90s
Nullifies the damage penalty inflicted by Defiance.
Duration: 20s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Defiance. Effect is canceled if Defiance ends.

Removed in patch 5.0.

Deliverance from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Warrior52 Ability Instant 10s
Increases damage dealt by 5%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Using certain actions while under the effect of Deliverance will add to your Beast Gauge, increasing critical hit rate by a maximum of 10%. The Beast Gauge returns to 0 when Deliverance ends.
Cannot be used with Defiance.
Shares a recast timer with Defiance.

Removed in patch 5.0.

Limit Break[]

Marauders' and Warriors' Limit Breaks focus on drastically raising the defense and magic defense of the entire party for a short period of time. They both have the same Level 1 and Level 2 limit breaks as other Tanks.

Ability Level Description Image
Shield Wall 1 Reduces damage taken by all party members by 20% for a period of 10 seconds. FFXIV Tank Shieldwall
Mighty Wall 2 Reduces damage taken by all party members by 40% for a period of 15 seconds. FFXIV Tank Mighty Guard
Land Waker 3 Reduces damage taken by all party members by 80% for a period of 8 seconds. Land Waker

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Warrior and Marauder appear in Final Fantasy Trading Card Game as Fire-elemental Forward cards.

Behind the scenes[]

Warrior's skillset, choice of weaponry, and artifact armors reflect Berserker rather than the archetypal Fighter or Warrior that appears throughout the Final Fantasy series, or even Final Fantasy XI's Warrior job. This is alluded to in Shadowbringers with the appearance of a Berserker in Heroes' Gauntlet, who functions nearly identically to a Warrior with the only real difference being in the use of a greatsword instead of an axe.

The Warrior soul crystal resembles the Taurus Zodiac Stone from Final Fantasy Tactics.

Square Enix's Eorzea Cafe served a dish called "Roast beef of monsters ~hunted by Marauder~" whose description translates to: Wild beasts hunted by the rock-shattering Marauder done roast beef style. Lather up your opponents in bloodbath sauce and smite them down!


Arms and Gear sets
PvE actions
Role Actions
Removed PvE actions


A marauder is someone who engages in banditry such as: looting, piracy, robbery, and theft.
