Final Fantasy Wiki

Mission 46[]

Mission: Bug Hunt
Map BoscoPampa RW
Objective: Defeat all enermies

At least one Ally must survive

Summoning Gates: No
Difficulty: Back to easy


Up until this point i have now spent 4 hours of my time on this walkthrough. That's 4 hours of my life I have dedicated to you dear reader because it is my duty to help those in need. Now everything else in this battle is a pushover until you get up to the Antlions. The Antlion Queen has quite a bit of HP built nothing you can't take. If you want to take out the Yellow Wym, The 3 Antlions and the Gnoams near the treasure chest in the Eastern point of the map. It contains a Raincloud Raiment for Penelo.

Now for the Antlions and you should be able to take it out in sections. First attack the four closest to you and then the four furthest away from you. This will make attacking them all a lot easier. Get Penelo to Mystic Dance Kytes and then take out the lesser antlions with "Firaga" and "Blizzaga". Get Vaan to Double hit. Filo to Sonic wave and Llyud to Jump The Antlion Queen then use physical attacks to hit her. She will die slowly.

Rocking Chair/RW Mission template

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