Final Fantasy Wiki

Getting a Chocobo[]

First things first, we need to get ourselves a yellow bird to mount. Chocobos only become rideable when you have the Gyashl Reigns, and you can only acquire these as a reward through Cie'th Mission 14.

However, it's not as easy as just completing Mission 14 - in order to get access to the Font of Namva (where the chocobos chill), you also have to take on Mission 12 in order to get rid of the Paling blocking your way. In fact, you will need to complete a number of missions in order to unlock Mission 14. The quickest order to unlock 14 is to take on missions in this order:

01 02 03 05 07 12 13 14

Once you complete Mission 14, all the birds across Gran Pulse are yours to ride. Their locations are marked on the map with the yellow circles.

The Treasure Hunt[]

Sometimes a little exclamation point appears over the chocobos head when you're riding it. When that happens, stop moving and pay attention to the direction the chocobo's head is pointing in - that tells you where the treasure is. Follow it until the exclamation mark starts bouncing like crazy and you get the option to dig.

Possible treasures:

Treasure Chance of Appearance
Millerite 12.84%
Rhodochrosite 12.84%
Cobaltite 12.65%
Chocobo Plume 10.19%
Chocobo Tail Feather 9.94%
Gold Dust 9.52%
Treasure Chance of Appearance
Dawnlight Dew 8.40%
Dusklight Dew 7.55%
Gold Nugget 6.32%
Moogle Puppet 5.00%
Chocobo Plush 4.75%

These treasures are infinitely obtainable, but despite having fixed locations (marked on the map with stars), the treasure there is not fixed - it could be any of the above, and is randomly generated. Each time you hop on a chocobo, only five random treasure locations will activate.

Every time you find a treasure, the game keeps a little internal tally, and once you find certain amounts of treasure, you are guaranteed to find a milestone treasure from the table below. For example, you are guaranteed to find a Gold Nugget on your first dig. Digs 2, 3 and 4 will be a random treasure from the table above, but Dig 5 will give you a Tetradic Crown. Comprendez?

Milestone Treasure No. of Digs
Gold Nugget 1
Tetradic Crown 5
Tetradic Tiara 10
Milestone Treasure No. of Digs
Entite Ring 15
Ribbon 20

Milestone treasures are not infinitely obtainable - once you find that Entite Ring, that's it, no more Entite Rings via Chocobo Beak for you.

Reaping the Rewards[]

Obviously you're not just sprinting around Pulse, avoiding turtles like the plague, for the fun of it. Well, not wholly for the fun of it - the items that you can acquire through the hunt are actually pretty valuable, and really quite useful if you're trying to earn cash in order to upgrade your arsenal. Check out the resale values of some of these items:

Treasure Sell Price
Gold Dust 15,000
Gold Nugget 60,000
Treasure Sell Price
Moogle Puppet 18,000
Plush Chocobo 35,000

I've only bothered listing the ones that have decent resell values, but you can also sell on your Dews and your catalyst stones, if you have enough of the latter knocking around you inventory already.

Gyashl Wreath Trophy/Achievement[]

In order to obtain this Trophy, you need to find the Ribbon, which will always be the twentieth treasure you find. It takes patience; sometimes you'll be lucky and find 1-19 in a few fell swoops, but on the other hand, it might take you like, a week to find 1-5. Just be zen and stick with it - the Ribbon/Super Ribbon is actually pretty useless in the later stages of post-storyline gameplay, but it's a nice (?) thing to have anyway, I guess.

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