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So after you've saved, we start right out in a flash back of Day 5. This is right after Dajh got branded at Euride. Fang forces Vanille to escape without her, and so begins Fang's extremely long search for Vanille.

Back to reality...[]

This is the scene where Lightning gives Fang a backhand.

The Paradigms haven't changed but the set Paradigm is now the first one. Just don't forget to change it to Slash & Burn. Fang and Lightning take the path that Snow and Hope had been on earlier so you should know you're way around. There's an Orion just before the bridge up ahead. If you don't go over the bridge, there's an Orion standing guard over a Gae Bolg, one of Fang's weapons. Further ahead is a Lodestar Behemoth. He's a toughy, so run away from him if you wish. Once it's HP gets to about 1/4 of what it was, it will transform and stand on 2 legs. It also has the ability to use Aero, and it's Sunder is something to look out for as well.

Lightning&fang talk

In this cutscene, Fang and Lightning have a chat about l'Cie stuff. Fang reveals that she can't remember her Focus. Ahead of those soldiers are 2 Orions. Near them is an Axis Blade for Lightning. If you don't want to fight them, then use a Deceptisol, or fight them and the retry so you'll end up out of their way.

'Nother cutscene. Fang tells us how our Brand can show how far along we have 'til "Cie'th city." Fang goes ahead and checks Lightning's brand. She's nowhere near. Yay! But Lightning is still sad about Serah. Don't be such a pessimist, Lightning. Fang will tell ya what to fight for. The moment is interrupted when Sanctum military fly overhead. We see that Snow wakes up and other stuff related to that.

We're back as Fang. Go up the stairs. Behind the group of soldiers in the left corner is a Tungsten Bangle. Down the stairs and to the left (depending on which side you went on) is a Black Belt. Past the Save Station is a Lodestar Behemoth and a soldier. They're slow so you can get past them without a Deceptisol if you don't want to fight.

When you go up the stairs, we cut back to Snow and Hope again. Hope wakes up. Snow just keeps him on his back though. They talk for a while more, then Snow collapses. Stuff later then the Ushumgal Subjugator is back for more. Why yes people, Hope is fighting alone. Just keep dishing out magic until he dies. Fang and Lightning now come into the picture. (My #1 team)

Boss: Ushumgal Subjugator
Ushumgal Subjugator FFXIII
Paradigm Fang Lightning Hope
♦Guerilla Saboteur Ravager Synergist
Relentless Assault Commando Ravager Ravager
Aggression Commando Commando Ravager
Diversity Commando Ravager Medic
Solidarity Sentinel Commando Medic
Combat Clinic Sentinel Medic Medic
Difficulty: Medium
HP: 378,000
CP: 960

Restart your battle and set these Paradigms.

Use Libra. Hope will need to buff everyone with Protect and Shell. Switch in between a Paradigm with a Medic when you need to. It will start Targeting one of the party members and then use Pinpoint Beam. When it starts to charge Photon Blaster, switch immediately to Solidarity or Combat Clinic.

When it's staggered you can Launch it, and now that we have 3 people in our party, we can juggle it in the air for a while. I recommend building the Stagger % to atleast 700% with Relentless Assault then move onto Aggression for more damage. If your timing is good enough, Fang or Lightning will Smite it with awesomeness. Switch back to Guerilla when the buffs wear out. It should take about 3 staggers to kill it.

Lightning promise

Hugs <3

Hope gives the Survival Knife back to Lightning. We're now headed off to Hope's house. He has a wonderful house by the way >.>

I don't exactly know why Vanille's Theme is playing here but whatever. The item in the yard contains a Phoenix Down. Now go over to the door.

Hope Family Portrait

Nice family photo

We meet Hope's father, Bartholomew Estheim. You'll see that he really does care about Hope. Hope sits down and they probably have a little father son talk. We still have control of Fang. Walk around the house and look around. It's quite an interesting house. It actually looks more like a restaurant to me. If you wanna know where Lightning and Snow are, they're in a room that's somewhat over by the entrance. If you look through the door you'll see Lightning playing with her Survival Knife and a dead knocked out Snow. There are some other things to interact with in the house too. When you're done looking around, activate the TV.

Lightning explains her feelings about what happened to Serah and apologizes to Snow. "For what?" he asks. Well gee I wonder...¬.¬ He'll forgive her if she tells him her real name. "Have Serah tell you...when she comes back." Aww, yay optimism! :D Hope comes in saying his dad wants to talk with them. Out in the living room, Snow makes a total formal apology to Hope's dad. He kinda just facepalms at it though. Hope comes to his rescue and then Hope's dad asked what Nora said to Snow. Bartholomew gives a sign of forgiveness and everyone breaths a sigh of relief. They discuss the issues with the people and the Sanctum. Snow gives his hero speech/plan. "You've thought that through?" No, he doesn't think anything through >:/ After some more talking the lights go out and then the army drops in.

Hope's nice house is now shattered and destroyed :/ After that fight, to the right is an Ethersol, but first you'll need to kill those soldiers. Down the hall right in front of the entrance is a Brawler's Wristband, but if you haven't killed the other group of soldiers, you won't be able to get it. Now go to the Red Ring and Examine the door.

Snow and Hope's dad come out now. Snow then shows the army what a "real l'Cie" looks like. Yeah, I can almost hear some fangirls screaming now. More speeches! But it isn't that bad. And then hey Yaag. Come to kill us I see. Eh, just watch more of the cutscene.

Boss: Havoc Skytank
FFXIII enemy Havoc Skytank
Difficulty: Medium
HP: 441,000
Drops/Rewards: Uraninite, Plautus's Workshop
CP: 1,800

This enemy has a lot of parts to it. Use a Librascope. Since it's immune to all debuffs, you might want the Hero's Charge Paradigm. Take out the Hulls and Turrets first. Hulls and Turrets' HP is in the low 10,000's so they should be easy to take out. When they're gone, the Havoc Skytank will use its Main Cannon. When it uses the Main Cannon its Chain Resistance is 0 so it can be staggered incredibly fast.

Keep attacking and heal when more than 2 people are below half HP.

We have a new Retail Network and our Crystarium Expanded :D

Another Skytank approaches but the Calvary comes to our rescue! Oh gosh, I hate that guy's hair >.> I'll intoduce him later. "Don't get cute." Fang says. Hmph, and don't get arrogant, Fang :|

Guess what :O


Nautilus, the City of Dreams
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