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Page Nine- The Bird Says No. - FlamesofRebirth

Completely Random Introductory Quote-

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head
That this world is something that you must impress
Because I couldn't care less.
Rise Against, Black Masks and Gasoline

Chapter 6[]

Sun-Dappled Flight[]

The Sunleth Waterscape[]

Time to check in on the upbeat, optimistic group. No talk about stabbing people in the back in this chapter. Before starting off, use up all the CP that Lightning and Hope were kind enough to build up for you. Fill out Sazh's Synergist role, then go to Ravager to get him Thunder. Vanille needs Esuna and Cure from Medic, Poison from Saboteur, and then work through her Ravager line.

Paradigm Deck- Vanille and Sazh
Slash & Burn Ravager Commando
War & Peace Medic Commando
Dualcasting Ravager Ravager
Undermine Saboteur Ravager
Symbiosis Medic Synergist
Tide Turner Saboteur Synergist

"I think something bit me." - Sazh[]

Before embarking on yet another straight and narrow path, don't forget to equip some accessories- Vanille could use the HP boost from your Tungsten Bangle, and Sazh will do fine with a Silver. For the second slot you just unlocked, give the old man your Power Wristband to even out his physical and magic power, you'll need both here.

FFXIII enemy Flandragora

"Great, this year's a bumper crop"

Battle- Flandragora x 2
Great name, half Flan and half Mandragora. They are very weak to Fire, and you just learned Fira with Vanille.

Battle- Hedge Frog x 3
Sazh will rip them apart with Blitz and physicals. Up ahead a side path splits off to the left, take it.

Battle- Flandragora x 2
They will rise up from the ground when you approach, giving you an easy preemptive attack if you hurry. Go all the way to the dead end to grab 8 Mysterious Fluids. Then head back and take the main road.

Battle- Hedge Frog x 2, Flandragora

FFXIII enemy Hedge Frog

Battle- Hedge Frog x 4

Battle- Flandragora

Battle- Flandragora x 2
These also rise up out of the ground in front of you, so take advantage for a preemptive strike. Up ahead there is a treasure sphere with a Belladonna Wand for Vanille. It increases the success rate of Saboteur skills while giving decent magic power, so it is very useful for her. You should equip it now and use it for the rest of the game, it will eventually become her Ultimate Weapon.

Battle- Gremlin x 5
Interrupt their little game of ring around the rosy.


Smells Naturey!

Battle- Flandragora x 2

Battle- Flandragora
He's off to the left by himself, and there's absolutely no reason to disturb him.

Battle- Flandragora x 3
You do want to take on this group to the right, however. They're guarding a treasure sphere containing Procyons, a weapon for Sazh. It increases the duration of stagger, but not by a whole lot. For now, though, it gives a good strength boost, so I equipped it.

Battle- Gremlin x 3
Just past them is a side path on the left. Go that way.

Battle- Gremlin x 5
After finishing off this group, go to the dead end to pick up another Doctor's Code, and let me remind you again to NOT SELL THESE EVER. Seriously. EVER.

A Wish For Daddy[]

This scene introduces you to both Dajh and Jihl, both of whom you will get to know better in a later chapter. You may want to spend your CP, because up ahead you meet the first of a very annoying enemy type- the armadillons. They are next to impossible to damage until you stagger them to break their shells. Luckily, all the ones here can be preempted since they're kind enough to turn away from you and stare at the wall.

Battle- Scalebeast
Set your default paradigm to Undermine for this section, use it to get Poison, Deshell, and Deprotect up ASAP. You will need two staggers to finish him, so after the first one ends make sure you stay healed up. Also, after the first stagger hit him with Libra. They have an attack called Shocking Breath which will most likely kill anyone whose HP aren't in the green. Use Dualcasting to run up the chain for the second stagger, but make sure you get in a Commando hit every now and then so the gauge doesn't fall too quickly and reset. After you finish him, jump down at the blue circle he was standing on.

FFXIII enemy Scalebeast

Battle- Scalebeast
He's guarding a sphere with 15 Iron Shells.

Battle- Scalebeast
You skip this one by jumping down to the treasure, but you can go out of your way to fight it if you really want to. FYI, even if you skip him you'll easily max out your Crystarium by the end of the chapter.

Battle- Scalebeast
Down the path beyond him you will come across a Libra Scope. At this point set your default paradigm back to Slash & Burn.

Battle- Gremlin x 4

Battle- Gremlin x 3
They are right next to a sphere holding 10 Scaled Wings.

Battle- Gremlin x 6
This is a fairly large group, make sure you target one in the middle to maximize Sazh's Blitz potential.

"It's a pickle all right, but the bird- the bird says no." - Sazh[]

Now the old man decides he needs a nap, leaving Vanille to bare her soul to the chocobo chick. After she wakes up, follow the mini-map to find Sazh and learn the backstory of Dajh. When the scene ends, move on to the next area.

Father and Son[]

You will see a brief scene explaining how to use the orbs to change the weather patterns here. Changing the weather also changes the types of enemies you will face, so for once you actually have some options about which direction to choose! I'll let you know the easiest route so you don't have to face the horror of making a decision for yourself.

Orb 1[]

There is a new enemy here called a Wyvern. He's pretty tough, so I would avoid him unless you want a complete datalog. If you care about getting all the enemy intel, put it in the sun. If you don't, set it to rain.

FFXIII enemy Garchimacera

Battle (rain)- Hedge Frog x 3, Mud Frog
If you kill off all the Hedge Frogs, the Mud Frogs can summon more, so take out the Muds first.

Battle (sun)- Gremlin x 3, Garchimacera
The Garchimacera can cast Fira, which is not only more powerful than Fire but hits the whole party. Still, not very dangerous.

FFXIII enemy Wyvern

Battle (sun)- Wyvern
Set Undermine as the default for this so you can get Deprotect, Deshell, and Poison up while chaining him. After the debuffs stick, switch to Slash & Burn and use Libra twice to make sure you get all the info. Watch out for his Bite attack, you should be able to stagger him before he uses it. Then you can just hit him to cancel it whenever you see him charge it up.

Orb 2[]

There are two paths here, go right with the sun shining.

FFXIII enemy Mud Frog

Battle (sun)- Flandragora x 4
Between them and the next group is a Metal Armband.

Battle (sun)- Flandragora x 2

Orb 3[]

Go with rain unless you want to fight two more Wyverns.

Battle (rain)- Mud Frog x 3

Battle (rain)- Gremlin x 3, Garchimacera

Battle (rain)- Mud Frog x 2, Hedge Frog
These guys are off to the right, there's no reason to fight them.

Orb 4[]

Once again there are two paths from which to choose, you'll want the left side and the sun.

Vanille Weather

Make it rain!

Battle (sun)- Flandragora x 3
After defeating them, pick up the Aqua Ring. Now go back to the orb and change it to rain.

Battle (rain)- Garchimacera x 2, Scalebeast
You should be able to run past these enemies easily, and you don't need the CP.

Orb 5[]

Set it back to sun and press on.

Battle (sun)- Flandragora x 2

Battle (sun)- Flandragora x 4

Battle (sun)- Garchimacera x 3
For some reason they're twirling around like idiots, leaving you free to walk up and preempt them. Use up all your CP after this fight, you should be maxed out.

"Come and get it." - Vanille[]

If you don't have the Belladonna Wand equipped, do it now. Set your default paradigm to Symbiosis, time for another boss battle.

Boss Battle- Enki and Enlil[]

Just too much to ask to cut me one break, isn't it?

Enki and Enlil
Status Susceptibility
Deprotect Deshell Slow Poison
100% 70% 70% 100%
Imperil Curse Pain Fog
70% 70% 70% 70%
Daze Death Dispel Provoke
70% - - 70%
HP Stagger Chain Res.
150 65
Strength Magic
133 / 120 171 / 185
Fire Ice Lightning Water
- - Weak / Immune Immune / Weak
Wind Earth Physical Magical
- - - -
As always use Libra on both so you won't waste time on worthless attacks. Have Sazh buff you up while you're doing it, you want Brave and Faith on both characters. The enemies will try to Deprotect and Deshell you at the beginning, so use Esuna on it right away. When you're good, start on Enlil (the smaller one), get him under Poison, Deprotect, and Deshell. When you get him down to low health, he will get Enraged and power up. Debuff him again ASAP and then you have two options. First, you can just stay healed up and wear him down to the finish. Stay near full health, because he will start using a multi-target Lightning attack which could be deadly if Enki hits you with a physical at the same time. This attack can help you by facilitating the second option. Enki is weak to Lightning, and the attack will hit him even harder than it hits you. So once Enlil is enraged and his stagger ends start hammering on Enki to get him to low health as well, and he will also start using a multi-target spell, but it is Water based. So if they are close to each other they will be pounding each other's weakness, leaving you to just stay healed up and take some shots when you can. Make sure they both stay in Deshell for maximum damage and they will wipe each other out quickly. Just finish off the survivor, who should be very weak by this time. This second option really speeds up the battle and reduces the chances of them both hitting one character at the same time and killing them. Even without it, though, you should be able to finish this in less than half of the 9 minute- plus target time.

"A hop, skip and a jump and we're in Nautilus" - Sazh[]

As usual, your Crystarium expands after the boss battle, and you should take off your accessories so you can share them with the rest of your party. Walk forward to the city of dreams.

Chain of Events[]

The scene between Sazh and Vanille hints at a revelation that will redefine their relationship. But for now, it's back to Lightning and Hope on the next page.

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