Page 41- Suit Up! (This page will be legen- wait for it) - FlamesofRebirth
Completely Random Introductory Quote-
It were better to glimpse the sky and perish, than to live without ever beholding day.
H.P. Lovecraft, The Outsider
Equipment Upgrades[]
The hardest trophy to obtain by far is the Treasure Hunter, due to the sheer amount of money you will have to acquire and spend to get it. You have to own every single piece of equipment at some point during the game, luckily you don't have to have them all at the same time. Because of this, you can save yourself a little bit of time by saving when you get close, then selling off a bunch of stuff and using the money to upgrade the rest. You have to talk to Bhakti back in Oerba to get the trophy, as soon as the message pops up saying you got it you can quit without saving. The trophy is saved directly to your system hard drive, so it will still be there, and when you reload your save file all your old equipment that you sold will be back.
There are only two organic components you should be using, and three mechanical ones. The rest of the stuff you've accumulated over the course of the game can be used to upgrade your accessories since most of them require only a few exp, this page mainly deals with weapons. In Creature Comforts, buy 99 Vibrant Ooze and 99 Sturdy Bones, these are the cheapest way to get your exp multiplier up to 3x. Before using any mechanical components, make sure you have this multiplier by using 36 of these first. With the multiplier maxed out, you can use Ultracompact Reactors to gain massive exp for a cost of 50,000 Gil. This is the most cost effective method, but sometimes you won't need that many exp, and so the rest would be wasted. At 10,000 Gil, Particle Accelerators are slightly less efficient but can save you money if you can max out the item with 4 or fewer. Both of these components are sold at R&D Depot, the final useful item is the Superconductor from Lenora's Garage. This is helpful for accessories and filling in the last couple of exp on a weapon when a Particle Accelerator isn't required.
When you upgrade an item to its maximum level, you can upgrade it to a higher tier version with a catalyst. To get Treasure Hunter, you should need a total of 1 Mnar Stone, 1 Rhodocrosite, 34 Pervoskite, 5 Adamantite, 13 Scarletite, 20 Uraninite, 4 Cobaltite, 5 Dark Matter, and 6 Trapezohedrons. Scarletites can be easily obtained by warping back to Orphan's Cradle and killing a few Sacrifices, Dark Matters are dropped by Shaolong Guis, and Trapezohedrons are dropped by Adamantoises/ Long Guis. You can also buy these, but they're ungodly expensive, don't waste your money. Adamantite is pricey, but luckily you only need a few, and I don't know how else to get them. The rest are pretty cheap, so no worries there. Check the next page for tips on making money quickly. You will end up spending about 2.7 Million Gil on these if you got the same amount from drops and chests as I did.
The best way to get these is just killing a ton of Adamantoises until you pick up 6 by random drops, but if you are racking up the Platinum Ingots and just can't get those Traps, there is a backdoor way to buy them "cheaply." Instead of getting one for 2,000,000 Gil at R&D Depot, go to Plautus Workshop and buy a Pandoran Spear, then upgrade it with 36 Sturdy Bones or Vibrant Oozes, 50 Superconductors, and a Scarletite (in that order). Now that it's upgraded, give it 72 more SB/ VO for the 3x multiplier, 2 Ultracompact Reactors, and finally 23 Superconductors. This will max out level two, you need at least one Trapezohedron to upgrade to tier three. 36 more Vibrant Oozes and 25 Ultracompact Reactors will fully upgrade the weapon, assuming you had the Scarletite and Trap from drops the total cost is 1,444,000 Gil. You can now dismantle the Kain's Lance and you will get three Trapezohedrons out of it, as well as some other junk that can be sold for a few Gil. So in the end you get two more Traps for 1.4 million instead of one for 2 million. Again, only use this as a last resort if you get really unlucky farming for drops.
If you followed my guide and picked up all the treasure spheres, you should only need to buy 6 weapons. They are all at Gilgamesh Inc., and unfortunately they're all about 200,000 Gil. They are Organyx, Aldebarans, Sacrificial Circle, Malphas, Tiger Claw, and Dragoon Lance. Now comes the tough part- you have to upgrade all 48 weapons (8 per character) to their second tier version. I'm not going to bother listing the exp required for each one, the wiki already has that page. Keep in mind that with the 3x multiplier you usually get 21,600 exp from a Particle Accelerator and 1,920 from a Superconductor with tier 1 weapons, keep track and don’t waste parts. You will also have to upgrade one of those tier two weapons into an Ultimate Weapon for each character, which is the most expensive and time consuming part of this. I'll give a more in-depth explanation here, to make sure you get the most out of this investment. The majority of the cost (assuming you got Trapezohedrons for free) comes from maxing out your ultimate weapon, this is not necessary to get the trophy so you may want to wait to do it until you’ve gotten everything else.
Ultimate Weapons[]
The absolute most powerful weapon is the Organyx, but the speed penalty takes away any usefulness this weapon might have. That leaves three potential choices here, depending on how you like to use her. The Gladius has the best physical power, with low magic; this is the opposite of the magic boosting Edged Carbine. The Hauteclaire gives you a balanced attack, but also comes with Stagger Lock. This can be used to your advantage with Instant Chain, which is why I usually go with this choice.
The Gladius and Hauteclaire each require the same exp and catalysts to level up, you will need 36 Vibrant Ooze/ Sturdy Bone plus 3 Particle Accelerators (PA) followed by a Uraninite to upgrade. The Helter Skelter/ Durandal will use 36 Ooze/ Bone as always, 3 Ultra Compact Reactors (UCR), then a Trapezohedron. The Omega Weapon of each will take 36 Ooze/ SB and 23 UCR to reach level 100. The total cost for this weapon (minus upgrade catalysts) is 1,338,640 Gil.
If you want the magic of the Edged Carbine, use 42 Vibrant Ooze/ Sturdy Bone plus 1 PA followed by 6 Superconductors (SC) plus a Pervoskite to upgrade to the Razor Carbine. 70 Ooze + 3 UCR + 2 PA + 5 SC + Trapezohedron for the Omega Weapon. 36 VO/ SB and 22 UCR for maximum level. Total cost (minus catalysts)- 1,301,080 Gil.
If you're using Sazh, it's probably to take advantage of his Blitz, but he also has some decent magic power. With that in mind, I recommend the Rigels for their balance along with high power in each category. They come with Stagger Lock, but again that's just an opportunity for instant chain. They require 36 Ooze/ Bones, 3 PA, and a Uraninite to get to tier two, the Polaris Specials. Now use 36 VO/ SB, 3 UCR, and a Trapezohedron to make the Total Eclipses. These will require 72 VO/ SB, 27 UCR, 2 PA, and about 300 exp worth of whatever mechanical junk you have to reach maximum power. The total price without buying the catalysts is 1,561,620 Gil.
I'll mention one more possibility here for those of you who want to use Blitz to take down Long Guis in one stagger. The Pleiades Hi-Powers give an extra 150 Strength over anything else, but at the expense of massively reducing your max HP. Since the Long Gui will be disabled for the entire fight, this doesn't matter at all. You will need 42 Vibrant Ooze/ Sturdy Bone plus 1 PA followed by 6 SC and a Pervoskite to upgrade to the Hyades Magnums. 70 Ooze + 3 UCR + 2 PA + 5 SC + Trapezohedron for the Total Eclipses. To max these out, use 36 VO/ SB plus 26 UCR. Price minus catalysts- 1,501,080 Gil.
Snow is all about physical attacks, so there's no reason to fight it. Go with the Power Circle and give it 36 Vibrant Ooze/ Sturdy Bone plus 1 UCR and a Scarletite to make it a Battle Standard. 36 VO/ SB, 5 UCR, and a Trapezohedron will get you a Save the Queen, which requires 78 VO/ SB, 19 UCR, 1 PA, and 6 SC to max out. The cost without catalysts comes out to 1,277,040 Gil.
I never use Hope, but if you want to I would go for all out magic power since it's the only thing he's good for. The Hawkeye needs 42 Vibrant Ooze/ Sturdy Bone plus 1 PA followed by 6 SC plus a Pervoskite to upgrade to the Eagle Talon. 70 Ooze + 3 UCR + 2 PA + 5 SC + Trapezohedron for the Nue. Feed it 72 VO/ SB, 18 UCR, and 8 SC for maximum level, then let it rot on the bench with Hope. You will spend 1,110,680 Gil if you got the catalysts from chests/ drops.
If you want absolute maximum magical power (without a crippling side effect), the Pearl Wing would be the way to go, but as I showed on the last page you can hit the damage cap easily with the slightly less powerful Belladonna Wand and get the added bonus of enhanced debuffing. Use 36 Vibrant Ooze/ Sturdy Bone plus 2 PA followed by a Uraninite to upgrade to the Malboro Wand, then 56 VO/ SB, 1 UCR, 2 PA, and 3 SC plus a Trapezohedron to make the Nirvana. This will require 36 VO/ SB and 28 UCR to reach its ultimate power. Cost minus catalysts- 1,502,760 Gil.
Fang is another all out physical brawler, so use her most powerful physical weapon, the Dragoon Lance. It comes with a penalty of decreased magical power, but this doesn't affect her Saboteur skills and her Ravager tree has elemental Strikes that can be used in place of spells. You will need 36 Vibrant Ooze/ Sturdy Bone plus 2 PA and a Uraninite to make it into a Dragon Horn, then 56 VO/ SB, 1 UCR, 2 PA, 3 SC, and a Trapezohedron to make Kain's Lance. 72 VO/ SB, 26 UCR, and 3 PA will max it out. The price tag (excluding catalysts) will be 1,435,640.
Once again, I'm not going to give you the exp required for each one because that listing is right here. I will give the required catalyst though, since that page doesn't include this information for some reason (there’s a separate page for that info). Looking over my checklist, there are only three accessories that you should need to buy- a Titanium Bangle and Serenity Sachet from B&W Outfitters, and Nimbletoe Boots from the Moogleworks. The rest have to be upgraded from stuff we already found. Sorry.
Power/ Defense Boosters[]
Upgrade your Adaman Bangle, Power Glove, and Weirding Glyph to star level and give them each a Dark Matter to get the Wurtzite Bangle, Kaiser Knuckles, and Magistral Crest. These are your best HP, Strength, and Magic power boosting accessories in the game, so feel free to make a few of each if you have the patience. You can buy Warrior's Wristbands and Sorcerer's Marks and upgrade them all the way, and you should have a few lower level versions laying around as well. For defense, the General's Belt and Witch's Bracelet will each upgrade with an Adamantite into the Champion's Belt and Magus's Bracelet, respectively.
For those of you who want to do a speed run on Long Guis, here’s how to max out your strength/ magic. A Warrior’s Wristband or Sorcerer’s Mark will take 36 Vibrant Ooze/ Sturdy Bones, 3 Particle Accelerators, and 1 Superconductor to max out, then you can upgrade with a Scarletite. A Power Glove/ Weirding Glyph will take 36 Ooze and 1 Ultracompact Reactor if you start at level one, but if you upgraded from a WW/ SM you will start at level 9. In this case, give it 42 Ooze/ Bones, 1 Particle Accelerator, and 4 Superconductors. They upgrade with Dark Matters to make the Kaiser/ Magistral, either of these takes 42 VO/ SB, 1 PA, and 9 SC to max out.
Upgrade your Frost Ring to the Icicle Ring via a Cobaltite, then upgrade your Blaze, Fulmen, Icicle, Riptide, Stilstone, and Gale rings with Uraninites to get their top level variants. You will also need to get your Flamebane, Frostbane, Sparkbane, and Aquabane Brooches leveled up with Pervoskites for their Shield Earring versions.
Status Protectors[]
The following all require Pervoskite to upgrade- Metal Armband, Serenity Sachet, Giant's Glove, Glass Buckle, Glass Orb, Star Pendent, Pearl Necklace, Warding Talisman, Pain Dampener, White Cape, Rainbow Anklet, and Cherub's Crown. Finally, the Ribbon can be upgraded to a Super Ribbon with a Dark Matter.
Status Enhancers[]
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These also require Pervoskites, thankfully you already found a few upgraded versions along the way. The ones you need to make for yourself are from Watchman's Amulet, Hero's Amulet, Zealot's Amulet, Hermes Sandals, and Whistlewind Scarf. The Morale Talisman gives Auto-Brave, and the Sprint Shoes give Auto-Haste, so they can be very useful. If you want more Sprint Shoes, upgrade your Tetratic Crowns/ Tiaras to max level and then dismantle them. The Crown only needs 2 Superconductors to max out, 4 for the Tiara. If you have extra Scarletites in your inventory go ahead and upgrade the Crown to the Tiara first, you get some better stuff back when you dismantle plus you won’t have to buy a Pervoskite to upgrade your Hermes Sandals. Hero's Amulets can be bought from Magical Moments and upgraded for more Morale Talismans, just give them one Superconductor and a Pervoskite. For more Tetratic Crowns/ Tiaras, keep fighting mission 7 over and over again and he can drop either one.
The Most Important One[]
This gets a section all to itself because it can save you a lot of unnecessary fights looking for rare drops (also because it doesn’t fit into any of the other categories). Upgrade one of your Collector Catalogs to a Connoisseur Catalog with a Mnar Stone and it increases your rare item drop rate. Equip one of each catalog every time you fight an Adamantoise or Shaolong Gui to maximize your chances at getting your catalyst or some cash.
Damn, that sucked[]
I imagine reading this page will be as boring as writing it was, but it's necessary and useful information that really couldn't be slipped in anywhere else a little at a time. There was a lot of math in there, so let me know if I screwed up some numbers anywhere. Remember, you have to go to Oerba and talk to Bhakti to get this trophy. Only one more page to go, let’s finish this.