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Page Nineteen- Just head through this Fal'Cie lair. - FlamesofRebirth

Completely Random Introductory Quote-

"Earth's a padded cell
Defanged and declawed
I'm living in hell it's a paradise fraud
Straight jacket minds in line to be old.
Black Flag, Padded Cell

Chapter 11 Continued[]

Taejin's Tower[]

The Palisades[]

Only one more obstacle stands between you and Oerba- Taejin's Tower. For some reason, there is only a door on one side, meaning you have to go up and over instead of around or through. Seems like a poor design to me, but I'm a mechanic not an architect. After viewing the scene, examine the Cie’th Stone here, it will give you a Waystone if you complete the mission. Do this to make getting around easier when you come back to Pulse later. You can teleport between any Waystones you’ve unlocked. After accepting the mission, move forward toward the tower.

FFXIII enemy Mánagarmr

Battle- Mánagarmr
For the rest of Chapter 11, your default paradigm should be Ruthless unless I tell you otherwise. Get Imperil and Poison on these guys to take 'em down in a hurry.

Battle- Mánagarmr

Battle- Amphisbaena
You may have already fought one of these in Archylte Steppe, but I doubt it. Debuff him and get him staggered ASAP to avoid Feeding Stoop. He can cause Deprotect and Debrave with the same move, so Esuna immediately. He's easily avoidable, in fact I had to wait around for him to fly over to me so I could fight him. You may want to just run right by.

FFXIII enemy Amphisbaena

Battle- Mánagarmr, Amphisbaena
They are replaced by the mark if you took the mission. If not, you have to defeat them to get the treasure sphere. It has 20 Sinister Fangs.

A Note on Missions[]

Since this is the first mission I’m doing, I’ll explain a few things here. They are ranked from class D (the weakest) to class A (the strongest). You get a PS3 achievement trophy for completing every mission with a 5 star rating, so my strategies are geared toward all out speed. If you don’t know by now, your target time is based on your party’s attack ratings and the HP of the enemies. So one way to increase the time would be to equip un-upgraded weapons on everyone but your main attacker. That way you can lower your overall power without actually decreasing your ability to deal damage. I’ll put my target time in the boss box to give you an idea of how your party’s level compares to mine. If my target time is lower than yours, my party is stronger; if my target time is higher your party is stronger. Keep that in mind when you read my difficulty ranking. I also put in the actual time I got using the strategy described, mostly just to fill out the line.

Mission 20- Words Unspoken[]

Gobin Chieftain
Class Difficulty Target Time My Time
C Easy- 1/5 6:06 3:04
FFXIII enemy Goblin Chieftan
Status Susceptibility
Deprotect Deshell Slow Poison
70% 70% 10% 70%
Imperil Curse Pain Fog
10% Immune 10% 10%
Daze Death Dispel Provoke
10% - - 70%
HP Stagger Chain Res.
216,000 250% 60
Strength Magic
1,230 98
Fire Ice Lightning Water
- - Resist -
Wind Earth Physical Magical
Resist Immune Half -
Alongside the Goblin Chieftain are two Goblins, a Munchkin, and a Munchkin Maestro. Take out the Munchkin first, then the Goblins, then the Maestro, then the Chief. Use Ruthless to stagger them, as debuffs will make it much easier to hit your target time. It will also counteract Goblinhancement (nice), which the big guys use to buff their team up. They won't attack you until everyone has some buffs up, and Brave makes those Goblins hit hard, so let Vanille Sabotage it up unless you need her to heal. When just the big guys are left, switch to Relentless Assault when you stagger one, then when he's gone debuff and finish the other.

By the way, you should know that you can retry missions as many times as you want to go for a 5 star rating, just go back to the stone and accept it again. Also, when you hit Square to bring up your map, if you hit Square again your hunt info will come up. It shows all the stones you examined, and if you push the Right arrow you can see your ranking for each one you completed. It’s very handy.

Pick up the treasure sphere in the corner before heading to the tower. The entrance is guarded, but only lightly.

Battle- Mánagarmr x 2

Ground Tier[]

Taejin's Tower Concept Artwok

When you enter Taejin's Tower, you will see a scene and be issued a cliché warning- “Leave this place at once!” Obviously, that's not going to happen. Turn around and pick up the sphere behind you for 4,271 Gil (a nice round number), then turn right and go around the ring.

Battle- Mánagarmr
You don't have to fight him if you don't want to. Behind him is a Sparkbane Brooch.

Battle- Mánagarmr
Again, avoid him if you want and pick up the 12 Chipped Fangs just past him. They are against the back side of the elevator, and since nothing else is on this floor but some more Mánagarmrs, you should go up to tier two.

Second Tier[]

Looks like somebody's got a temper


Since Dahaka lit his tower on fire, there's only one direction to go. Straight through the doorway is another one of those statues like you saw downstairs, examine it and accept the mission. The missions required to complete the tower are listed along with the regular Cie'th Stone missions, but you can't retry these until you've finished the entire tower. So make sure you save before each one if you don't want to come back to redo them later (although there will be two other missions here during the postgame). Follow the mini-map to the mark.

FFXIII enemy Pulsework Gladiator

Battle- Pulsework Gladiator x 3
Use Relentless Assault against these enemies, Blitz the one in the middle and your Ravagers should use multi-target attacks to stagger them all within a few seconds. Keep Blitzing to finish them off.

Battle- Mánagarmr

(Mandatory) Mission 21- A Tremulous Terror[]

Class Difficulty Target Time My Time
C Easy- 2/5 4:52 1:59
Gelatitan FFXIII
Status Susceptibility
Deprotect Deshell Slow Poison
30% Immune Immune 50%
Imperil Curse Pain Fog
70% Immune 10% 10%
Daze Death Dispel Provoke
Immune 30% - 30%
HP Stagger Chain Res.
679,140 300% 80
Strength Magic
634 597
Fire Ice Lightning Water
Half Half Weak Absorb
Wind Earth Physical Magical
- - Half -
Since he is walking around the room, you can sneak up when his back is turned. He can hit hard, so a preemptive makes things a hell of a lot easier. Libra is vital here, do it as soon as you launch him. Let Vanille get Deprotect, Poison, and Imperil up, then you can use Relentless Assault the rest of the way unless you need to heal. I couldn't finish him in one stagger, if you can't either watch out for Waterga- if you have Imperil or Deshell it will kill you. Stay in Diversity and let Poison help you finish him off quickly.

After the battle, examine the statue in this room for the next mission. Then head back the way you came to find it.

(Mandatory) Mission 22- Infernal Machine[]

Ambling Bellows
Class Difficulty Target Time My Time
C Easy- 1/5 4:32 1:07
Ambling Bellows
Status Susceptibility
Deprotect Deshell Slow Poison
10% 100% 10% Immune
Imperil Curse Pain Fog
10% 70% 10% 10%
Daze Death Dispel Provoke
10% - - 10%
HP Stagger Chain Res.
270,000 400% 60
Strength Magic
898 465
Fire Ice Lightning Water
- Resist Weak Weak
Wind Earth Physical Magical
- Weak Resist Half
The Bellows is joined by 2 Cryptos, and if you kill them off he will call more. You should be able to sneak up and get a preemptive strike easily here, just wait until the Cryptos start marching away from you. Get Deshell on the Bellows, then use Relentless Assault to pound the mark in the opening stagger. Magic is the way to damage him, so use Libra with Fang after he's launched. After he's out of the way, his buddies are mopped up easily. By the way, I just love his angry face, it always makes me laugh.

Now examine the statue in this room and retrace your steps for the final mission on this floor.

(Mandatory) Mission 23- Natural Defenses[]

Class Difficulty Target Time My Time
B Easy- 1/5 3:05 0:42
Status Susceptibility
Deprotect Deshell Slow Poison
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Imperil Curse Pain Fog
10% Immune Immune Immune
Daze Death Dispel Provoke
Immune 10% - 30%
HP Stagger Chain Res.
242,550 200% 85
Strength Magic
783 2088
Fire Ice Lightning Water
Immune Half Immune Half
Wind Earth Physical Magical
Half Half Immune Resist
Obviously, those stats in the chart are with the shell up, he's weak once you break it. He's also very easy to preempt, taking that annoying shell out of the picture. When you have all the debuffs on him, do a mid-air shift to Aggression and beat him into submission.

You will see another brief scene, in which those statues chop part of Dahaka's tail off and put out the fire, allowing you to move on to another room. Before you go into that room, go past it and pick up the 5 Spark Plugs. Now go through the doorway and into the next fight.

Battle- Pulsework Gladiator x 5
Go with Relentless Assault again. Even though there are five of them, you should still be able to stagger them all before they can kill you. There is a staircase in the corner of this room, halfway up you will find a Simurgh for Hope.

Third Tier[]

Keep following the mini-map to the next statue.

Battle- Mángarmr x 2

Battle- Pulsework Gladiator x 2
Examining this statue will open up the door behind you. Walk out and turn right to grab 2 Metal Armbands at the dead end. Then turn around and walk up to the end of the platform, the elevator will come up to you.

Fourth Tier[]

FFXIII enemy Yaksha

Walk past the room to reach a dead end and 2 Glass Orbs. Then go into the room to find the next elevator.

Battle- Yaksha x 2
These things can hit fairly hard, but they're not much trouble on their own. With them out of the way, go up to the Fifth Tier.

"Starting to get on my nerves" - Fang[]

This tower just goes on and on, I know this is a terrible page break, but there's no good place to do it here. I tried putting it all on one page, but it was ridiculously long. We'll finish the ascent on the next page.

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