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Page Thirteen- A parting gift to our rotting government. - FlamesofRebirth

Completely Random Introductory Quote-

As the caterpiller chooses the fairest leaves to lay her eggs on, so the priest lays his curse on the fairest joys.

Chapter 9[]

The Sanctum Skyfleet[]

The Lindblum[]


You begin the chapter on board Cid Raines' ship, the Lindblum. You can talk to General Raines and the rest of your party if you want to, when you talk to Rygdea he will fly you to the Palamecia. If you absolutely must upgrade your equipment, a decent new mechanical component is now available. Use Crankshafts from Lenora's Garage, just know that you will be spending a lot of extra money compared to some other components that will be available later.

The Palamecia[]

Your infiltration team consists of Lightning, Hope, and Fang. I guess our "hero" needs the day off. Make sure you use up your CP to get Lightning Raise and Renew from Medic. Renew is a technique costing 2 TP which restores about half the HP gauge to the entire party, even if they're KO'd. It's incredibly useful, don't forget about it. Equip accessories to boost HP and Physical resistance. After a short, easy Chapter 8, this one will be long and very combat intensive.

Paradigm Deck- Lightning, Hope, Fang
Relentless Assault Ravager Ravager Commando
Diversity Ravager Medic Commando
Aggression Commando Ravager Commando
Tireless Charge Commando Medic Commando
Evened Odds Medic Synergist Saboteur
Solidarity Commando Medic Sentinel

"Enough with the bonding. It's go time." - Rygdea[]

I told you this chapter was combat intensive, you get thrown right into a battle out of the cut-scene.

FFXIII enemy PSICOM Infiltrator

Battle- PSICOM Raider x 2, PSICOM Infiltrator

Battle- PSICOM Infiltrator x 2, PSICOM Raider
After the brief scene, use the red circle to activate the lift. Now jump up a few times until you reach the top, at which point you should turn right to find 4 Digital Circuits at a dead end. Then go to the destination marked on the mini-map.

After another short scene, turn around and go to another dead end behind you.

Battle- Deckdrone x 2
They are guarding a Millerite, go get it and then head back in the opposite direction.

FFXIII enemy Deckdrone

Battle- Deckdrone x 2, PSICOM Dragoon
The dragoons can use Missile Burst to do decent damage and delay your attacks, but they're not too threatening.

Battle- Deckdrone x 5
This group is probably the first time you'll see Tornado Kick. Try to kill off as many as possible before they use it, you don't want more than 3 of them using this together. After the battle, jump up over the little ship and go right to a dead end.

Battle- PSICOM Dragoon
This guy guards the treasure sphere, and he likes to fly around just out of reach. Eventually he will fly into you and you can kill him to take the 3 Incentive Chips.

FFXIII enemy PSICOM Dragoon

Battle- PSICOM Dragoon x 2

Battle- Deckdrone x 3

Battle- Deckdrone x 4, PSICOM Dragoon
After this battle you need to jump over another little ship, and at the top you can look to your left for 4 Silicon Oils.

Battle- Deckdrone x 2
These guys are off to the right, and there isn't any reason to go over to fight them except for the easy CP.

Battle- Deckdrone x 3, PSICOM Dragoon x 2
After the fight, you can reach your destination to see another scene.

"Block our way, you die!" - Snow[]

You didn't really think they killed off Sazh, did you? I think the only reason they showed that scene there was to break up this ridiculously long battle sequence, which is only about halfway over.

Battle- PSICOM Infiltrator x 2, PSICOM Raider x 2

FFXIII enemy PSICOM Huntress

Battle- PSICOM Infiltrator x 3, PSICOM Huntress
Those Huntresses are annoying, they buff up at the start of the fight to gain Protect, Shell, Haste, and Brave. Take this one out first so you can stagger her while she's buffing, then worry about the rest of the group.

Battle- PSICOM Raider x 2, PSICOM Huntress
If you go straight past this group, all you will find is a save point. And when you come back through the door, they will be respawned. So fight them if you want the CP, then take the path around to the right to move forward. There is a treasure sphere holding a Lifesaber along the way.

Battle- PSICOM Huntress x 2, PSICOM Infiltrator
Take out one of the Huntresses first, then the Infiltrator to minimize the annoyance.


Battle- Viking
These things can use Thermal Discharge to do serious damage when they're low on HP, so try to kill them in one stagger. Manually select 4 Sparkstrikes so Light doesn't waste time using Thundara. After you kill him pick up the Ember Ring.

Battle- PSICOM Raider x 2, PSICOM Huntress x 2

Battle- PSICOM Raider x 2, Viking

Battle- PSICOM Infiltrator x 2, PSICOM Raider

Battle- PSICOM Huntress x 2

Battle- PSICOM Raider x 2

Battle- PSICOM Infiltrator x 3

Battle- PSICOM Huntress x 2, Viking
Take out the Huntresses first. Just behind them is a Pandoran Spear.

Time to Split[]

After a typically easy escape from a few inept guards, you take control of Sazh and Vanille. You should have quite a few CP built up, so try to get Sazh Scourge and Vanille Raise. Equip whatever you want, there are no threats here.

Paradigm Deck- Sazh and Vanille
Slash & Burn Commando Ravager
War & Peace Commando Medic
Undermine Ravager Saboteur
Dualcasting Ravager Ravager
Tide Turner Synergist Saboteur
Symbiosis Synergist Medic

"Split, not run- There's a difference." - Sazh[]

For these battles, you might want to start off with Undermine to make things go quickly. Then switch to Slash & Burn after you get Deshell up.

Battle- Flanborg, Flanitor
After the battle, go up to Vanille and hit the control panel next to her to open the door.

FFXIII enemy Flanborg

Battle- Flanborg
The path here splits off two ways, go right for a treasure.

Battle- Flanborg x 2
After defeating them, go right again and open the door.

Battle- Flanborg x 2, Flanitor
They are guarding a Royal Armlet, don't miss this. Now go to the destination marked on the mini-map. Before you open the door, pick up the 12 Murky Oozes. Now go through the door to continue.

"Let's go get rescued." - Sazh[]

Back with the main group, this section consists of three concentric rings, and a couple of treasure spheres. You can just go around the outside to the exit, but the items and CP gained in the middle will be good to have.

Outer Ring[]

At the save point, go around the ring to the right.

FFXIII enemy Vespid Soldier

Battle- Vespid Soldier x 2
These things like to cast Aeroga to do big damage and knock you on your ass. Try to kill them off before they get the chance.

Battle- PSICOM Raider x 2, Thermadon
The dead end path behind the Thermadon holds a White Cape. Now head back the way you came, past the save point.

Battle- Viking x 3
This is a pretty tough battle, you may spend most of it in Diversity to stay healed up.

Battle- Vespid Soldier x 3, PSICOM Infiltrator x 2
After you finish them you can pick up the Pain Dampener, on the left. Then head back toward the save point and take the first path into the middle ring.

Thermadon FFXIII
Middle Ring[]

Battle- PSICOM Huntress x 2
They should be right at the end of the path that brought you into this ring, after you defeat them go around counter-clockwise.

Battle- Thermadon
He was blocking the path to the inner ring, so take it.

Inner Ring[]

The treasure sphere holds a Rhodochrosite, now go around to the left.

Battle- Vespid Soldier x 2
When you beat them, keep going around to the next treasure, a Perfect Conductor. Now go back the way you came to get to the outer ring without fighting any more battles. Go back toward where you got the first treasure sphere. You'll know you went the right way when you run into...

Battle- Viking x 3
When you finish this fight, the exit should be just ahead off to the right, before the next group of enemies.

"Weather deck? Make it rain" - Jihl[]

Ha ha, nice reference to a cheesy pop song, Colonel. (I made the same reference just a few pages ago). You have the inferior team again, so tread carefully. Go around this circular path to the left.

Battle- Flanborg x 2, Flanitor

Palamecia Engine Core

Battle- Flanborg x 2
Pick up the 8 Segmented Carapaces, then take the path toward the center of the room.

Battle- Vespid Soldier x 3, Thermadon
You don't have to beat these to pick up the Phoenix Down, it's down toward the exit. If you do fight them, you'll probably have to summon to avoid getting utterly F'd in the A by Aeroga, since you can't kill off the Vespids quickly enough. After you pick up the treasure, follow the mini-map to the exit, which is guarded by a...

Battle- Thermadon
Same strategy as the Scalebeasts, get Poison, Deprotect, Deshell, and Imperil and he is done. Just heal up after each Photon Burst.

Battle- Vespid Soldier, Thermadon
Thankfully, this is the last time you will be stuck with this combo. Don't get me wrong, they are both great in the right circumstances, they just don't compliment each other very well at this stage of the game.

"We cannot let this go on!" - Snow[]

This is a long chapter, let's finish it on the next page.

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