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This is it...the final chapter of our journey. This final page holds all the information you need to complete all I have set before you on your journey. This is the final time, I Cymbeline will be typing on this walkthrough. I hope you enjoyed your journey thus far, but it isn't quite over yet.

Crushed By Doubt[]

No it indeed isn't over just yet, we have but two final missions awaiting our claws, then next one a breeze, but the final one is far from that. The stone for this mission is in the Sulyya Springs and the mark, an Adamantoise is in the steppe. Yes we are required to fight this beast, but by this point I've already taken out quite a few so this battle is far from scary. Anyway teleport to the Steppe and look for the pink star, there you will find your Mark. Oh and before hand just set up the way you did for hunting these beasts its not hard and reletivly easy to ill just refesh your memory: Combat Clinic, Espionage, and Relentless Assault. Three Paradigms that we've used for so long that if you forgot how to make them you are a lost cause. Alright here we face destiny.

Mark Fight: Adamantortoise
FFXIII enemy Adamantoise
HP: 3,699,000
Magic: 8,303
Strength: 9,964
CP: 40,000
Difficulty: Easy

Start off in Combat Clinic and sit through the first stomp. While waiting use Provoke to target one of the legs. Once Vanille and Hope has healed you up from the first stomp, use Relentless Assault to bring up the chain gauge. Use Ruin for this because if the Adamantoise steps on you you are dead, no questions asked. Switch to Combat Clinic every time he is about to stomp and when the legs Chain Gauge reaches about 400% use Highwind to finish it off. Don't worry if he stomps during this time just use Combat Clinc to heal and and repeat this strategy for the second leg. NOTE: Getting Protect up during this first stage will help greatly reduce the damage he deals and is a very good idea!

Once both legs are down, switch to Espionage and get out Deprotect, Deshell, Imperil, and Slow while Hope Hastes the team. Then just pound away with Relentless Assault and use Highwind right before he can get up. Just Rinse and Repeat one more time and the battle will be over. For those of you wondering I just took my template for the farming battle and put it right here. Arn't I a clever one?

Oh yeah and for destroying this beast you get your third and final Genji Glove.

The Doomherald[]

First off this is not ordinary Mark Mission, this mission is basically the super boss of this game, as this is the last mission its not anything close to a walk in the park. Before even dreaming of taking this guy on i strongly advise that you master up to the final role level (AKA the final ring of crystals) in every characters side roles. Trust me exreme flexiablity is very, very useful for this fight. As I've stated before and will state for a final time this three way battle before Mahabara is a very good place to get CP with the Growth Egg. Those who want to play it super safe will want to master every character in every role. Well this could take awhile...

Ok so my team of Vanille, Fang, and Hope can use every role avalialble to them and are at Lv3 with their side roles. This is a good place to be because all of your team can use every role with decent ability and that can be used to create a lot of very useful Paradigms. The stone for this final mark is found all the way on the bridge in Oerba, all the way at the very end of Gran Pulse and the mark himself is found all the way at the other end of Oerba in the ruined city whose name escapes me at the moment. To get their quickly just teleport because walking is way to long for anyone except for those who absolutly refuse to teleport (why? I have no idea). Before facing this mark make sure you have a good and balanced Paradigm Deck. This is the one I used:

Paradigm Vanille Fang Hope
Relentless Assault Ravager Commando Ravager
Diversity Medic Commando Ravager
Infiltrtion Saboteur Saboteur Saboteur
Rapid Growth Synergist Synergist Synergist
Salvation Medic Medic Medic
Tortoise Sentinel Sentinel Sentinel

Ok before initating combat with him, use a Fortisol and a Agrisol so that your team starts with all the buffs it could use. This is your final battle so don't be cheap with it, use what you must and be ready for a brawl. Also this place is an eairy purpleish color. To reach the mark head over to the cocoon at the end of the area, the one Bituitus turned into that long time ago. Hmmm it looks like its hatching and what should appear, but the lord of the Undying.

Mark Fight: Vercingetorix
HP: 15,840,000
Magic: 4,154
Strength: 4,154
CP: 0
Difficulty: Hard

Yep folks this is our final battle, and its a tough one. He has 15 million HP and its not going to be easy or short for that matter. Because you start off completely buffed up your first goal is to use Inflitration to get out Poison while Hope and Fang get out whatever they can. Poison is your one major goal this fight, keep it up and make sure it never wears off for too long. Fang should definatly get out slow too, these two ailments are very nessessary to make this battle a wee bit less frustrating. Once those are up you can to the offensive with Relentless Assault, while using Diversity to heal up. When he uses Impenterable Aura he becomes invinciable so switch to Salvation to heal then use Rapid growth to put up any buffs you may have lost, then its back to Infiltration in order to get at least Poison and slow out again, and to Dispel all of his buffs.

His worst attack is Wind Shear, but at the start of the battle its not so bad. But as his HP starts to fall he grows more wings and he becomes much more deadly. This is where Wind Shear becomes awful and really starts to hurt. Tortoise is a must when he chooses to use Wicked Whirl because you cannot survive without it. You just cannot so don't even think about it. Your strategy doesn't change much though he just hits harder so healing is more important during the later stages of this fight. Oh yeah and if anyone dies, use a Phoenix Down because it restores much more HP than Raise and is much faster.

After his defeat you've done it. That was the last hurdle I'm going to throw at you. All right so now you've beaten Final Fantasy XIII. Until next time, farewell.

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