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"Why is the rum gone!!!!!!" Thats a great quote by the way. Said by one of my favorite Disney characters ever: Captain Jack Spearow. He comes in third place after Genie from Aladin and Sabastain for the Little Mermaid. Why am I, Cymbeline, telling you this? Because I just started replaying Kingdom Hearts II and that just happend to be the though in my head.

Titan's Final Trial[]

Thats right, this is the final time we have to be in this cursed area. One more run though and we're done for good. Develope what you can, then take any path you want through the trials. I went to the plants, to the Ochu, to the area with the groups of Flowering Cactuars. Then I took the only stone in the trials that had to be taken. It differs depeneding on where you go, so just look for a non glowing Cie'th Stone. Then get ready for an ultimate showdown.

Develope your team with the CP you go on your way to this area. Save your game for sure, especially if your looking for the whole 5* bonus thing, because the coming up fight is a tough one. Also changing your active Paradigm to Espionage and be ready for a brawl.

Mark Fight: Attacus
Ffxiii attacus
HP: 9,135,000
Magic: 3,125
Strength: 3,125
CP: 75,000
Difficulty: Hard

Look at that HP, then do a double take. Yes that is Nine Million HP, the highest we've had to deal with yet. To make matters worse Attacus takes half damage from Psysical strikes and Magic attacks only do 1/10 normal damage. Fix this as best you can by getting out Deprotect and Deshell, while Fang gets out Slow and Hope gets us Haste, Protect and Shell. Like his cousin before him, Attacus has a powerful strike that hits with Deprotect and Deshell so its much better that he only dispels your buffs. Combat Clinic is the best way to survive the attack. After you have up Deprotect and Deshell use Relentless Assault to smack him for as much as you can. Diversity will be used very often, while Hero's Charge lets you to reapply your buffs while still attacking. (Bully also works well). Another thing, manually choose to cast Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Water and Aero because his chain doesn't seem to raise when hit by the same spell in a row.

Once he loses 1/4 of his HP he will draw his "Unrelenting Blade" and will start using Concentrate to hit you hard with those debuffs. Again Combat Clinic is the best defense for this attack. When he loses 1/2 his HP he will draw his "Peerless Blade" and will use Meditate, a stronger version of Concentrate. The battle changes now to 2-3 rounds of Relentless Assault and then to Combat Clinic in hopes Fang can absorb the Meditate attack. Combat Clinic is a must and pray that he targets Fang because Vanille and Hope will die when hit by Meditate. This is the only real challenge of this battle, because after losing 1/2 his HP he doesn't change his attack pattern, giving you a suprise free finish to this battle. If you find yourself sturggling change some paradigms to allow for more Sentinel coverage (especially when he draws his Peerless Blade.) I changed Bully to Evened Odds and Hero's Charge to Mystic Tower to allow for more protection.

For completing this mission you will recieve the first pair of Genji Gloves.

We've done it, we completed this final trial. Glad thats over with. Titan says some stuff but its not important. If your a 5* "perfect" player then you probably have to come back here later, but as for me I'm done with this place, lets finish up these last marks and do something else for a change. Alright first things first, give Fang your Genji Glove. That wonderful Accessory allows her to hit with no limit meaning its very possiable that she can do over 1,000,000 damage against a staggered enemy. Develope your team, including your side members who have a large ammount of CP in reserves, then teleport to the Steppe, close to the enterance to Mahabara. Grab a chocobo, and ride down to were you fought Geiseric. Around here there is a Cie'th Stone, and that will lead us to our next mark.

Head in the Clouds[]

The mark of the mission, with the name above, can be found areound the Western Benchland. Use your map, because it will be a far batter job than me for this. If you have trouble he's by the circle of Cie'th Stones. When you reach it you'll realize that its a Zirnitra, yeah guess what you have another like 3 to fight. I guess they got lazy near the end. Also seeing as how its just a repeat battle this time we can use the same Paradigms from last time too:

Paradigm Vanille Fang Hope
Relentless Assault Ravager Commando Ravager
Attrition Saboteur Sentinel Medic
Premeditation Saboteur Sentinel Synergist
Matador Saboteur Sentinel Ravager
Mystic Tower Ravager Sentinel Ravager
Combat Clinic Medic Sentinel Medic

Mark Fight: Zirnitra
Zirnitra FFXIII
HP: 2,475,000
Magic: 3,600
Strength: 3,600
CP: 20,000
Difficulty: Medium

This battle is just a copy of the one from Titan's Trails, so our strategy remains the same: "Zirnitra hits hard, but is much easier than the Neochu. He can inflict Debuffs, that depending on who they hit should be fixed right away or left alone. Start off in Premeditation to get out Deprotect, Deshell, and Imperil. Hope should get out Haste, and Protect. After that you should heal up with Attrition. Then go on the offense with Mystic Tower. He's weak to Fire btw. Anytime you need to heal use Combat Clinic. Every now and then go to Matador to slow the rate the chain gauge falls and be sure to get rid of Deprotect if it hits Fang. Once he's staggered use Relentless Assault to beat him senseless."

For completing this mission you will recieve a Gale Ring.

Even though thats over keep your deck the same, because the next mark is the exact same battle.

Freedom From Fear[]

This stone if found deep in Mahabara. Teleport there and jump across Atomos to the Twilight Caverns. If you use your map you may be able to see the stone, but if not it can be found by taking the path that isn't a drop off from the path at the fork. The stone is guraded by a Tyrant, which is no trouble at this stage in our adventure. The mark is found in the Pass of Paddra in the Yaschas Maffif. Warp to the city and make your way up to the mark.

Mark Fight: Zirnitra
Zirnitra FFXIII
HP: 2,475,000
Magic: 3,600
Strength: 3,600
CP: 20,000
Difficulty: Medium

The only new thing with this battle is that there are 4 Alraune in the fray. Start in Mystic Tower to Firaga them into Oblivion then: "Zirnitra hits hard, but is much easier than the Neochu. He can inflict Debuffs, that depending on who they hit should be fixed right away or left alone. Start off in Premeditation to get out Deprotect, Deshell, and Imperil. Hope should get out Haste, and Protect. After that you should heal up with Attrition. Then go on the offense with Mystic Tower. He's weak to Fire btw. Anytime you need to heal use Combat Clinic. Every now and then go to Matador to slow the rate the chain gauge falls and be sure to get rid of Deprotect if it hits Fang. Once he's staggered use Relentless Assault to beat him senseless."

For completing this mission you will recieve a Blaze Ring.

Based on my scaning ahead there is at least one more Zirnitra mission left, oh goodie. Anyways back to the steppe we have another mission to do.

The Bigger They Are[]

The stone for this mission is found very close to the enterance to Mahabara. Grab the chocobo and jump down the cliff then activate the stone by all the wolf enemies. The mark is back where we found our first cactuar in the Adamant territory. Before entering this mission there is some set up required. First off change your team to Sazh, Fang and Vanille. Equip Sazh with his Rigles and give him an accessory that gives him Random:Instant Chain. Give Fang all the accessories you have that lessen the chance she gets hit by Pain, and Vanille should have all the accessories you have the lessen the chance she gets hit by Fog. You need only two paradigms for this battle:

Paradigm Sazh Fang Vanille
Aggression Commando Commando Ravager
Solidarity Commando Sentinel Medic

With that set up jump up the cliff for some quick comic relief, then get ready for one of the hardest missions in the game.

Mark Fight: Gigantuar
Gigantuar FFXIII
HP: 1,111,111
Magic: 0
Strength: 10,000
CP: 20,000
Difficulty: Hard

The Gigantuar has only one attack, 10,000 Needles, but it uses that attack so fast that without a Medic and a Sentinel you are toast. Not only that but he cannot be provoked, and his attack hits with Pain and Fog. Your only hope for this battle is that the Random: Instant Chain ability goes off.

Have Sazh Blitz constantly the entire battle. Attack only hits twice, but because of his size Blitz is the superior option.. If Sazh gets hit by Pain, Fang gets hit by Pain, or Vanille gets hit by Fog, use Dispelga, if you can't Dispelga, then Retry. Once the Instant Chain goes off, Aggresstion will finish him in seconds. Use Renew if you need to Heal. Eaisier than the Neochu, but overall really freaking Hard.

For completing this mission you will recieve a Cactuar Doll.

With him gone, take a breather, then get ready for another hard fight. Well I guess my wish cam true, we're finally getting into the harder stuff.

Can't We All Just Get Along[]

This Cie'th Stone can be found in Oerba, on the Deserted School's roof. The fastest way there is to teleport to Oerba and then walk to the school to get to the stone. The mark is found all the way back on the Steppe, so teleport there and hop on a chocobo towards the Pasture where you found your first Ochu and your first large sheep. The second Neochu in the game resides here as well. Oh yeah! And before you go out to fight him, change your paradigms:

Paradigm Vanille Fang Hope
Premeditation Saboteur Sentinel Synergist
Attrition Saboteur Sentinel Medic
Matador Saboteur Sentinel Ravager
Mystic Tower Ravager Sentinel Ravager
Combat Clinic Medic Sentinel Medic
Relentless Assault Reavager Commando Ravager

Now get ready for a brawl.

Mark Fight: Neochu
FFXIII enemy Neochu
HP: 2,625,000
Magic: 1,000
Strength: 7,000
CP: 50,000
Difficulty: Hard

Remember this guy? Yeah he was hard before, but he's even harder now. Not only is he already on the field, but he has 5 little Neochu's helping him out. Use Imperilga to get Imperil out to as many of your enemies as you can, while Hope Hasts the team. Then use Attrition, Mystic Tower, and Matador to slowly start taking out the little Neochus. Combat Clinic will definatly be of help here, and so will using shrouds if you want to use them. If your in a bind Summoning Heacton can help. Once you get rid of all the little things, get Imperil on the Neochu, then start building his chain a little. Then use Death until it hits and gets rid of him.

For completing this mission you will recieve a Growth Egg.

Whew, we're done with those things from now on, thank god for that. First things first make sure to EQUIP the Growth Egg you got. This doubles the CP you get from battles and will really help out with our next task in out adventure, but I'll cover that on the next page, so see you there.

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