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I'm tired, very tired so I, Cymbeline, have decided to give you an IOU. You'll get something called an "Attempt At Being Funny" or an AABF. Until then though, this is the best that I can do.

Titan's Trials Round 1[]

Here we go guys, the trials can be found behind the area that was blocked by the red wall we just lifted. Head through that way to begin the test of your strength. There are a grand total of 17 Mark missions we need to do here, so expect to spend a lot of time here. Head down the linear path, and eventually Titan will challenge you to take on his trials. We accept so, we now have to take on 17 different marks, which will take a minimum of 7 runs to complete. Not to forget that the trials also hold some treasure thats for the taking, so I actually can give some treasure guidance for once (no way in hell am I doing the Steppe's entire treasure list. Your on your own there.) Run up to the newest stone and take on the mark.

Theres nothing fancy in this new area, so just head forward, also if your a 5* person, you're going to want to use a shroud to get a preemptive strike on the mark, because without it there is no other way. Head forward and down the path to the right to find the mark.

Mark Fight: Gurangatch
HP: 242,550
Magic: 2,088
Strength: 783
CP: 2,700
Difficulty: Easy

Preemptive Strike him and its over. You have to use a shroud to get it, so only do this if you really care about the 5* rating. Any other battles can be handled by Relentless Assault alone. No challenge here.

For completing this mission you will recieve a Witch's Bracelet.

The path to the next area we want to go to is behind us and down the path that didn't have the mark. (The mission is: Dark Deliverance)

Head down the linear path, and just before the two Amam, head to the left and jump up here to a treasure sphere with some Gold Dust. On the other side (the jump also before the Amam) there is a treasure sphere with a Starblossom Seed. Now that you have both of those you should take down the mark.

Mark Fight: Amam
FFXIII enemy Amam
HP: 446,250
Magic: 1,680
Strength: 764
CP: 6,500
Difficulty: Medium

Just let them have it with Blizzaga and their HP will fall in no time. The worst thing that could happen is that Fang gets hit with Pain, and Vanille and Hope get hit with Fog. They also really start to spam their healing attack when their HP falls low. This battle is tough if for only their numbers and cheap, constant healing.

For completing this mission you will recieve some Uraninite.

Now head down the path, ignoring the first stone, and heading all the way down to the one at the end. This new area, the Via Lunae, has only 1 treasure sphere, so lets grab that first. Head down the linear path and you'll run into your mark on the way there so here they are:

Mark Fight: Verdelet
HP: 38,880
Magic: 208
Strength: 152
CP: 1,000
Difficulty: Easy

Fang will be your main source of attack during this battle, as the Verdelet are immune to all forms of elemental damage, and absorb wind. You can make Vanille an attack by changing Relentless Assault and making her a Saboteur instead of a Ravager. You chould also make Hope a Synergist of Medic to help out, but this battle will end quickly any way you look at it.

For completing this mission you will recieve a Diamond Bangle.

When thats over, head down the path to your left (remember to Change Relentless Assault back if you did decide to change it) and open the treasure sphere here for a Zealot's Amulet. Now head back and when you reach another fork, take the left path. In this new area, there is one final treasure sphere for you to open on your way though this first round. Head down the linear path and when the path opens up, take on the Ochu. After defeating it, head past it for a treasure sphere with a Warding Talisman. Now head down the other path towards the mark. Before initiating the battle, Use a shroud so that you can get a Preemptive Strike. This is a must if you want to even think about living throught the battle.

Mark Fight: Tonberry
FFXIII Tonberry
HP: 742,500
Magic: 2,700
Strength: 1,543
CP: 7,500
Difficulty: Va ri es

Three?! Three Tonberries vs the three of us? Its fair, but in a sense way unfair. We can't give oursleves over 20,000 Strength! Well if you start the battle with a Preemptive Strike this battle is easier. Again the difficulty is based entirely on how you take on the battle, and how many grudges they can get off. If you get the Preemptive Strike, unleash all the Quakes you can, hopefully a full 5, then smash whatever lives as hard as you can with your hardest hitting attacks. You may want to make Hope party leader so that you can manually choose to cast Aeroga over and over for the greatest effect.

An alternative method, would be to summon Hecton, and build up the Gasault gauge as much as you can, while using only the area effect attacks before unleashing powerful earth damage to the entire enemy team. Also equiping your party leader with as many Clay Rings, Siltstone Rings, Gigan Rings and Earth Charms as you can to boost Earth Damage is also very effective.

For completing this mission you will recieve a Doctor's Code.

When you've finished that fight, activate the stone past them for the first of 7 "Titan's Ultimate Trials" (Name totally made up by me.)

Run forward and save, then set up some paradigms: (Man its been forever, this charts kinda been left to dust I guess.)

Paradigm Vanille Fang Hope
Premeditation Saboteur Sentinel Synergist
Attrition Saboteur Sentinel Medic

Now before heading forward develope your characters. Hopefully everyone can get over 10,000 HP, but I kinda doubt with Hope. However high you can get you HP the better. This fight is brutal, just keep that in mind.

Mark Fight: Neochu
FFXIII enemy Neochu
HP: 2,625,000
Magic: 1,000
Strength: 7,000
CP: 50,000
Difficulty: Hard

You have only one hope for winning this battle: Death. Have Hope Haste the entire team, then just cast Death over and over until it hits. His attacks are brutal and will tear you apart if you try to take him on the man way. Don't just don't. Death, Death, Death, Death, Death...until you win. There is no other way. Oh and get Imperial out too because the more debuffs he has (and its the only one that hits him) the more effective Death is. God I hate this freak.

For completing this mission you will recieve a Hunter's Friend.

That was a doozy, but at least we're 1/7th of the way done with this place. Now lets get to Round 2!

Titan's Trials Round 2[]

Go back and do it again. First off reset your paradigms to what they were before: Relentless Assault, Diversity, Hero's Charge, Combat Clinic, and Espionage. Then its back to our scaly friend. Then back to the two Amam. By the way, fight every enemy here they are all easy and offer some good CP. Again use the furthest away Stone to get to the Via Lunae. Follow the path and at the final intersection take the path to your right this time. Run up to an intersection, and take the left path for nothing more than some CP, which we're going to want seeing as how it makes you stronger, so theres no reason not to get it. The Flowering Cactuar's run away so use Firaga to hit them hard for their weakness. Then go back to the enterance, and follow the path forward. At the next intersection turn right and follow the path until you reach your mark.

Mark Fight: Borgbear Hero
FFXIII enemy Borgbear Hero
HP: 792,000
Magic: 4,253
Strength: 4,050
CP: 5,600
Difficulty: Easy

Firaga is your best friend in this battle. Everybody is weak to it, but given the sheer number of opponents its in your best interest to start in Espionage to get out Deprotect (Deprotectga) and Deshell (Deshellga) while Hope Hastes the team. Then go on the offensive with Relentless Assault, using Diversity to Heal. Much, much eaisier than the Neochu.

For completing this mission you will recieve a Witch's Bracelet.

To face the next of Titan's Elite marks, ignore the first stone you see and run all they way down to the intersection and continue straight. This is the stone we seek. Before continueing onward, develope your characters. As a note, I maxed out Ravager for Hope and Vanille and Commando for Fang. Work on any other roles you want to and work on those to get them up to Lv5. I chose Saboteur, Sentinel and Synergist. Oh and before going into the battle set up your Paradigms:

Paradigm Vanille Fang Hope
Relentless Assault Ravager Commando Ravager
Attrition Saboteur Sentinel Medic
Premeditation Saboteur Sentinel Synergist
Matador Saboteur Sentinel Ravager
Mystic Tower Ravager Sentinel Ravager
Combat Clinic Medic Sentinel Medic

Mark Fight: Zirnitra
Zirnitra FFXIII
HP: 2,475,000
Magic: 3,600
Strength: 3,600
CP: 20,000
Difficulty: Medium

Zirnitra hits hard, but is much easier than the Neochu. He can inflict Debuffs, that depending on who they hit should be fixed right away or left alone. Start off in Premeditation to get out Deprotect, Deshell, and Imperil. Hope should get out Haste, and Protect. After that you should heal up with Attrition. Then go on the offense with Mystic Tower. He's weak to Fire btw. Anytime you need to heal use Combat Clinic. Every now and then go to Matador to slow the rate the chain gauga falls and be sure to get rid of Deprotect if it hits Fang. Once he's staggered use Relentless Assault to beat him senseless.

For completing this mission you will recieve access to Gilgamesh Inc.

That was Round 2! 5 more to go.

Titan's Trials Round 3[]

Alright, its time for round 3! Reset your paradigms to what they were before. Do the first trial again, then head back to the Amam, but this time take the first stone, instead of the second one. In this new area there is nothing new or exciting, but the mark is going to be rather interesting.

Mark Fight: Ochu
FFXIII enemy Ochu
HP: 892,500
Magic: 100
Strength: 2,585
CP: 6,800
Difficulty: Easy

Our good friend Ochu here has a few baby ochu's helping him out. Ignore them for now, seeing as how he'll just call more, and focus on taking out the main mark first. Start in Espionage to get out Deprotect, Deshell, and Imperil, while Hope gets out Haste and Protect. Then just pound the mark with fire magic until it falls. Remember to heal, because those little Ochu's can cause quite a bit of damage. All in all a fairly easy battle.

For completing this mission you will recieve a Siltstone Ring.

To get to where we want to go now, take the path to your left and activate the stone here. Remember to spend a quick trip to the left for some good CP and then head to where the mark is. We did this before, so its no problem at this point. Now take the stone thats right by where the mark was. This is the next of Titan's Elite trials.

Before taking this guy on develope your characters. This next mark is Vetala Supreme, thus you should know what to expect. Set your active paradigm to Espionage before you set out, this is going to be a tough battle.

Mark Fight: Raktavija
Raktavija FFXIII
HP: 2,062,500
Magic: 1,800
Strength: 54
CP: 25,000
Difficulty: Medium

Its starts with its barrier ability that renders Fang's physical attacks useless.Throw whatever debuffs you want at this point, the two Saboteurs only sever to slowly start building a chain, while Hope gets out Haste, and Shell for sure. Hold out for as long as you can then use either Hero's Charge or Combat Clinic to heal your wounds. Mult-casting is a painful volley of various magic attacks. Once you've gotten at least those two buffs use Relentless Assault/Diversity for the Stagger then quickly switch over to Espionage to get out Deprotect, Imperil, and Slow. Once those are up use everything you have to tear through that HP.

For completing this mission you will recieve a Mnar Stone.

We're pretty much half-way done here. Isn't it a great feeling? Anyway's I'll continue the trials on the next page, see you there.

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