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For the second time in this walkthrough I, Cymbeline cannot think of anything good to say. So instead I'm going to link you to somewhere you can actually find some good intros and they can be found right here.

Chapter 12: Eden[]

Our return to Eden is a flashy one, but my only problem with this scene is that its too much Lightning. Well theres nothing I can do about that. When its over you have to fight the Anavatapta Warmech which can eaisily be dispatched with auto-gestalt. After the battle we find out that the Primarch open the gates to the ark and allowed the monsters of Pulse into Eden. I love the panic its a good touch. Then the new Primarch Cid get assassinated by the Calvery. Oh the chaos!

After the scenes change your team to Vanille, Fang and Hope then work on their Crystarium. Vanille should work on her Saboteur role, Fang her Commando, and Hope his Synergist. You want him to learn Haste, you need him to learn Haste. When your ready set up your Paradigms so that they are:

Paradigm Vanille Fang Hope
Relentless Assault Ravager Commando Ravager
Diversity Medic Commando Ravager
Hero's Charge Medic Commando Synergist
Espionage Saboteur Saboteur Synergist
Combat Clinic Medic Sentinel Medic
Evened Odds Medic Saboteur Synergist

With all that set up, save, then continue forward. Take the left path, then at the next intersection go as far left as you can and take this path. Ignore the first intersection, and when you reach the second one go to the right. Open the treasure sphere to your right for the Lionheart. Turn around and continue straight. On the circle take the path that isn't slanted and turn right at the first intersection. Head all the way to the end then turn right here to reach a treasure sphere with 9,240 Gil. Now turn around and follow the path to the waypoint marker.

Once there the team decides to freefall their way down to Eden. But they also have an anti-gravity device of "gizmo". I'm with Vanille here the entire idea just sounds crazy, but theres nothing you can do about that really. After our fancy enterance, there really isn't anything to do in this area but save, then run all the way to the end of the area. This may just be the most boring area in the game, but I'm not really sure. When you reach the end take the door/elevator thing down to the Expressway.

When you get down here you are thrown into a battle with a Behemoth King. This guy used to be scary but he's more alond the lines of medium, just kill him before he can stand up. If he does stand up just keep up the pressure he'll die eventually. Once you've beaten him, the Expressway is pretty much as linear as the Skywalk, but it at least has some treasure. Save, then make your way forward. After defeating the Behemoth King and his three Orobon allies continue forward and you should see a treasure sphere in plain sight. Open if for the Rebel Heart, then continue moving forward. Near the area you get attacked by a Proto-Behemoth (Weak to Ice and Water) there is a treasures sphere with an Otshirvani.

At the Save Station, develope your characters then set your active Paradigm to Hero's Charge. Now get ready for a boss fight.

Boss Fight: The Proudclad
Proudclad 1
HP: 1,530,000
Magic: 0
Strength: 420
CP: 10,000
Difficulty: Easy

Looks like Director Rosch isn't going to let us pass, at least not without a fight. Starting off in Hero's Charge allows Hope to get out Protect, Haste, Bravery and Faith while Vanille keeps the team alive and Fang inflicts some damage. After that go on the offensive with Relentless Assault taking breaks to Diversity to Heal. If you can't beat him before the end of the first Stagger he gets harder but I finished the battle before that happened so I figure you will too.

For winning you will recieve a Particle Accelerator.

After the battle Yang and the Proudclad make their escape and our team chats amongst themselves. When your back in control head down to your left and take the lift down to the Ramuh Interchange. When you get off the lift however you can only walk a short distance before an Adamanchelid decides to attack. Weaken him with Evened Odds (Deprotect, Deshell, Imperil, Slow, Curse), tear him up for his Ice weakness. Not too hard as long as you renember to heal.

Save, then continue forward like normal. As you make your way down the road you will see a treasure sphere by a blue car that has the Punisher for Fang. When you face the Humbaba down the road, use Hero's Charge to buff up and make the battle a little eaisier by casting Fire spells. After he's gone continue forwad and jump down to a new part of the Ramuh Interchange. In the three way battles in this area, try to get a preemptive strike and wipe out the stronger enemies first (almost always the enemies that arn't soldiers). When you reach the area with the Adamanchelids you can kill them if you want, but in the little area off the main road to your right there is a treasure sphere with 15,000 Gil. Now go over to the green platform and open the treasure sphere here for Perfect Conductorx5. Head down the stairs and continue forward saveing when you get the chance.

From here head up the stairs and take the path to the right when you reach the intersection. Then when you reach the first area that turns off from the path you're following take it to a treasure sphere with Blaze Ringx2. Continue around and take the path in front of the Tyrant. Head under the bridge and follow the path around. As you're following the path you will reach a treasure sphere with a Librascope. Continue following the path, ignoring the path to your left for now and you'll reach a treasure sphere with Particle Acceleratorx6. Now go back to that path we ignored and follow it to an intersection. Here you'll want to take the right path. Follow this path, then head up the stairs to your right, all the way around the half-circle to a treasure sphere with a Champion's Badge. Now go back to the intersection where you fought the Tyrant and Harvester enemies and head straight to the door.

Here you will get a scene showing Snow's friends, who at this point I had forgotten even existed. Whatever makes them happy I suppose. This scene isn't exciting at all and is basically a waste of time. In this new area run forward and past the Save Station for a treasure sphere with the Antares Deluxes for Sazh. Save, then continue forward. This area, Leviathan Plaza has some of the hardes encounters we've fought to date, so don't be cheap with your healing, buffing, debuffing and Preemptive Strikes. The only enemy that you cannot kill just yet is the Adamantoise. As you approach Edenhall, you will get a scene explaining that Cocoon is falling apart or something to that effect, Barthy shows his face too.

After that save, then head into Edenhall. Here you will see two treasure chests, and unless you defeated the Adamantoise (I didn't) you will only be able to pick one. Take the one to your left for the Particle Acceleratorx6 over the rights Plush Chocobo. (For the 35,000 Gil you can sell it for you can only buy 3 P.A's.) After that the Adamantoise will walk on the glass and fall through taking the treasure spheres with it. Now head to the left wall and follow it to a treasure sphere with Hellish Talonx12, then head directly across from this one to another treasure sphere with Hellish Talonx17. (They're both in little indents). After you have those continue forward.

When you reach the main part of Edenhall, save, then open the treasure sphere on your way forward for the Mistilteinn for Vanille. When you enter the main area of Edenhall you'll get a scene where explaining what Edenhall is and all that jazz. Go forward to fight the Juggernaut, there is nothing behind you so fighting the Tyrant is a waste of time. Continue forward like normal and I would skip the fight with the three Female PSICOM soldiers. Those Manadrive using whores are incrediably fast and lethal. Eventually you will get a scene showing the soldiers get turned to Cie'th just like that. Well actually the Sacrifice Cie'th are useful for their ammounts of Perfume they drop.

Head past the Save Station and open the treasure sphere there for a Power Glove. No brownie points for guessing who that goes to. Now save and make your way down and towards the Heart of Cocoon. Its worth pointing out that the Sacrifices can cast Death, and there is a chance that it will work so keep that in mind when fighting them. When you reach the final treasure sphere with an Ethersol, go back to the Save Station and develop your characters and weapons. Hopefully you can master your characters Saboteur, Commando and Synergist roles then work on their Ravager, and Medic roles (I wasn't able to max Fang's Commando role so if you do just pick one or wait until II tell you what one to work on it doesn't really matter.)

Now its time to get our Rank 2 weapons up to Lv*. They're halfway there, but they still have a lot of EXP to go. Hopefully you have some Perfumes, Gold Dust or other itmes of the like to sell for Gil becuase your going to spend quite a bit of it. For me Vanille's Brightwing Staff took 72 Sturdy Bones (used in two sets of 36) and 132 Perfect Conductors (Used in two sets one of 99 and another of 33). BTW if you need money equip the Collector's Catalog and farm Sacrifices for Perfume to sell. (Other good Components include Gloomstalks, Sunpetals, Moonblossom Seeds, Starblossem Seeds, Succulent Fruit, Malodorous Fruit, Gold Needles, Credit Chips, Incentive Chips, Cactuar Dolls, and Moogle Puppets) Hopes weapon takes 72 Sturdy Bones (Again used in two groups of 36) and 132 Perfect Conductors (Used in a group of 99 and a group of 33). All that leaves is Fang's weapon which at this point will either require Perfume Farming, or the use of Particle Accelerators.

I went with the Particle Accelerators because I was feeling lazy but you can farm if you really want to. Anyways Fang's weapon took 72 Sturdy Bones (You know how this works), 66 Perfect Conductors, and 10 Particle Accelerators. Once you have that you are good to go. Head up to where the Proudclad is and be sure that whoever you gave the Collector's Cataloge (If you went the farming route) with either the Warrior's Wristband of Sorceror's Mark Accessory. Then get ready for another Boss Fight. Also set Hero's Charge as your active Paradigm.

Boss Fight: The Proudclad
Proudclad 2
HP: 3,570,000
Magic: 0
Strength: 477
CP: 100,000
Difficulty: Medium

Even with the 2 million HP boost this machine is hardly any harder than his previous version. The only reason he is "Medium" is because he can heal himself. Again buff up with Haste, Bravery, Faith, and Protect, then have at him. The "trick" to this battle is that the Proudclad can change from "Annihilation Mode" (Walking) to "Aerial Defense Mode" (Flying). Each time he does this the Chain Gauge resets which blows, but even with that the Proudclad isn't really hard. Remember to heal and you'll pull through just fine. In this battle you'll also probably see the "Limiters Deactivated" ability that gives him Bravery, Haste, and Veil with Deprotect and Deshell. (Which actuallly makes the battle eaisier.)

For blasting this machine for a second time you will recieve a Royal Armlet and Access to the Eden Pharmaceuticals store.

After the battle we talk to Yaag (Who I've been calling Yang for a while) and thats about all that happens. Yaag tells his troops to evacuate the population but only if they want to. Then we head towards Eden while Yaag blows himself up to stop us from killing two Behemoth Kings. Our team hears the explosing but all decide to move forward because Yaag was just a minor character. And with that Chapter 12 comes to its close and all you much do is activate the door in front of you to get to Orphan's Cradle and the final stop on our journey to Orphan.

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