Final Fantasy Wiki

Why are we even climbing this tower? We could have done a "Gran Pulse Miracle" and hitched a ride on one of those flying enemies and flown all the way to Oerba. Thats what I, Cymbeline, whould have done. That would have saved us hours of walking.

Taejin's Tower Continued[]

As you climb the stairs to the third tier, open the treasure sphere here for the Simurgh (What the Hell?) then continue up. Head over to the next room and examine the statue to open the way forward. I guess you can just twist and turn the tower as much as you like to make a way forward huh. When you head out turn to the right and open the treasure sphere here for Metal Armbandx2. Now head around and ride the elevator up to the Fourth Tier. Head out the area towards the Save Station and save, then head around to the end to the end of the circle and open the treasure sphere for Glass Orbx2. Now head through the door to your right and ride the elevator up to the Fifth Tier. Once here, head out the exit to the left and open the treasure sphere here for Ancient Bonex9. Once you have that head over to the opposite side of the room and activate the statue to take on Mark Mission 24. The mark: Mushussu is located to the left of your team.

Mark Fight: Mushussu
HP: 121,275
Magic: 163
Strength: 475
CP: 2,500
Difficulty: Easy

Mushussu has some help from the bird enemies of Gran Pulse, so get rid of them before tacking the big M. Once they're gone, hit Mr. M with wind magic, as he absorbs all other forms of magic. Like almost every enemy he'll super fast when he's staggered and all he seems to do is a moderate physical attack and the typical "Spin Attack" for status effects.

For completing this mission you will recieve Moonblossom Seedx6.

With that taken care of, ride the elevator down to the Fourth Tier, then head all the way across to the other side, passing through the elevator, and all the way to the end of the half-circle for a treasure sphere with a Gale Ring. Turn around and go into the room to your left and head all the way to the left wall and open the treasure sphere here for Rainbow Ankletx2. Then take the elevator up to the Sixth Tier.

On the Sixth Tier, run down and accept his mission, then head out and into the next room to your left. Activate the statue and the towers will rotate. Head out of the room and enter the room two doors down. Defeat the Vampire and open the treasure sphere in front of you for Tear of Woex4, then open the treasure sphere by the stairs going down for the Unsetting Sun. Save as you go down the stairs and challenge the Mark.

Mark Fight: Vetala
HP: 480,249
Magic: 365
Strength: 313
CP: 3,000
Difficulty: Hard

Vetala starts the battle with "Intertial Barrier" and thus protects himself completly from Physical Damage and cuts down the damage Magic attacks do. The only way to remove the Barrier is to stagger the beast while resisting his second level magic, and his Multi-casting of any level magic. He can't be launched, so keep that in mind when you stagger him. Its going to take at least three staggers to beat him down.

For completing this mission you will recieve some Cobaitite.

After he's taken down, open the treasure sphere in front of you for a Librascope. Then head forward into the next room, and accept the next mission. If you want you can also take out the Tyrant enemy (Weak to Lightning). Head back to the Fifth Tier and challenge the next mark: Penanggalan. (She's in the room furthest away from the stairs)

Mark Fight: Penanggalan
HP: 252,252
Magic: 385
Strength: 339
CP: 3,100
Difficulty: Easy

Penny has some help for some weak enemies that can eaisily be dispatched with a Firaga-Fira Combo. As for Penny herself her HP is low so she'll fall relativly quickly. She does have some nasty attacks though so be sure to heal when needed.

For completing this mission you will recieve a Diamond Bangle.

With Penny gone we are done with all the mandatory Mark Battles. But the way didn't open. Huh, well I guess the best thing to do would be to go the the Fifth Tier and look for another statue. Go back to the stairs, then down to the Fifth Tier and out to the hallway. Here you'll get a scene with the Fal'Cie again. This guys really getting on my lets finish this! Go to the end of the hallway and activate the final statue to open the way to the Cloven Spire. When thats done, follow Fang into an area with an elevator and ride it down to the Fourth Tier. Now run to the main elevator on the Fourth Tier and ride it up to the Sixth Tier. Once here head out the right side of the elevator and enter the door guarded by the Vampire. Enter the room and take out the enemies. Then open the two treasures spheres in this room for Tear of Remorsex8 and a Clay Ring. Now just make your way to the elevator in the next room. I advise against fighting the three Vampire's here to avoid a headache.

Once on the Cloven Spire its time to develope for a Boss Fight. Max out your character Ravger and Sentinel roles, then working on the last role they have left. Now would be an okay time to upgrade either Hope's or Vanille's Weapon, but you don't have to, at least not yet. Your also going to want to edit your paradigms:

Paradigm Vanille Fang Hope
Relentless Assault Ravager Commando Ravager
Diversity Medic Commando Ravager
Espionage Saboteur Saboteur Synergist
Combat Clinic Medic Sentinel Medic
Hero's Charge Medic Commando Synergist
Bully Saboteur Commando Synergist

Before you face off with the Fal'Cie be sure to set Bully as your active Paradigm. Your Accessories should be fine at this point.

Boss Fight: Dahaka
HP: 2,314,800
Magic: 761
Strength: 743
CP: 33,000
Difficulty: Easy

Dahaka has been giving us grief our entire climb up his tower and is now ready to make his final stand against us right here right now. The very first thing that you want to do is hit him with Imperil as the battle starts. Its the only status effect that will work when he isn't staggered. Once he has that switch over to Hero's Charge so that Hope can finish giving out both Protect and Shell to your team. Now the assault to stagger him can begin. Dahaka has some nasty attacks: "Fulminous Firestorm", "Bone-chilling Breaker", and his worst attack "Diluvial Plague". Firestorm and Breaker are both powerful attacks (Combat Clinic makes surviving them much eaisier) but they also give him different elemental strengths when he uses them. When he uses Firestorm he absorbs Fire and Lightning damage, and when he uses Breaker he absorbs Ice and Water Damage.

Basically keep up the pressure on him and when he's staggered switch to Espionage and hit him with both Imperil and Deprotect while Fang gets him with Slow. Hopefully during this time Hope gives Bravery to Fang as she can really tear up Dahaka's HP while he's staggered. Really this fight isn't all to hard, use Firaga when he uses Bone-chilling Breaker and Blizzaga when he uses Fulminous Firestorm. Dispelga will get rid of all those debuffs for Diluvial Plague (but it also gets rid of everyone's buffs and debuffs including Dahaka's). Dahaka's HP may be high, but its nothing you can't handle at this point.

For crushing yet another Fal'Cie you will recieve a Tetradic Tiara.

After the battle Dahaka vanishes, never to be seen again. and an elevater leading to Oerba appears. And it turns out we freed the statues for the "horror" that was Dahaka. We also get to see whats happened to Oerba. Turns out the flowers as far as the eyes can see isn't there anymore, its all crystal now.

From where you start, head to the left, ignoring the path leading to the elevator to Oerba and open the treasure sphere for an Ethersol. Continue around sticking to the wall and open the treasure sphere you run into for Frostbane Broochx2. Continue along the wall and activate the statue you see to call an elevater, that will take you down the the Seventh Tier. On this tier go around to the right of the lift (I'm trying something new) and activate this final statue. This will connect the central lift to all tiers of the tower. Head out of the room and follow to path to the central lift opening the treasure sphere with a Collector Catalog. Now head up to the Spire and take that other lift down to Oerba and our final stop on our trip through Gran Pulse.

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