Well what have we gotten done so far? If you have been following in my footsteps then you should be right at the enterance to the Archylte Steppe. I, Cymbeline, do not like this area for the simple reason of trying to walkthrough it. Still I don't back away from any challenge, and neither should you.
The Archylte Steppe[]
This page is going to be a two hour treasure hunt. There are no bosses, no Eidolons, no nothing. I may just throw in some charts just for the heck of it, because a page of just text is never, ever interesting. The Steppe has some of the hardest enemies in the game, including the Adamant family. You know what I'm talking about, the giant turtles that roam the Steppe. Never engage in combat with these things, never ever. The Behemoth King is possable, but only if you get a Preemptive Strike and can inflict enough damage to kill it before it stands up. The Cactuar's should be avoided too for the simple reason that their 777,777 HP is rediclously high for this stage in our adventure. Remember to use the R1/RB to check enemy weaknesses and blast them for it.
Starting from the Vallis Media enterance of the Steppe, we are going to want to follow the linear path until we reach the open area and save when we can. Develope your characters for the long journey, then hit the road. First run right next to the Cie'th Stone and straight forward. Jump on the little ledge here and open the treasure sphere for the Rod of Thorns. Now run aligned with the treasure sphere until you hit the outermost wall of the area. Turn to the right and follow the wall around into a foggy area. At the very back of the area you will find a treasure sphere with a Lightning Charm. Turn around and follow the wall to your right around and you'll eventually get to an area with a treasure sphere containing a Wind Charm. Continue following the wall, and on your way around you'll see one of the two Adamantoise's. Don't challenge him, just ignore him and continue following the wall (seeing as most of the treasure is around the outer walls). Anyway you'll eventually get to a treasure sphere with an Earth Charm. After this we should make a change to our Paradigms:
Paradigm | Vanille | Fang | Hope |
Relentless Assault | Ravager | Commando | Ravager |
Diversity | Medic | Commando | Ravager |
Combat Clinic | Medic | Sentinel | Medic |
Espionage | Saboteur | Saboteur | Synergist |
Why the change to Diversity you may ask? Because Hope keeps messing up as a healer for me so I'm taking things into my own hands. If he's working fine for you, then leave your Paradigms alone. Anyways continue following the wall around and you'll soon be in Adamant territory, thus you should avoid all battles here. Head into the area and when see an Adamant with his tail to a cliff climb up here avoiding the tail. Right in front of where you come up there is a little ledge you can jump up. Open the treasure sphere here for a Cactuar Doll. Turn to your right and head all the way to the end and open the treasure sphere for Clay Ring. But first you get a scene introducing the Cactuars. get down from the cliff and head out the side to your left, saving as you leave.
Follow the wall like usual but when it starts to go up to a higher ledge thing just run past this and follow the wall when it returns. Eventually you will see a Behemoth King, that you should ignore, but along the wall you should be following you will see a treasure sphere that has Monsterous Fangx11. Run across from here to the Save Station and remember this area. This is our exit to Mah'habara. Now follow this wall/ledge thing heading in the opposite direction of the Behemoth King and Megistotherian fighting. Don't go down the hill to your right, but pass over it and follow this section of wall/ledge. Eventually you will reach a treasure sphere with some Millerite. Continue along this way and head down the slope into the area with ruins. There are three treasure spheres here all guarded by enemies and they contain Smooth Hidex8, an Ice Charm, and a Fire Charm. After you have all three leave the area and continue the way we were going away from Mah'habra. Continue along and open the treasure sphere you'll see for Librascopex5. After you have that continue along this way and when the path opens up turn left heading up to where all the birds are flying. You should see a treasure sphere around here and opening it grants you Severed Wingx5. Now head back to the wall and continue following it. Avoid the path going down to your right, buy you should see a treasure sphere bobbing in the distance. Open it for a Zephyr Ring, then make your way back to Mah'habara. Its not hard just run towards where Cocoon is in the sky. Along the way you'll run into a large lake and see a treasure sphere on the other side. Head around and open that sphere for 2,615 Gil, then continue on your way to Mah'habara.
At the final Save Station before heading down towards the Behemoth fighting the Megistotherian develope your team. Every member should be close to maxing out the role with the ATB Crystal (Medic, Commando, and Synergist). Run down and when you enter the battle kill the Behemoth King first as he is far more dangerous. This battle rewards 6,600 CP and makes for an excelent grinding spot. I say that you should use this battle to max out Vanille's Medic role, Fang's Commando role, and Hope's Synergist role. To make the enemies respawn run up the hill and a little past the Save Station. When your ready head past the fighting enemies and make your way to Mah'habara.