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Unquantulatable Quest - Day 1:
Space Monkies, its time for a change. I, BlueHighwind, am going on a trip. A very long trip, if you get my meaning. I'm tired of being held down by this terrestrial coil; stuck on this rather dull rock filled with rather dull people. So, I have built me a space rocket with goes a million times the speed light using a Q? Drive. In, fact, I've been gone for about an hour now, you're only just getting my light and audio ghost now. What will I find in the deepest depths of space? New life? The Meaning of Life? Freaky alien sex? Perhaps even God himself. I cannot know yet, but I'll be sure to keep you Space Monkies up to date on the intros for this Walkthrough.

Sidequests (Continued)[]

That's one Hunt down, but we still have dozens left to do. Not right now, of course. But we will be continuing on this sidequest for the entire game, and beyond. At the end of this journey is the ultimate Superboss, which we cannot avoid fighting. It also gives us an excuse to go out and fight monsters, so we can level grind with a purpose, instead of just mindlessly running around fighting the same idiots over and over again.

Next Mark is Flowering Cactoid. Go over to the Hunt Board and select it. The Petitioner is sitting in the middle of the Dalmasca Estersand, North of the first area from Rabanastre. His tiny area is actually something of a safe zone, you must have passed through it after the Barheim Passage. The Petitioner is sitting on a box talking to a pig lizard. Most of the Cactoids in this desert are Friendly and avoid combat, they actually seem to like to sleep more than anything else. But the one with a flower is out for blood. The Mark is in the Yardang Labyrinth, North of your current position. You might have trouble spotting the little guy with your eyes, but your Minimap will point him out for you:

Mark Battle: Flowering Cactoid
XII flowering cactoid render
HP: 755
Steal: Cactus Fruit, Earth Stone, Potion
Difficulty: Easy


This fight will be more difficult than the one with that weird-looking wolf, but still pretty easy. The Cactoid starts out with the Protect status, so your attacks will be weaker than usual. When its HP is low, the Cactoid will run away and charge up "1000 Needles" an attack that deals 1000 HP of damage regardless of defense, levels, or stats. To avoid this, when the Cactoid's HP is around half finished, just use a Quickening to end it.

You get a Cactus Flower upon winning (Don't sell it!). Go back to the Petitioner to get your reward: 500 Gil and ten Potions!

Let's do just one more Hunt before moving on: Wraith. The Petitioner is in the North section of Lowtown. She'll be kneeling in front of a door, talking about a little boy who shut himself up inside of a house because he's a afraid of a ghost. Accept the task to kill that ghoul. The Mark is in Vaan's rat killing grounds, where we fought the Firemane. It will spawn up as soon as you enter the center part of the room:

Mark Battle: Wraith
XII wraith render
HP: 5146
Steal: Glass Jewel, Dark Magicite, Hi-Potion
Difficulty: Medium


At the start of the fight, the Wraith will begin using "Doom" over and over again upon your party members. If it misses, he'll just try again. And he'll do this infinitely until every party is Doomed. So actually, the start of this fight depends a lot upon luck, because if it misses say three times on a single person, that's like an entire minute of combat where you have free time to just attack away. The Wraith is weak to "Thunder" so you might want to have one party member spam that spell.

After its done with the "Doom" volley, it will start using other attacks like "Blind" and regular physicals. There's really nothing you can do to stop Doom at this point, only to wait for Death or switch out characters affected with it. At low HP, around 1000 it will start throwing around "Blizzard" and "Dark". Its regular physicals might inflict Poison. Before that point, use a Quickening to finish this off. That's really the best niche for those moves: finishers. You don't want to become an addict and lose all ability to fight without them.

Go back to the Petitioner who is in the same spot. That little boy will come out, only to be revealed to be a little pig lizard. Damn, I didn't want to help out one of those creatures! Whatever, we get treasure: 500 Gil, an Ether, and Gauntlets. You can now go inside that house and read a letter that gives a hint for much later in the game. Don't bother remember it, I'll be your brain for you.

And with that, we can finally return to our main storyline.

Ogir-Yensa Sandsea[]

The entrance to the Sandsea is right at that safe zone where the Strahl dropped us off. We can't actually go back to the Strahl to fly around Ivalice because of some silly thing about Imperial patrols. What patrols? Just an excuse to keep us out of the sky until the we're 90% done with the main game. When we do enter the Sandsea, a movie will play where we get to see the flowing sand sietch. Wow, it really does look like the ocean! Cool! Our party members will then give us directions about where we're going.

These Sandsea locations are fuckin' huge and quite complicated. Its not an open desert but rather a series of circular platforms running over the Sandsea. Also, in the first Sandsea, there are three routes you can take West to get across, and two exits to the next area, another Sandsea. The place is also crawling with enemies, many quite stronger than what you've seen already. This is definitely a good time to start moving down on the License Board in the status-upgrading section. Towards the bottom are two Licenses pretty close to each other: Martyr and Inquisitor. These will set it that every attack that hits you or that you deal with restore MP a bit. Until you reach that, get used to running around in a circle to restore MP. By the way, there are also Traps hidden all over the place. If you haven't started using "Libra" yet, you're going to get fucked right up the ass.

Go up onto the platforms then follow the fairly linear path to get out of here. When we reach the next area, Basch helpfully tells us why these platforms were built. Turns out we're walking on a bunch of abandoned oil rigs built by Archadia's rival Empire to the East, Rozarria. Despite how interested you may or may not be in that land, forget about it. You never get to travel there, at all. I guess Balthier never bought a Rozarrian Parking Pass. At this point Vossler will pop out of nowhere, having tracked us down I suppose while we were wasting time doing sidequests. He will rejoin the party as a Guest, no different than how we acted back on the Leviathan.

Meanwhile, Fran spots out something far out in the Sandsea. Urutan-Yensa, a clan of Sand People. Actually I can't really be sure if I should make a Star Wars reference here or a Dune one. They do seem like Fremen as well. From now on, they will appear everywhere as a constant annoyance. They like to use this move called "Tri-Attack" (a favorite of Dodrio from Pokemon) which deals a bit of damage and can inflict "Slow". Eventually you'll kill so many of them that this passage through the Sandsea will can only be remembered as the "Urutan-Yensa Holocaust". They die by the hundreds! Oh the humanity! Makes for great Chaining though.

First off, go down to the desert area. The way we want to go is North, but first explore the Western tanks. Up here you'll find the Map of the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea on a broken pathway to the South. Then go North up another tank and West. In here, the path will split three-ways. You can either go South, North, or straight West. For our purposes, straight West is the easiest option, though going South is probably faster. Eventually you'll want to take that Southern route because there's an orange Save Crystal which will allow teleportation to this area. You'll never have to take the North route for any reason. Go through the next area, the Control Junction, and just keep on the platforms as you go West. There's no reason to go North and explore the optional dungeon yet. In the Refinery, go West to return down to the desert. Go out through the West exit to leave this area.

Nam-Yensa Sandsea[]

Yeah, after all that we're only half way through the Sandsea. And that first area was the shorter one. When you enter this safezone, assuming you took the correct path, you'll see an Urutan run away from a Moogle. You can't kill that guy, unfortunately, I tried. The Moogle will mention something fascinating if you agree to be interested. Seems that something other than us has been slaughtering the Urutan-Yensa, and they seem to fear it more than us. So we have to go out and kill it in a sidequest, whatever it is. Don't worry, its on the way.

Go two areas ahead to see two Sand People running away. You'll then see half a dozen of the Urutans fighting a giant turtle named Urutan Eater. Though technically not a boss, it acts like one and gets a big red dot on the map. This enemy has 8015 HP. You could sit back and wait until it kills off all the Urutans, there's nothing to be gained to keep them alive. In fact, as soon as the Urutan Eater has been felled, they will start to attack you, the back-stabbing bastards! However, unless you're feeling evil, its better to fight in a larger group, so just run in. Program your Gambits so that your characters only attack the Party Leader's Target, you don't want to have your men run around and attack your allies. Vossler cannot be so instructed, but you might as well let him have his fun. This battle is not difficult, the enemy has very high HP but nothing else. Cast "Blind" on it to block its main method of attack. It also has some very weak element spells, nothing to worry about.

We have to go back to the Moogle to get our prize for killing that thing. But first, take the East route out of here. Go South over the bridge to find the Map of this area. Return to the first Sandsea through the East exit here to find that orange Save Crystal I noted earlier and a Merchant in the first Sandsea. Now go back to the Moogle. That Urutan who asked the Moogle for help has gone back to Ogir-Yensa to collect our reward. Start to go up on the rigs to see that Sand Person run back to the other location, ignoring the Moogle. In or out, dude! Okay, so our reward wasn't here, maybe it will be in Nam-Yensa. In the safe zone, a meeting of Urutans will begin. The Urutan-Yensa Queen, a real looker too, will appear. Turns out these Urutan-Yensa are neither Fremen or Sand People, but a completely different race of alien altogether. She will execute that guy with her alien magic for getting the help of outsiders, much to the Moogle's horror. You know, after all this incredibly cruelty, I don't feel bad about slaughtering these creatures. Let the pogrom continue! Talk to the Moogle to see a flower bloom out of the dead Urutan's ashes. If you pick it, you'll get some Eksir Berries, which will come in handy later.

We now just want to get out of here by the West exit, any route will do. There is nothing in particular left to do in these deserts at this point. I'm sick of desert anyway. There is no Save Point in the West exit, just a warning. There is a merchant there, a guy name Dyce. My main man Dycedarg from FFT? No, just some loser. The spell you really want at this point, more than anything else is "Cura". You'll also want "Dark" because the next enemy is weak against that element. You'll want your characters to know that spell, so buy its License for everybody. If you can't afford it, slay some more Urutans. They deserve no mercy.

Tomb of Raithwall[]

Upon entering this area, put up "Protect". Don't bother with "Shell", the boss does not know any magic:

Boss Battle: Garuda
HP: 6754
Steal: Gold Needle, Giant Feather, White Fang
Difficulty: Medium


This is the very first enemy you've probably seen that is Flying. You've seen quite a few enemies that Float, that means nothing. Flying enemies are completely immune to regular physical attacks because they will always dodge. However, long-range weapons will hit, and so will magic. Vossler knows the lone way to use swords against bird, and that is the "Telekensis" Technick, which increases your range in exchange for damage. This monster will do nothing but constantly slap you, occasionally even causing Sleep. To weaken its physical strength and even to deal some damage, use those Eskir Berries you got for killing the Urutan Eater. After that, its time to start spamming "Dark" as much as humanly possible to finish this battle as fast as humanly possible. If things are looking desperate, use a Quickening, but that's always a gamble.

After the monster fades out of existence (was it a ghost?) you'll get a Victory Dance. We now get a history lesson. Once upon a time there was King Raithwall, the man chosen by the Gods to rule Ivalice as the "Dynast-King". However, he was something of a softie, and ruled with compassion. Naturally his kingdom was merely an alliance, and lasted for about five minutes after his death before shattering as two city-states, Archadia and Rozarria took up on their path towards Empire. He left three relics, one for the Nabudis Dynasty, one for the Dalmasca Dynasty, and one left in this dungeon because the game couldn't fit another kingdom. Oh, and there's also some other treasure buried deep inside.

Use the orange Save Point to open another teleportation gate. There is now a Merchant hanging around the steps, selling the same stuff as the last one. But he isn't Dyce, no matter what happens nothing will change that. I miss Dyce, we had a nice thing with that guy. Following that, touch the "Ancient Device" next to the Save Point so that we can enter the Temple proper. Sounds like a good place to stop for today.

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