Final Fantasy Wiki

Deling City Part 2[]

Head up a screen, then across the street to the left. In this screen head across the street and give the guard the code you found in the Tomb. Note that he asks for the ones place first, then the tens, then the hundreds, so if your code was 152 like mine, enter 2, then 5, then 1. Save then head inside. You and your group will be waiting for the General, so talk to Rinoa. She appears to know the General somehow and goes to complain. Then she comes back and says it's her house, so not to worry. Is that really supposed to make us not worry. So wait...Rinoa's dad is a general in the government she's trying to I wonder how they got to that point? You can pick either option but she says that under no circumstances are you to leave her here alone. Alright, should be easy right? The General comes in and doesn't really answer your questions but says it's not your business and Squall and the General have a tense moment where Squall has to threaten him. Irvine gets us back to the business at hand. He'll take you for a walk around the city, explaining the plan.

There's a parade going to happen tonight in the Sorceress' honor at the palace. We'll split into two teams. The gateway team (Quistis, Zell and Selphie) will stand by the gateway to drop it. The sniper team (Squall and Irvine) will be by the Presidential Residence until the ceremony is over. When the ceremony is over the parade will begin and the gates to the palace open. You'll head inside and find a high position to snipe the Sorceress from. There's a hatch in the corridor that will lead to the clocktower with a carousel in it. At exactly 20:00 (8 pm) it will go up and give you a clear shot. The parade vehicle with the Sorceress will circle the city once, then head through the main gate. There the Gateway team will drop the gate, trapping the Sorceress so Irvine will have a clear shot. You have free time until the operation but since we've done everything there's no reason to do anything but head back to the General's house and save before going in.

When you get back, you'll be put into teams which are predetermined. Squall and Irvine will be the sniper team, so if Irvine misses, Squall can lead the head on attack. The other three will be the gateway team. We'll try to not stand out or get caught but if it requires, the goal is to get rid of the Sorceress. Squall puts Quistis in charge of the gateway team to Zell's dismay but I think he shows good judgement by doing that.

Now you'll be in charge and controlling Quistis. Try to head out the door and bump into Rinoa. She apparently has been trapped here and finally escaped. She has formulated a plan in our absence and stolen a Odine Bangle from the house, which will supposedly suppress the Sorceress' powers. Zell confirms that Odine's brand are #1 in magical goods (we'll see more about that later, but then Quistis blows up at her, demanding answers and saying we don't have time for Rinoa's plan and we need to get going. Rinoa's obviously upset and says that she had a plan.

Now your back in charge of Squall, so head down across the street and the small bridge. The draw point has Thundara if you need it, then keep going. Follow the general and talk to him to get things moving. The gateway team will head inside, then follow the general down the left side into another screen. The sniper team will wait here. It's revealed that the Sorceress intends to use Galbadia Garden as her base, which will be important later. The general returns to his residence and we're given control of Quistis again, saying that she feels bad about yelling at Rinoa and needs to go apologize. I think that's pretty dumb in the middle of a professional operation...but who am I to question her. Anyway, you're to take Quistis back to the General's House, so head there. Zell and Selphie follow (again, kinda dumb). When you get there, remember to switch Squall's junctions to Quistis and Selphie's to Rinoa (so Quistis, Zell, and Rinoa all have junctions) and save.

A scene will show Rinoa and her father talking...she dismisses what he says and he sets a device to lock her in. She has the bangle and decides to go do her plan on her own. She leaves, then our gateway team arrives...and gets locked in. Isn't that just great? So, now you'll be controlling Rinoa, so save, then head down into the sewer on the right side quickly. You shouldn't get attacked but just in case you might want to move someone's junctions (I will be moving Selphie's) to her just in case. Head down the ladder and to the left a couple screens to grab the Weapons Monthly magazine down here. Then head back and out of the sewer, save, then climb up the crates to the roof.

It takes Rinoa a while since she doesn't have the physical training of our other characters, but gets there eventually. Head around the roof and up the side ladder, then up and Rinoa goes to try to go through with her plan...but the Sorceress zaps her and knocks her unconscious. Then we get a cool cinema of the Sorceress. She walks through the door and Rinoa follows along like a little she's not unconscious, just mind controlled. ...great. She gives an awesome speech letting everyone know she now plans to rule their country, then unfreezes a couple statues to kill Rinoa as a sacrifice.

We switch back to our gateway team. Talk to Zell and Selphie to hear their funny comments, then grab a glass from the left side and head up and put the glass in the statues's hand to get into the secret passages into the sewers. Switch the junctions back to Selphie and save, then head down into the sewers. Head down the ladder and deep into the sewers. You can steal Coral Fragments from the Creeps to teach Quistis Electrocute and they will drop Curse Spikes to teach her Lvl? Death but you should already have both of these from your card playing. Head to the left, and grab the waterwheel, then open the gate and head up.

The parade will start above with a cool scene and we'll be back to Squall and Irvine. Hey, look who's up there...did you see him? Move along to your right and more scenes will play. See him now? Seifer isn't dead afterall! He's the Sorceress bodyguard and general. Anyway, sneak through the gate, save, and make sure Squall has his junctions and give Irvine Zell's. If you want you can unjunction your third character to get maximum AP on your GF's then re-junction the third character later, but that's up to you. Take them up the same path to the roof, then head to the left, then up, then down the hall to try to save Rinoa. Boss time!

Boss Battle: Iguion
FF8 Iguion
Level Range: 1-19
HP: 127-1747
Draw: Cure, Esuna, Break, Carbuncle
Weakness:Earth and Holy
Resistance:Immune to Fire and Poison
Difficulty: 2/6

Another easy boss fight. If this is your first fight using Irvine (and it is mine) he'll explain his Limit Break. You can mug them for a G-Returner. First off, make sure you draw the Carbuncle GF, which is very important shortly. Also note that they're immune to Ifrit and weak to the Brother's GF as they're weak to earth magic. Also, they will use the break spell to try to petrify your character's and if they get both you lose, so don't let that happen! You can draw Esuna to cure the status if needed. So, draw Carbuncle, then summon Brothers, Shiva or another strong GF to quickly finish them off.

Guardian Force - Carbuncle

Carbuncle Carbuncle is our first status summon that does no damage but has useful abilities and is extremely useful in some battles (like a shortly upcoming boss). He casts reflect on your whole party, which will reflect any magic cast on your party back at the caster. He has the Vit-Bonus ability to make a character super defensive against physical attacks by the end of the game. He also has the St-Atk-J, and St-Def-J abilities to give you a status attack and defend you from status effects, and also the Abilityx3 ability which allows a character to equip 3 GF abilties, which is amazing. Counter is useful later in the game and lets your character counterattack when attacked. I rank the Mag-J last as we'll be putting Carbuncle on someone who already has a GF with this ability. If you don't junction as I do, then you might want to put it higher.

Order I learn abilities in:
  • Vit+20%
  • Vit+40%
  • Vit Bonus
  • HP-J
  • Recov Med-RF
  • GFHP+10%
  • GFHP+20%
  • GFHP+30%
  • Counter
  • Auto-Reflect
  • HP+20%
  • HP+40%
  • ST-Def-J
  • ST-Def-Jx2
  • ST-Atk-J
  • Mag-J

Squall comforts Rinoa as she tells him how scared she was. He makes sure to reassure her that he won't leave her and tells her to stay close to him. This is the first real development in their relationship. Now that we have enough GF's we also have the chance to re-distribute our GF's more appropriately for the end of the game. So, here's what I'll be doing:

This will end up distributing the abilities better across your characters for junctioning coverage. Make sure you go in and junction magic to your characters now that we've done the changes. Good to go? Awesome, let's continue.

Head back a screen and over to the right and into the secret panel. Grab the sniper rifle on the left and Squall will hand it to Irvine, who will silently take it and head around sitting down. Seems quiet doesn't he? Apparently he needs to focus. Squall lets Rinoa know Seifer's alive (good move as she would find out sometime) and wonders if he would have to go through Seifer to get to the Sorceress. We'll find out soon enough. Squall does to check on Irvine...and finds him freaking out. Well, could this operation get any more messed up?

We're back with our other characters, so switch the party's junctions (Squall to Quistis, Rinoa to Selphie and Irvine to Zell), and then head up. Open the gate, then head to the upper left, open that gate and head through. The ladder here will fall over so if you need Esuna magic cross, otherwise don't cross and head to the left, then up through the gate. Then head through the gate and then up and through the gate on the upper right. The draw point on the bottom is Zombie and once you get that, head back and use the waterwheel and head across and use the next waterwheel, then open the gate at the bottom and head down. Use the waterwheel and head down through the gate again. Do the same thing one more time (use the waterwheel and head down through the gate), then down a screen. Open the gate and try to climb the ladder to make it fall down giving you a shortcut back to the entrance. Then head through the gate at the upper right. Head to the right a screen, then use the waterwheel and head up through the gate. The next screen has a save point, so use it then head up the ladder.

When you get off on the middle level, go back up another level. Of course going through the sewers took no time in the game and you're here just at the right moment, so check the switch, then talk to Zell to see the Sorceress' float heading your way. Squall and Irvine are lifted up, then move Quistis and press the switch to trap the Sorceress. Squall gives Irvine a pep talk (good for him!) and he finally lines up and takes the shot. Unfortunately the Sorceress is ready for it (she's had plenty of time right?) and has a magical shield up. Well, that means we have to attack directly. Don't worry about swapping your junctions...the menu will come up swap the junctions to Squall, Irvine, and Rinoa. Squall jumps down in a cool cinema...takes a car and heads straight for the Sorceress. While Squall may have some emotional baggage he certainly can jump into action when needed. Seifer is in his way, calling himself her Kinght and you have to fight him one on time for a Boss fight!

Boss Battle: Seifer
Level Range: 1-20
HP: 176-1150
Draw: Fira, Cura, Life
Difficulty: 1/6

Extremely easy. If you have mug you can steal some elixirs, but other than that just attack him or summon 1 GF to finish him off.

The rest of your team will catch up with you and you'll attack the Sorceress.

Boss Battle: Edea
FF8 Edea Battle
Level Range: 1-20
HP: 1300-7000
Draw: Cura, Dispel, Life, Double
Difficulty: 2/6

This one is a bit harder but with a little strategy shouldn't be too bad. If you don't use the strategy or have Carbuncle it's much harder. Your person with Carbuncle (mine is Rinoa) will be summoning it full time, so the Sorceress is forced to do nothing but dispel your characters as she does nothing but casts magic. Draw dispel with your other characters when you get the chance and between summons. Make sure you mug some elixirs if you've learned the ability and if you need you can cure her with her own magic to keep her alive. Otherwise just keep up carbuncle to protect yourselves from her powerful magical barrage and attack or use your GF's to finish her off.

Once she's gone, she'll use her limit break in a cinema, driving a pillar of ice through Squall...and thus ends disk 1. I'll leave you here with the cliffhanger while you switch disk, so when your ready head over to the next page.

Final Fantasy VIII Walkthrough by Bond em7
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