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Okay, welcome back to the Final Fantasy Mystic Quest walkthrough. Yesterday our mighty heroes got fed up with playing Mystic Quest because it sucks so bad and fought the urge to chuck the system out the window. No, wait a minute, that's what I did yesterday. Um, right, so where were the losers again? Oh yeah, entering the Bone Dungeon. Do you care? Me neither.

In the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's my patience for this game, crashing down to earth![]

The Focus Tower is a large tower in the center of the world, and you’ll return to it many times. See, there are some half a dozen entrances, and as you collect items to unlock doors, new passages open up and you have to enter different entrances to find your way around and enter the new regions of the world. It’s a fairly cool dungeon concept for – say it with me now – a ZELDA game! (update 2012 - Spirit Tracks says hello)

Inside, go up and left into a shortcut. Talk to the old guy and watch him run. Go up the stairs to find four doors. The Earth door is represented by a sword, the Water door by a cane, the Fire door by a flame, and the Wind door by an urn. What sort of twisted, obscure symbolism is at work here? What am I saying, the game’s just stupid, forget it, there’s no reason for these symbols. Open the Earth door and go up. Go down and open the chest for the Fire spell, then up to leave the tower.

On the field, go the Libra Temple. Wait, did I say temple? I meant hole in the dirt, because that’s what it is. Inside is Phoebe, who cares? You join her since the old man mentioned her name. You’d think the chick would question a weird boy coming out of nowhere, knowing her name mysteriously and deciding to follow her. In the real world, that’s called a stalker, but oh well. Considering her village is frozen over by ice, I guess she has more important crap to worry about.

Use Phoebe to wipe out the three nearby Battlefields. The Battlefield closest to the Focus Tower has Mintmints, that’s it, and yields more Exp. You need it. See, since this game has no random encounters, you have to kill every enemy you see so that you can max out your level. Coincidently, the lack of random encounters pisses me off and makes me very eager to kill things. The Battlefield near the Libra Temple has Giant Toads, Mintmints, and 200 GP. The third Battlefield has Giant Toads and Scorpions. Scorpions can easily be killed with a group casting of Fire. Your prize for the third Battlefield is the Magic Ring. It protects against Silence, so it’s not totally useless. Now head to Aquaria, more nonsensical plot devices await.

Ha Ha, People Got Hurt![]

Alright, we’re in Aquaria. Gee, could this be a town of water? Seems that the entire land is frozen and the waterfall and river leading to the town are solid ice that can’t be melted by fire. No shit morons, Video Games 101 – Magical Ice can never be melted by normal means. God, that’s pretty basic stuff for any game. But fortunately the Wakewater can restore the town – too bad the warp panel that leads to the spring in the Libra Cave isn’t working. Enter Phoebe’s house to the left to get your next destination – the Wintry Cave.

Go up the house on the upper-left hill and buy the Steel Helmet for 200 GP. In the Inn you can rest up and buy Bombs. Then leave and head right on the map. On the way to the cave, stop over at the Battlefield. The Edgehogs and the Scorpions are weak to Fire. Roast them and claim your prize, 99 Exp. Then head on the cave.

The Ice Cavern, er, Wintry Cave[]

Inside, the left chest has some Bombs, so you don’t need it, but killing things is always fun, so do that anyway. Then fight your way right. Up the stairs, meeting the new Land Worm on the way – they’re weak to the Axe. Walk left and…whoa, the floor collapses and Benjamin, our not-so-awesome hero, falls on his face! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! Damn, Phoebe survived, well at least one lousy character is dead. Oh well, he’s alive, nevermind. Phoebe gives you the Cat Claw and switches to her Bow of Grace. Claw weapons are weak but inflict a slew of status ailments. From now on, hold A while equipped with a claw to climb walls.

Go right and climb back up to where you fell, continuing left and up to meet the new Centaur enemy. Bomb the wall and head through to an area where you can see the floor below. See that gold thing down there? That’s the boss. Up here are more enemies, like the new Sparna birds and Land Turtles. Turtles are weak to the Axe, Sparnas are weak to the Bow of Grace. Loot the chests for Cure potions and Arrows for Phoebe.

Leave and climb over the wall to the left. Down here is a Centaur guarding a chest with Refreshers. I have no idea what they do and don’t particularly care either. Head left some more and climb down the wall. Go left and climb up the wall. Bomb the wall and head on through. There’s lot more things to kill here, so go to it. By the way, while Phoebe was confused my character was killed, and when the battle ended he was revived with one HP. GAH, characters do not just revive themselves in a FF game! OMG, I’m pissed again, screw normal enemies, I need to kill something stronger! Fortunately, in the next room is exactly what I need to burn off this new-found outrage.

Squidite comes into battle with two Sparnas. Blast them with Bombs and Phoebe’s Fire, then bombard Squidite with Thunder spells. Its 6 Tentacles attack hit for over 200 damage, so be ready to Cure when needed. When the boss becomes fish sticks, claim the Libra Crest and leave the cave. The nearby Battlefield has nothing but Desert Hags, which are weak to Fire. The reward is 600 GP, which we sorely need because there's just so much to buy in this game [/sarcasm].

And We Didn't Go For the Crystal First...Why?[]

Head back to where you first started stalking Phoebe and step on the white warp panel. You’ll warp to the Life Temple, and ha ha! The Wakewater spring is dried up. Go up and damn, it seems the old guy has some left for you. Take it and head back to Aquaria. Phoebe uses the Wakewater on a plant in the middle of the town. Ha ha, doesn’t work! Suddenly, Benjamin knows the Water Crystal is in the Ice Pyramid, and Phoebe knows that saving it will restore the town. *Sniff sniff*…Smell that load of crap? I guess we’re off to Falls Basin to scale the waterfall.

Block Puzzles, How Original[]

Inside, push the ice block up and left. God, pushing around blocks to open new paths? Do I even need to say what type of game this belongs in? Well, I will – that’s a ZELDA mechanic you dumb programmers! Grrrr…urge to kill rising…

Go up through the passage and kill the Water Hag to move onto the ledge. See where the ice block goes now? Jump over it to the left. Go down and kill the new Lamia enemies to find another ice block to push. Push it right and up, then go back left and up the ledge to hop over. Go down and kill the second Lamia for a third block. By the way, I just found out that there isn’t a level limit, because revisiting an area respawns its enemies. But I still don’t care. Final Fantasy has random encounters, this game does not. So its enemy system in every way sucks.

Anyway, be careful pushing the third block out so it doesn’t get stuck. Push it up past the second block, then right to rest underneath a Desert Hag on a ledge above. Now go back and retrieve the first ice block, and push it down and right. Ok, go to the lower-right, up the ledge, and hop over to the Desert Hag. Now up through the passage, down onto the lower ledge, and hop up to find the boss.

Snow Crab is another nameless boss with no backstory, no purpose and no strategy. He can hit for 200 damage with his attacks, but both characters know Cure. He’s not weak to Fire, so only use it to waste his Desert Hag henchmen, then pummel him with Phoebe’s Thunder spell. The Crab is weak to Axe attacks, so put the weapon to work on him. After he dies, Phoebe gives you the new Jumbo Bomb, now your strongest weapon with 112 power. Now just claim the Heal spell from the nearby chest and leave the area.

Well, that’s it, on to the Ice Pyramid. Get used to this pattern of Mini-Dungeon, Mini-Dungeon, Big Dungeon, because the next two areas repeat it. And after that, it’s the final dungeon. Wow, huh? Beyond Falls Basin is a Battlefield with Lamias and Desert Hags, along with the new Mage enemies. Mages can Cure themselves, big deal. Clean them out for 540 GP.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Walkthrough

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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
