Sorry I let the walkthrough for a while. Now I'm back, and it's going to rock !
Chapter 9 : The tiny things[]
You enter the Dwarven Castle. Noooo ! Why are elves in Final Fantasy either pussies or not there, and the dwarves are here, and the same stupid tiny creatures as in every Fantasy universe ? It's beyond me... For now your possibilities are slight. There's an Inn and Item Shop in the left part of the castle, and the rest is blocked for now.
Character lost : Cid |
Now it's time to bring all of Cid's equipment away and to place Kain on the first row instead of Cid. Strangely, I'm not sad about that. Speak to the pink thingy (thingy means dwarf) in the main hall, she's Luca and has lost her dolls. It is important. Not to talk to her, but to know that. Now go in the throne room. The Dwarf king is surprised and happy to see we survived. Yup, happy, even if he doesn't know we're not with the Red Wings. It must be Cecil's leading-man-aura. By the way, he's very polite and rudely asks him who he is. So Giotto tells Golbez has already two of the Dark Crystals ! Fast guy, isn't he ? The crystal here in the castle is safe, though, and there's another one in a sealed cave. Cid leaves to repair the Enterprise and help the dwarves fighting the Red Wings. He also makes a stupid joke about Rosa falling in love with him. Ha, ha, ha. I already wonder how anyone can have given him his daughter, but Rosa... No way. Yang feels someone behind the wall (hey, he's a Jedi too) and everyone rushes in the Crystal Room. Luca's dolls then appear, possessed by Golbez. Boss fight. Or should I say, double boss fight.
BOSS : Calcabrina |
HP : 8814 |
Weakness : - - Absorbs : - |
Exp : 42244 |
Strategy : The first part is easy. Kill the three Brina (one hit should be enough) so they transform into one giant doll. Now it's the real boss. Actually, you might be able to get rid of all this simply killing all the dolls, but I don't think it works. You don't have time to kill them all. Now the fight is pretty easy. The doll counter physical attacks by attacking, and beside that she almost all the time casts status effects. As long as Confusion doesn't hit anybody else than Rosa, it's nothing. Paralysis is a little more annoying, but not much. |
Right after that, the dolls say somthing about Golbez that will get mad about this. The guy appears and hop, second Boss Fight.
BOSS : Golbez |
HP : 9999 |
Weakness : Varies - Absorbs : Varies |
Exp : 40 000 |
Strategy : He looks bigger in battle, doens't he ? Well, he's strong too. First, quickly, use Hermes Sandles (for Haste) and Shell on Cecil, Spider Silk and Cry on Golbez. Actually, the beginning of the fight is impossible to survive : he paralyses everyone, summons a Shadow Dragon and kills everyone but Cecil. But... Sombody summons the Mist Dragon and saves you. Guess who this is ??? Rydia !!! And she has now grown up to become a sexy summoner. A sexy and powerful Summoner. Now the real fight begins, and it's a hard start. Revive everyone quickly, and pray for Golbez's spell not to kill them immediately. Actually, revive Rosa and heal her at the same time so she can resist and starts healing you. This is a hard fight, the second hardest of the game for me. Golbez's weakness changes, so cast Libra to watch on the bottom screen what it is for now. Then use Rydia's summon from that element to hurt a lot. You can use elemental claws, but it isn't worth the waste of time. If you act quickly enough, it should be ok. |
Playable : Rydia — Summoner |
Now, Rydia has grown up and is a sexy young woman. And she's as badass as she was before, with more spells. She has lost her White Magic, but has many more Black magic spells and Summons. Basically, a Summon is a level 3 spell (-ga) on everyone with a little more power for the same MP than the spell. But it charges slowlier. How bad, you just need to Haste her and it's ok. Summon pierce Reflect, and don't count as magic to trigger counters. But some enemies counter Summon too, but only a few. She has a free space on which you can place Augments, which is still good. Her big fault as a character is that she doesn't talk much more than she did when she was a child. The thought-bubbles help understand her a little, but not much. But she's still one of the most powerful Summoner using the old Summon system. I mean, Aeons own them anyway. Rydia joins at level 30 with following stats and equipment : 627 HP - 204 MP - Strength 21 - Speed 18 - Stamina 19 - Magic 35 - Spirit 20 RH : Whip (Attack : 50, Hit 85. +1 Speed, Magic and Spirit) |
The party leaves, but Golbez isn't dead. He stands up and steals the Crystal. But the Dwarf King has a good idea (for once) : we must take back the other Crystals in the enemy fortress, the Tower of Babil. You also receive a useless Augment, Draw Attacks. or would it be useful on Cecil with Counter ? We'll see that. Now we have a castle to PLUNDER !!!
I don't think you can find better equipment for Rydia. But you have now access to the weapon and equipment shop. Still, wait before going there. You'll find some items in the castle. Go in the weapon shop (right from the main hall, and climb up the stairs to the right. You get a Dwarf Axe in the chest in here. In 2F, there's a hidden path before the stairs going up. This leads you in the middle of pots, one of them holding a Bacchus Wine. In 3F, go up through the wall to get a Hi-Potion, then go through the wall to the left to get a Force armlet. Continue going through the wall to get an Elixir and a Silver Hourglass. Go to West tower now, by leaving this one by 1F. You can go around the pots and get a Bacchus Wine in one of them. Now in 3F it gets complicated. Go left to get a Hi-Potion. Now get in the wall, and go up, left, up, right, down, left to get an Elixir, then go in the wall and down, right, down, left and up to get an Ether, then go back in the wall, go left, down, left, up and right to get Black Belt Gi (give it to Yang). Go down over and over again to get to the inn. It's 600 gils, so wait a bit, we'll find something free later. Now go back to the weapon shop. Buy Dwarven Axes for Cecil if you feel like, a Flame Shield for Cecil and a Flame armor for Kain and Runic Armlets for Rosa and Yang, and if there's anything else you'd need, buy it. Sell all the old equipment you probably have to make some more money. Sell all you Rods, for instance : Rydia's whips are better, and she won't need MP much.
If you go down the stairs from the weapon shop or the inn, you get to B1. There's the infirmay in here, pots holding 3 Gysahl Greens, a place to summon the Fat Chocobo. Talk to the dwarf close to the wall and he'll move, showing you a door. Go there, follow the way and pick 3 chests holding 3 Cottages and leave the castle. There's also a pot where you can fully recover HP and MP right before the exit.
Now you're back on the world map. The underworld is smaller than the overworld. In a certain way it's logical, as it's deeper in the planet's sphere, but still... Anyway, walk to the west the north (simply follow the only way you have) to get to the tower of Babil. A little scene happens when you're in front of it. But that doesn't matter. Get in, and get ready for next dungeon. I missed dungeons. Almost.
Tower of Babil (lower part)[]
You're in another tower. Looks like Golbez like those places. Anyway, this one is bigger than the tower of Zot, but you're going to do it in two separate parts. So don't worry about that. The Flamehounds are back from the Tower of Zot, and can appear by two of them. Watch out of Scorch. Berserk can be useful if you have problem beating them. Many monsters here are weak to Ice. The Security Eye spawns enemy when hit, so Focus three times to kill him instantly and not waste time. The Egg-thing cannot die until it has spawned anything. During both fights, you can Pray to restore MP with Rosa.
You enter in B13. Go up and left to get an Emergency Exit, then go down to find a Hi-Potion. Then go to the right part of the room. Go up at the fork to find an Ether, then down to complete the map and get 5 antarctic winds. Now go to the upper part of the map and open the door to go to next floor.
B12. First, follow the way, take the Green Beret in the chest and give it to Yang, go straight South and fill the map in the dead-end before heading South again. Go through the door to find a singlee chest holding an Ice Sword and a monster, namely Security Eye. As I said, Triple-Focus to kill it, or else it'll spawn some random monster, and that can hurt. Equip the Ice Sword on Cecil : it's useful in there, and will still be for a long time. Back to the main room, go North, ignore the door and East. You get three Arctic Winds for completing this map. Go trough the eastern door. Here is an Ice Lance guarded by another Eye. Give the lance to Kain. Now go through the door I told you to ignore a minute ago.
B11. Go left and take the Cat claws. It raises Yang's Stamina, Speed and Evasion, and could be a good choice. Then go North and East. There are two path leading South, follow the Eastern one to get a Hi-Potion, then the other one. Go through the door to get to B10, a part of it. There's a Killer Bow for Rosa and an Antarctic wind. Go back to B11. Head West to get a Phoenix Down, ignore the door, and continue West then North to complete the map and get a White Fang. Now go through this door to next floor.
B10. To the left is a door leading to a Save Point. Save can't hurt, but I don't think you need a Tent or Cottage already. As you wish it. Go North then East to get to a crossing. To the right is a door leading to a small room with a chest holding an Ice shield and another Security Eye. Give the shield to either Cecil or Kain, it'll protect them against Fire. Namely Scorch. Kain should need it more, but anyway, other protection come. Go back to the crossing, then South. The first door leads to an Ice armor with another Eye. Give that to the guy who doesn't have the Shield. The secind door leads to an empty room, useless. Now go back to the crossing and head North, then West and finally you see the end of this level. You get 5 Hi-Potion for completin this, you lucky guy.
B9. Go South to a crossing, then North to get an Arctic Wind, then South, East and North at the new fork. The door here is locked. Remember that place. It'll be you objective soon. Now go back at the fork and continue East, then North. Pick the Hi-Potion on the way and go to the door. You get 5 Remedies as a reward.
B8. Starting now, you can't complete the maps of any floor you'll see by now. It'll be for later. You have no choice in here, go through the door to B7. Go East to find another Save Point. I don't know if you need a Tent or Cottage, but save once again. Then go West and South, pick the Dry Ether in the chest and continue East. You're in B6. As you may notice, you have this floor map completed. Anyway, that's not important. Go on and equip Yang Thunder Claws, and get ready for a Boss Fight. The worst in my life.
BOSS : Lugae and Barnabas |
HP : about 9500 (Barnabas), 5500 (Lugae), 9000 (Barnabas-Z (Final Fantasy IV 2D)) |
Weakness : Thunder (Barnabas and Barnabas-Z (Final Fantasy IV 2D)) - Absorbs : - |
Exp : |
Strategy : This part is easy. Just kick Barnabas' ass with Ramuh and everyone hitting. OK, Barnabas hits hard, you should cover Rydia this time (for Summoning Ramuh). If you kill Barnabas first, the two merge into barnabas-Z. If you kill the doctor first, Barny explodes and hurt you for a lot. I suggest to kill both at the same time, which is possible. I didn't even know Barnabas-Z (Final Fantasy IV 2D) existed during my first playthrough, nor that the robot could explode. But it's hard. As Barnabas-Z (Final Fantasy IV 2D) is easy to defeat, you should kill Barny quickly. Note that the doctor can heal his boy... But that's not important. The real fight begins right after |
BOSS : Lugaeborg |
HP : about 12 500 |
Weakness : Thunder - Absorbs : - |
Exp : 50 565 |
Strategy : That's my nightmare... But it's easy if you know what to do. He use Reverse gas, which puts Revers on you and himself. Those who played XII know what it does. So heal him instead of attacking, and attack you instead of healing. Problem is that the guy has ridiculously powerful attacks, and you won't last long, especially since he doesn't stop using Reverse Gas, which also undoes Reverse. So basically, at the beginning of the fight, use an Elixir on him : this is almost the only way to win. And with this, it is quite easy. But my first time still haunts me. |
Character lost : Yang |
Lugae says he'll shoot the dwarf with his cannons while Rubicante, the last Archfiend, brings the crystals at the top of the tower. Hey, I want the dwarves to get shoot !! But the team doens't agree, and we have to save them. The cannons are behind the locked door in B9, if you remember. And you must walk to there. Have fun ! When you're in front of the locked door, take all of Yang's equipment away, and use the key on the door. You must fight some Goblins, nothing interesting. After that, Yang sacrifices himself to stop the cannons and the room explodes. Noooooo! Cid lives, and Yang dies ! Why is it always the good characters who die ! No Tellah I'm not talking about you ! Okay, you know the worst thing ? You have to climb down the 4 other floors, no Teleport... Well, there's nothing new about these floors, you have your maps. As you get near the bridge, Golbez tries to make it collapse... But Cid saves us. Damn. I'd rather die than to have Cid again. But fortunately he doesn't join us.
Wanna know why ? See in the next part of this Walkthrough !