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Here we go again.

Underground Waterway[]

This second half is much shorter than the previous one. You must jump down the waterfall, meaning you can't go back later. If you have saved and used a tent, go. Tellah is useful for 2 floors, 2 floors

Follow the way and go South when you can. Here are two parts of Hades armor for Cecil. Give him now, the follow the way again. You get 5 Potions for completing this. Go next to floor. Tellah is useful for 1 floor, 1 floor

Follow the way, take the Hades Armor, which Cecil should equip, and Hermes Sandals. Continue and complete the map to get 3 Zeus' Wrath. Now get ready for a boss fight. WARNING : Tellah is useful for 1 fight, 1 fight !

BOSS : Octomammoth
Octomammoth FFIV iOS
HP : about 3500
Weakness : Thunder, Dark - Absorbs : -
Exp : 10 050
Strategy : So, this is the first really ridiculous boss in the game. Really, makes me laugh. And I don't only speak about his skin. He has only one physical attack, not that strong, and is weak to Dark (Cecil's element) and Thunder (which both Mages in your team can use). Blast him off and let's forget that thing. Don't be too confident, restore with Potions if needed, and you can use Tellah's Osmose on Cecil if he needs MP.

When Tellah speaks, it means you have done more or less the half of the monster's HP. He then becomes stronger (hit to 100 even on Cecil), so think about healing with Rydia (she's enough and Tellah hits harder).

Go through the waterfall and you'll be outside. Go North and you'll see the Red Wings attacking Damcyan castle. Before going in it, take all of Tellah's equipment off. It'll be useful for someone else, as he'll leave you now.

Chapter 3 : Prince Wimp[]

Tellah GBA Menu

Character lost : Tellah (Wheee!)

When you're in the castle in ruins, go straight forward, pick the Tent in your way and continue again until you reach 3F and the Throne Room. You find Anna, Tellah's daughter's body… Of course Old Fugly Man (aka Tellah) is angry, even more when he sees the bard his daughter was in love with. There's a false fight then, Tellah vs Bard. After a few turns of Tellah hitting for 1 (he's not very strong barehanded), the two will calm down when Anna asks them. Hey, she's alive ? So, she explains her boyfriend is Prince of Damcyan, and Edward continues the story : Red Wings, led by a newcomer named Golbez, have started stealing all the Crystals. Tellah decides to go kill Golbez, though Edward had said he was above mortal strength. Well… Not a great lost, isn't it ? Cecil then explains Edward he needs a sand pearl for Rosa, and the prince explains we can reach the cave where they're produced by Antlions with his hovercraft. Edward joins the group by the same way.

Playable : Edward — Bard / Wimp

Edward is the Prince of Damcyan, who seems to have received education in arts and not war. Actually he's a coward (he says it himself !), emotionally destroyed by the death of his beloved Anna. He's simply a weak wimp. Sorry for those who like him, but I can't find a good thing in his personality. He's not even self-confident.

Edward is a Bard, meaning he's almost unable to do anything useful ^^ Actually, he has a few Bardsongs that allow him, for the time he's singing, to put the team or the enemies under a status effect. If you played FFX-2, the Songstress dances work the same way. Actually, the only useful Bardsong is Life's Anthem, that'll place Regen on the team (and that Regen heals you really, really fast). He learns that one at level 10 (so one level higher than the level you get him). He also has the Salve and Hide skill. First allows him to use an item on the whole team. Could be useful to save Hi- and X-Potion or Ethers, but I didn't use it much, if at all. Hide makes him leave the battle, he can't do anything or be healed, so it's really useless. Edward has the defense of a Mage, or maybe even worse, so put him in the back row, anyway, his Harps won't hurt anyone.

Edward joins the team at level 9 with the following stats and equipment :

137 HP - 30 MP - Strength 12 - Speed 10 - Stamina 9 - Magic 6 - Spirit 3

RH : Dreamer's harp (Attack : 5, Hit : 80. Inflict Sleep when attacking)
LH : - Head : Feather cap (Defense : 2, Magic Defense : 3. Evasion : 6, Magic Evasion : 3) Body : Bard's tunic (Defense : 4, Magic Defense : 1. Evasion : 10) Arm : Ruby Ring (Magic Defense : 3. Evasion : 10, Magic Evasion : 2)

I think you might be interested in giving Rydia Tellah's old Gaia's Garb, if not already done, to protect her better. Check also if you don't have better equipment for Eddy. With the hovercraft you may come back to Kaipo, but first let's plunder the castle in ruins ! After all, Golbez took only the Crystal, it would be too bad to leave the other precious there. First, in the throne room, there are 2 pots where you can restore freely. Then go out the building and in the court, go around the wall by the right (outside the castle, but not on the World Map). You'll find a door there, get in. There's a hidden door on the right (press A facing the symbol on the wall), get in the passage and you will have access to the cells. There are 3 chests in there : Power Bow, Feather Cap and Ruby Ring. In the southwestern corner of the room there's a hidden stairway to another room with 6 chests : Antidote, Eye Drop, Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Ether and Potion. Hidden in the southwestern corner is an Elixir, in the southeastern Holy Arrows, in the northeastern lies Steel Arrows. With that you have it all, and you can leave.

Now, if you feel like, go to Kaipo and buy some stuff, but I really don't think you'll need that. Time to go to next dungeon, Antlion's Den ! To get there, go straight east with the hovercraft from Damcyan castle. The vehicle can fly over water (but not sea), so you'll get there without any problem.

Antlion's Den[]

There're only 2 stronger monsters here, Adamantoise and Basilisk, and both can be taken down with Rydia using her Ice rod to get a free Blizzard, and one hit from Cecil. Edward should always use Life Anthem when he gets it. The Sand Worm has many HP, but is no problem.

Once you enter, go immediately to the West to get a Spider Silk, then go back and down the stairs. Go left to get a Potion, then down and right at the next fork. Follow the way to the north to get a Potion, then continue right, then up the stairs to get a Gold Needle. Now go to the left part of the room where you'll get a tent and a Potion. You can come back to the righ side and continue the way until the next level. We'll complete the map later.

Follow the path until you see a room on your right, with a Lamia Harp inside for Edward. Come back to the main room and follow the way. In South is a chest holding an Antartic Wind. Follow the way to the west, don't go through the entrance (we have a map to complete) but continue west. At the fork, the right way leads to another Ice Rod (pointless, but you can sell it), and the other to a Shadow Blade (idem). Now get back to the previous fork and get north. Ignore the entrance for now, but go on north. On the right is a Potion, on the left a Spider Silk. You should have completed the map now, and get 3 Phoeniw Down for that. Now take the entrance you just ignore (the first on your way back) to be back in the previous room. Follow the way to complete the map and get 5 Potions. The next room holds a save point and three chests : Phoenix Down, Emergency Exit and Ether. You should use a Tent and save, as always. Now get back to B2 and leave the room by the south to get to the next level. This is actually the nest of the beast. Go straight to him and get ready to rumble !

BOSS : Antlion
HP : about 2100
Weakness : Ice - Absorbs : -
Exp : 6 000
Strategy : That thing has one advantage : it resembles nothing I know. Well, it's weak to Ice, so shoot at him with Rydia (Ice rod, keeps your MP to heal if needed) and Cecil after using Darkness, and Edward sings Life Anthem over and over again to keep the team healed up. Just one thing : if its eyes are red, it'll counter magic, if white, it'll counter physical attacks. The eyes change colors frequently, so just keep fully healed to be able to survive it and you'll be fine.

You get the Sand Pearl that can save Rosa. It's time to leave the cave now. As it's not really big, I suggest you walk to get some extra Exp, but it's as you feel, you can use Emergency exit too, or Teleport/Warp depending on what Rydia's learned. Once outside, take the hovercraft back to Kaipo. Go in the house where Rosa rests, talk to her and the item menu will appear. Press Up on the D-Pad to get at the end of the list, where the Sand Pearl lies. The party decides then to go to Fabul, where the Wind Crystal lies, to warn them about Baron's plans. During the night, Edward wakes up and bitches about losing Anna, blah blah blah… A monster appears then and attacks you. During the fight, Anna comes to support her boyfriend, telling him he's stronger than he thought, but needs self-confidence. Killing the enemy is not really hard and you then get a scene with Edward and Anna. Finally, the morning comes and the team is ready to go, with Rosa at your side.

Playable : Rosa — White Mage / Archer
Rosa CG Render

Rosa is a quiet, kind-hearted woman*. If you don't believe me, change the leader from time to time to read the thought bubbles in the menu. She's really altruistic and can't stand seeing people suffer. She's also devoted to Cecil, with whom she's deeply in love. Unfortunately, he's too, and that'll lead later to a stupid cliché trap from Golbez. Well… Kain seems to be in love with her too, and that triangle relationship will create problems at a moment.

In battle, Rosa is a White Mage and Archer. She's not really protected against physical attacks, but resists magic pretty well. She's also a really good healer : you will often not need the highest levels of Cure, because the lower level will heal you enough. As an Archer, she can equip Bow, and for now it makes her the strongest in the team, thanks to the Power Bow and Holy Arrows you got in Damcyan. As bows don't count being in the back row, put her there, well protected. Notice that you don't actually use your Arrows when shooting, so only one of each kind you wish to have is enough. Rosa's abilities are : White Magic (do I need to explain ?), Aim (Attacks slowlier, but more accurate and for slightly more damage ; not really useful) and Pray, which restores everyone HP and MP by a small amount. Pray doesn't always work, but still is very useful to recover MP in long dungeons.

Rosa joins the team at level 15 with following stats and equipment :

245 HP - 91 MP - Strength 11 - Speed 10 - Stamina 9 - Magic 11 - Spirit 23

RH : Staff (Attack : 6, Hit 80. +1 Spirit. Casts Poisona when used)
LH : - Head : -
Body : Sage's surplice (Defense : 6, Magic Defense : 5. Evasion, 5, Magic Evasion : 5. +5 Spirit)
Arm : Ruby Ring (Magic Defense : 3. Evasion : 10. Magic Evasion : 2)

You may probably want to check everyone's equipment. Edward's armor could be given to Rosa, if better, as she's more important than him. You should give her the Power Bow and Holy Arrows too. Getting Rosa unlocks her minigame by the Fat Chocobo, if you feel like. You should go to a shop sell every useless equipment you have. The only thing you should keep should be one Staff and one Ice Rod (which should be equipped by Rydia). Also, North from the Inn is an Augment for you, Item lore. Now, time to go to the mountain on the way to Fabul. With the hovercraft, get at the furthest point at the Northeast of this continent (starting from Damcyan). You get to Mt Hobs.

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