Hello again. It's me, Alarielle. We continue this Walkthrough.
Chapter 2 : Getting a village torched[]
You enter Mist, and the ring you were given spawns Bombs that burn the village. Actually, Baron wanted to destroy the villageā¦ By the way, you see a girl crying over the body of her mother dead because of the death of her Dragon. Oopsā¦ Well, Cecil has now two quasi-genocides and a murder on his hands. He then decides to leave Baron's army, and Kain agrees, deciding to alert other nations of Baron's plans. He also wants Rosa with himā¦ Really wonder why ^^ As you want to leave town and take the girl with you, she attacks you. This is a false boss battle, since she immediately summons Titan who breaks the earth and separates Cecil and Kain.
Character lost : Kain Highwind |
Cecil wakes up with the girl by his side and a strange creature, which disappears. The hero decides to take her to a safe place. Now you regain control, go northeast to get to Kaipo, a small village in the desert. You automatically go to the inn to let the girl restore and get a free night. During the night, a Baron General attacks Cecil while he tries to protect the girl from him and his soldiers. You should attack the General first, as that will put the others to Confusion and make the fight easier. Also, if you kill the other first, the general will go away and his Exp with him. Three hits should be enough to kill him, and one for the soldiers.
The summoner Rydia now joins the team with her Eidolon Whyt, friend of the fat Chocobo. New character, so let's go :
Playable : Rydia ā Summoner |
Rydia is the best Mage/Summoner in this game. And in many games of the series all considered, too. She's right now a cute little girl but will grow up into a beautiful woman. She is angry to Cecil for killing her mom, but will forgive him seeing how hard he tries to redeem himself. She'll make friends with all the party members she teams with, because she's simply ADORABLE. For the "sex object" some people talked about, wait to have her as an adult, please. In battle, she's as good as as a character. She has right now access to White and Black Magic, and Summon Magic. Right now she has not many spells, not even Fire, but that'll come up when leveling up a little. But her Summons are only two now, Whyt and Chocobo. Chocobo is useless, and Whyt isā¦ Strange. Actually it replaces Rydia with Whyt in-battle, but you can't control him and he starts with low stats. He then learns any Augment you have (I think) and any spell, and his stats grow through mini-games using the stylus. I never used either. So for now she's a Mage. And as a Mage, she has low defense and attack power, so put her in the back row. Rydia comes in the team at level 7 with following stats and equipment : 80 HP - 50 MP - Strength 10 - Speed 8 - Stamina 8 - Magic 6 - Spirit 3 RH : Rod (Attack : 5, Hit : 80. Raises Magic by 1) LH : - Head : - Body : Leather Garb (Defense : 3, Magic Defense : 1. Evasion : 10, Magic Evasion : 1) Arm : Silver Armlet (Defense : 4, Magic Defense : 4. Evasion : 10, Magic Evasion : 4) |
Okay, you should maybe save after all these cutscenes and stuff. As you're in a new town without any clear mission, you will plunder explore the town !
Go first to the west side of the town, you'll find the Fat Chocobo. He and Mappingway will give you a tutorial about Whyt and you can access the menu to customize him. Here you can access the mini-games corresponging to each five of the final party, but only Rydia is there for now. Cecil will have to class-change before you get his game. And no, the Fat Chocobo can't keep your items anymore. Like you need it with an infinite space in your inventory.
So, I actually don't think there are a lot of hidden items in here, but buy two Leather Caps. Give one to Rydia, and keep the other for later. That's still a good boost in defense. You may also want to buy a Staff, and if you don't have enough money, do some random fights outside. It'll level up the girl by the same way. Remember you can multi-target Magic in this game by pressing Left on the D-Pad while targeting the enemy on the left border of your screen. Notice that many monsters are weak to Ice in here. With that, it'll be easy. Just keep the Rod on Rydia (it boosts her Magic), the Staff gives you a free Poisona.
Anyway, when you think you're ready, go to the northeastern house of this village. Talk to Mappingway that changes his name (again) to Livingway. He shows you a Beastiary completely useless as it only shows info you don't really need. Go in the other room in the back now. You find thereā¦ Rosa ! Yup, the girl has followed you to make sure you're okay, but she's sick now. And guess who's gonna rescue her ? Yup, it's you. She gives you the first Augment of the game, Auto-Potion, which is useless and should be saved for later, as the characters leaving the party give you Augments, and the amount of Augments they give depend on how much you gave them. But it's not useful for everyone, so keep them for the good characters.
You were told the cure to Rosa's illness was a Sand Pearl that you can find in a cave near Damcyan. You know where you're going ? Yes, you're right, we go to Damcyan. Get at the Inn if you need it, and go straight North then East a little to find another cave entrance.
Underground Waterway[]
Note that Tiny Mages in here are very powerful for now (as you're weak to magic), so kill them quickly. Kill the Amoeba first so it doesn't resurrect his allies. And I think that's the most important part.
As you enter the cave, go right in front of you, up the stairs to pick a Maiden Kiss and a Potion. Go down the stairs, then cross the bridge and go left. Cross another bridge and go down to get a Tent, then up to find Tellah, who'll join you after you talk to him.
Playable : Tellah ā Useless Sage |
Okay, Tellah is the character I hated most in this game. Really. First look at him : an old man that thinks himself better than everyone else (but Cecil, but that's because he's the main character). He calls himself a Sage, but at least in French, Sage also means wise. And the wisdom embodied, Yoda and Zelda, would both be amazed at Tellah. His motives ? Ruin his daughter's chance to find love, then (later) avenge from Golbez. I thought the Jedi could not attach themselves to what they could lose, nor be guided by vengeance ? Yep, you're totally out of this, Tellah. Let's take a look at him in-battle. Maybe he can redeem ? And he actually can't. He's stuck at 90 MP for all the game ! This means that right now he has only a little more than Rydia, but she will grow, he won't. He's very powerful now, but only for this dungeon. You'll see later, when he's the only Mage in the party, you'll cry not having a good healer. You will cry, trust me. He has several White and Black Magics for now, and later every spells in the game. He also has the ability Recall, that makes him use any spell in the game, if he has MP, or nothing at all. Don't use that. Oh, and as a Mage, put him in the back row, of course. Another strange thing about him : some of his stats appear to decrease when he levels up ! WTF had the designers smoked before doing that ? Well, I won't continue more about that, you've understood. He's good right now, then sucks forever. Actually, I'll make a Tellah Remaining Usefulness countdown. Tellah joins the team at level 13 with following stats and equipment : 214 HP - 90 MP - Strength 6 - Speed 7 - Stamina 8 - Magic 25 - Spirit 23 RH : Staff (Attack : 6, Hit : 80. Spirit +1) |
Give Tellah the Leather Cap you had bought at Kaipo. Cross the bridge on your right, and go up the stairs (for map-completion), then cross the second bridge (go up the stairs for the map again), go down the stairs and you'll be in water. Go under the bridge to get to a chest holding an Ether. You should go in the left part of the water to complete the map and get 5 Eye drops. Before leaving, go through the waterfall in front of you to enter a secret room with a Dry Ether, an X-Potion and a Phoenix Down Now go back where you got Tellah and go north to get to the South part, B2. Tellah is useful for 7 floors, 7 floors.
The start is simple : follow the way. When you're in the water, take the first stairs you find (on your left) to get a Potion. Go back in the and follow the main way. There's an Ether in a chest on this way, before the bridge. Cross that bridge then, and get to the next room. We'll complete this one later. There's a save point in here, and you get a free night in Tellah's tent. Save, then go forward to get back in B2 floor. Follow the path and take the Ice Rod that gives you a free Blizzard spell if it is equipped in you select it through "Item" menu. Give it to Rydia, it'll boost her Magic too. Now go down the stairs and follow the way. For completing the map you get 5 antidotes. Get to next level, B3. Tellah is useful for 6 floors, 6 floors.
Follow the path, and at the fork, take the way that goes on your right. There's 580 gils and a Bomb Fragment in here. Get back to the fork and take the other way. Completing this will reward you 3 tents. Go next level. Tellah is useful for 5 floors, 5 floors
You're now in B2 back, but Northern part this time. Go up to find a chest holding a Potion, then go left to find a secret passage through the wall. Go straight North to get close to the border of the map, then East, South, and East again to reappear on the map. Follow the path to complete the map and get 3 Phoenix Down and get a Feather Cap. Give that to Rydia, then go back on the other side of the room and go to next level. Tellah is useful for 4 floors, 4 floors
You're in Northern B1 now. On your left is a chest with an Ether, and if you follow the left path, you get a Zeus' Wrath. Follow the other way now, don't cross the bridge but go South for the map. Then cross the bridge you saw, go South again. You get a Shadow Blade, more powerful than Cecil's current Dark Sword, a Bronze Hourglass, and an Ether for completing the map. Now leave this cave. Tellah is useful for 3 floors, 3 floors
Phew. You got through one of the two halves of this big dungeon. As you're back on World Map, you can save and use a Tent. And saying you can means you should. When you're ready, get into the next half of this. That's for third part.