Final Fantasy Wiki

I realide I really sucked at introduction of those walkthrough parts. So you may have realised I stopped writing them. I'm not the guy who makes good jokes.

Chapter 11 : On the hunt for Crystals... again[]

As I said, go back to the castle of dwarves, and go talk to Giotto. The king asks you to go retrieve the last Crystal from the Sealed Cave before Golbez pierces the cave's defenses. He gives you Luca's necklace, which is the key to the cave. The problem is that the Falcon can't fly over the lava now. Who could help you with airship upgrading ? Well, Cid could, but... Hey ! If you speak to dwarf, you hear rumors about a guy in the infirmary. Go there and you find the surviving human bomb. Edge is the only one with the good behaviour towards that kind of guy, hehe. Well, he's too hurt to join you. Fortunately. But he agrees to upgrade your ship, and even brings the dwarf ladies with him. Aaaaaanywayyy. During a short moment you'll hope he's dead, then realise he's asleep. Shit. You get an Augment Analyze, and some more if you gave Cid augments, but those are useless, so you probably haven't. You can leave the castle and fly away with the Falcon. But before going into the next dungeon, there are som additional quests to do.

Kokkol's Forge[]

This place is Southeast of the Underworld. There's not much to do in here right now, go in the house, check the box on your left to find a Remedy. Go upstairs to find a Soma Drop in the armoire. It raises a character's MP, give it to Rosa or Rydia, as you wish. Rydia probably wouldn't need it with MP+50% though. Speak to the man to hear he wants Adamantite. That's all you can do in here for now.


This town is in the southwestern part of the Underworld. This has nothing really important, but in the northwestern house you find Zeus'Wrath, Bomb Shard, 2000 gils, Dry Ether in the chests. There's also an Antarctic Wind in the pot and a Beastiary in the boxes. Pass by the shops to check if you can find better equipment (a Whip for Rydia, Ashura for Edge for instance), buy some more Shuriken (they're really, really useful) and sell your old stuff.

Sylvan Cave[]

Sylvan Cave is located in the northwestern part of the Underworld. When you go in here, always use Levitate with Rosa on the whole team (by the menu, you can use Levitate on everyone with a single spell pressing left or right many times). If you don't, the poisoned water will hurt you every time you walk, and it's annoying. You have to reuse Levitate each time you enter a floor, but it's worth it. Some of the monsters in here are annoying, casting status changes. For instance the bog sorceress can use Toad on the whole team. Other than that they're pretty easy to defeat.

B1. Once you enter go right. You find Angel Arrows and a Beastiary. Equip the arrows on Rosa, Confusion is better than Silence. You see another chest but it's for later. Now go down to get back on the main way. Go down again and go to next floor.

B2. Recast Float (last time I mention it). Go left and follow the way, then climb down the stairs. Here, follow the way, pick Hi-Potion, Maiden Kiss and Fairy Rod in the chests. Before going back, when you stand before the exit, go right through the wall to find a secret way. Go up and right to get in another room with a lot of chests... All empty. But there's an exit there, go through it. Follow the way, pick the Bomb Core, 3000 gils, 2000 gils and a Remedy in the chests, then go on south. This time you see 4 chests : Emergency Exit, 2 Maiden Kiss, and an Ether. There's also a hole nearby, jump in it. Go north and look for a secret passage in the left wall. You are warped in a room with 6 chests, all guarded by monsters. Up-Left is a Red Fang guarded by 4 Evil Dreamers. You just have to have Rosa ready to Doublecast Esuna, or Cecil to cast Esuna because those guy love status ailments. They absorb fire, so any summon other than Ifrit is good. Up-Center is a White Fang guarded by the same guys. They are annoying. Up-right is a blue fang, and again those fuckers. Oh no... Well, at least they give good exp. Down-Right is Medusa Arrows, guarded by 2 Undergrounders. Those fall in one hit, easy. The arrows are not good, but if you like changing the foes to stone. I like to, but remember equipping better arrows against bosses for instance. Down-Center is the Avenger sword kept by 2 Malboro. They deal many status effects, but their bad breath hits only 1 guy, so Rosa and Cecil can handle it with the Esuna. You should use Ifrit to go quickly : the plants are weak to Fire. Give the sword to Kain if you want to, but know he'll be in a constant Berserk status. Down-Left is a Full Moon, a throwing weapon for Edge. Can be useful for now. It's kept by a Malboro and 2 Elder Treant. The Treant cast Berserk on themselves and then hurt badly, kill them quickly and don't hesitate to use slow.

Phew. That was a long detour. Go down the stairs to return on the World Map. Okayyyy... You may want to use a Tent/Cottage anyway, and save. You wouldn't be happy to have to do that again. Go back in the cave, to B2. Just fill the map following the way on the right, then go down. You're back in B1. You'll find a save point towards the east, then go up. There's a dead end, but if you continue to the right, you'll enter a secret passage. Follow it right and up to find an Elven bow (which is one of the most powerful for Rosa). Equip it, then go back to the entrance you came from. Head left now, ignore the exit and go take the two chests : Cottage and 1000 gils. Now go through the exit you saw.

Follow the way, and as soon as you see an exit on you right, go through it. Follow the way to get a silver apple for completing this floor's map (give to Rosa) and 5 chests : Hi-Potion, Ether, Soma Drop (give to Rosa too), Golden Apple (for Rydia this time), and Antarctic Wind. Now go back to B2, follow the way up, and before going to next floor, go right through the wall while standing before the exit. Go up and right to complete the map and receive a silver apple (for Rosa) and a Mutisma dagger in a chest guarded by a Bog Witch and five Bog Toads. The dagger is useless. Now go through the exit to B3.

It's almost over ! Go pick the chest nearby holding an Elixir, then contine South, then East. You get another Silver apple for completing the map, give it to Rydia. There's some kind of house in here, let's get in. You meet with the Sylphids, who take care of Yang who miraculously survived the explosion (YES! I mean… If Cid survived, why not he ?). Talk to everyone. There are two treasures in here : Kiku-ichimonji, for Edge, and Aura staff, kinda useless but keep it anyway. Now, you need a way to awaken Yang, and that'll be for later on. Climb the stairs to go back on the world map. And here we go for another subquest.


The Feymarch, yes. The place where the Eidolons live. It's time to go there. The entrance is on a small isolated island near the southwestern part of the Underworld. This cave is full of lava, and you also need to cast Float over and over again to avoid losing a lot of life while walking. This quest is more interesting than the other, as it doesn't reward only items, but also two summons and an item quest that'll lead to Cecil's second best weapon. Great, uh ?

When you enter here, Rydia explains you where you are. She then suggest to find the Eidolons to help you, which you are going to. Cast Float, as I said, then go right, and up to get a Phoeniw Down. From here, go up and left through the wall to find an Ether. Go back right, then down to find a Hi-Potion. Go left and you'll be back on the main path, then continue left (don't forget to fill the map). Follow the path to go to B2. You get a Soma Drop for completing the map. Give it to Rosa.

Now... Follow the path, then at the fork, go down and right to get a Hi-Potion. Come back at the fork and go up, then up-left to find a cottage. Finally go right and you'll complete the map, which gives you another Some Drop for Rosa, and you can go to B3.

Follow the way left, down, right, down again. Pick the Phoenix Down in the chest and go left to find Hi-Potion, Poison Axe (give it to Cecil or Kain), and Kiku-Ichimonji (give it to Edge). Continue right, then right again to find a Beastiary. Go up then, ignore the glowing tile on the floor but continue right, up and left. You find a Defender Sword with a monster-in-a-box : 2 Fell Knights and an Imp. Give the sword to Cecil or Kain, it gives you a free Protect, that can be useful. It also raises your Defense by 20 and thus is very useful. Cecil, covering his allies, could be a good choice, but it's up to you. You get a Soma Drop for Rosa completing the map. Now step on the gloxing tile, straight south from the chest holding the Defender sword.

You're now really in the Feymarch itself. Walk around the map to find an Ether, 6000 gils, 5000 gils, a Beastiary and a Rat Tail. This is the quest item I told you about, it will be exchanged by a man against Adamantite, which you will give to Kokkul to gain a good sword for Cecil. I'll tell you again when it'll be time to go for it. Now walk on the red glowing tile to warp in the city. There are shops, Inn, pass by there. Buy the shield for Cecil, a Light Robe for Rosa and a Thunder Whip for Rosa. You can buy some Shuriken too. You may also buy some Ethers in here, but be cautious with that, it's expensive and not that useful. You can sleep at the inn too. Now go in the house to the left of the inn : it's Whyt's house. Pick the Beastiary and the Phoenix Down, and talk to Whyt and his paprents. There's a save point in here, use it and prepare for a boss fight. Once ready, go in the library, under Whyt's house. You may read the books, then go downstairs twice to reach the King and Queen of the Eidolon's Throne Room. The king denies to be who he is, but talk to the queen. Accept to fight her.

BOSS : Asura
HP : About 21000
Weakness : - - Absorbs : Fire, Thunder, Ice, Water, Wind
Exp : 84 416
Strategy : Asura heals herself constantly : she actually never does anything if you don't attack her. But if you do, she'll counter and it hurts much. Thus, cast Reflect on her so her healing spells don't heal her, and attack cautiously. Heal with Rosa. Rydia can summon Dragon. If you do it this way, it'll be slow, but easy.

Rydia is rewarded the summon Asura, which randomly heals the party, revives fallen allies or Protect the team. It's very useful against some bosses where Rydia can't attack. Now, go save and perhaps sleep at the inn, then speak to the king. He challenges you too.

BOSS : Leviathan
HP : About 25000
Weakness : Thunder - Absorbs : Water, Ice
Exp : 150495
Strategy : The guy is pretty strong... Pay attention to his attacks, heal quickly and hit strong with Edge throwing Shurikens and Rydia spamming Thundaga, and Kain too. Cecil will be very busy healing but can attack too. Ramuh is a little more powerful but much slowlier than Thundaga, so avoid it. You can also use Haste or Hermes Sandles on the team, the Defender sword to protect and the spell Shell.

Rydia learns the summon Leviathan, which is Water-elemental, costs 70 MP, and is the third most powerful attack in the whole game, behind Ultima (1st, but only usable with Twincast Rosa and Cecil), Meteor and Bahamut (ex aequo, Bahamut is slowlier but you'll probably get it earlier than Meteor). This makes Rydia very, very powerful, you guessed it. But it's MP-consuming, watch out. You're done with this place, leave the town and then Teleport out.

Now, we are very powerful and all, it's time to go look for the last Crystal as we were asked... No ? Yup... Let's go, then. Fly off, go to Tomra to heal and buy some items you might need by now, and then go northwest. Not far from there, you see the entrance of the Sealed Cave. Enter it.

In next part : the last Crystal... Finally.

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